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2016-06-15[releng] Need to use RC4a instead of RC2 since "deleted"David Williams1-1/+1
2016-06-09[releng] change back to N-builds so Gerrit builds "get the latest". David Williams1-1/+1
2016-06-03Bug 495294 - [BETA_JAVA9] produce a patch build specifically for the Neon rel...David Williams1-2/+2
2016-05-30Bug 480303 - Update prereqs for Neon Milestones: EMFDavid Williams1-1/+1
2016-05-21Bug 492759 - update eclipserun to RC2 levelDavid Williams1-1/+1
2016-05-21Bug 492759 - update jdtcompiler David Williams1-1/+1
2016-05-19Bug 491517 - 64-bit version of Eclipse for Solaris/SPARCv9David Williams1-1/+5
2016-05-01Bug 492759 - update jdtcompiler to M7 level to produce RC1David Williams1-2/+2
2016-04-30Bug 492759 - update eclipserun to M7 level to produce RC1I20160429-2300David Williams1-1/+1
2016-04-27Bug 492567 - removed "circular definition"David Williams2-2/+6
2016-04-27bug 492412 no need to add sonatype URL. Will come from maven central. David Williams1-1/+3
2016-04-26[releng] change individual-bundles URL to I-buildsDavid Williams1-5/+1
2016-04-25Bug 492238 - Need to use API Tools from latest I-buildDavid Williams1-1/+1
2016-04-22Bug 492238 - Need to use API Tools from latest I-buildDavid Williams1-1/+1
2016-04-20Bug 480303 - Update prereqs for Neon Milestones: EMFDavid Williams1-1/+1
2016-04-20Bug 480301 - Update prereqs for Neon Milestones: ECF David Williams1-1/+1
2016-04-17Bug 491626 - test and move to Tycho 0.25David Williams1-3/+2
2016-04-14[releng] prep to test Tycho 0.25.0. David Williams1-1/+1
2016-04-14Bug 429343 removed 32 bit solaris (x86 and sparc) from target configDavid Williams1-12/+1
2016-04-14[releng] We should not use the value of some thing to set that thing. David Williams1-20/+22
2016-04-08Bug 429343 adding solaris 64 triplet to target platformDavid Williams1-0/+5
2016-04-07Revert "Bug 429343 64 bit version of Solaris/x86_64"David Williams1-5/+0
2016-04-07Bug 429343 64 bit version of Solaris/x86_64David Williams1-0/+5
2016-04-03Bug 487044 - Migrate some (most) cron jobs to Releng HIPP InstanceDavid Williams1-33/+0
2016-04-03 Bug 487044 - Migrate some (most) cron jobs to Releng HIPP InstanceDavid Williams1-30/+64
2016-03-23Bug 388956 - Enable code coverage in test suitesP20160324-0800Mickael Istria1-0/+31
2016-03-22Bug 489039 - optimistically moved to 4.6-I-builds for Java 9 patch David Williams1-1/+1
2016-03-22Bug 489039 - [BETA_JAVA9] JDT patch for MPC after milestoneP20160322-1400David Williams1-3/+3
2016-03-21Bug 489789: changed eclipse-p2-repo.url back to 4.6-N-buildsMarkus Keller1-1/+1
2016-03-21Bug 489789: reverted to file:///${env.HOME}/.m2 ; changed phase of read-proje...Markus Keller1-2/+2
2016-03-21Bug 489789: As standard procedure, switch "gerrit build reference" to I-build...Markus Keller1-1/+4
2016-03-21Bug 490027 - quick test of "auto deploy". Added comment againDavid Williams1-1/+1
2016-03-20Bug 490027 - quick test of "auto deploy". Added comment againDavid Williams1-1/+1
2016-03-20Bug 490027 - quick test of "auto deploy". Removed from before David Williams1-1/+0
2016-03-20Bug 490027 - quick test of "auto deploy" funtionality.David Williams1-0/+1
2016-03-19Bug 489789 - use property file -- <quiet>true required to be optionalDavid Williams1-0/+1
2016-03-19Bug 489899 - use current milestone to create next milestone (jdt andDavid Williams1-3/+3
2016-03-18Bug 489789 - use property file to specify build-individual-bundlesDavid Williams1-0/+26
2016-03-16Bug 477575: As standard procedure, switch "gerrit build reference" to I-build...Markus Keller1-2/+2
2016-03-15Bug 480303 - Update prereqs for Neon Milestones: EMFDavid Williams1-1/+1
2016-03-13Bug 480301 - Update prereqs for Neon Milestones: ECFDavid Williams1-1/+1
2016-03-03Bug 488188 - [BETA_JAVA9] incorrectly using milestone repoDavid Williams1-3/+3
2016-03-03Bug 488188 - [BETA_JAVA9] incorrectly using milestone repoDavid Williams1-1/+1
2016-02-19Bug 488127 - update xml-maven-plugin David Williams1-12/+17
2016-02-19Bug 488113 - Update maven-enforcer-plugin to 1.4.1Alexander Kurtakov1-1/+1
2016-02-11Bug 487656 - Use M5 to produce M6 - eclipserun repoDavid Williams1-1/+1
2016-02-11Bug 487656 - Use M5 to produce M6 - JDT Compiler and APTDavid Williams1-2/+2
2016-01-31Bug 486749 - [BETA_JAVA9] Build Eclipse SDK patch David Williams1-3/+3
2016-01-30Bug 486890 - move setting of eclipse-p2-repo.url David Williams1-5/+15
2016-01-29Bug 480303 - Update prereqs for Neon Milestones: EMFDavid Williams1-1/+1

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