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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2013-06-17refactor: Update build numbers to 0.11.1Roberto E. Escobar2-2/+2
2013-05-01feature: Create cache admin bundle and testsRoberto E. Escobar1-0/+7
2012-11-07refactor: Update build numbers to 0.11.0Roberto E. Escobar2-2/+2
2012-10-01refactor: Update build numbers to 0.10.4Roberto E. Escobar2-2/+2
2012-09-01refactor: Update build numbers to 0.10.3Roberto E. Escobar2-2/+2
2012-08-17refactor: Update build numbers to 0.10.2Roberto E. Escobar2-2/+2
2012-07-09refactor: Update build numbers to 0.10.1Roberto E. Escobar2-2/+2
2012-02-15refactor: Update build numbers to 0.10.0Roberto E. Escobar2-2/+2
2012-02-25feature[ats_VVMH0]: Create console admin bundleRoberto E. Escobar1-1/+8
2011-11-03feature[ats_5YSK8]: Create an MVP frameworkRoberto E. Escobar1-0/+8
2011-10-22feature[ats_Q9NLC]: Create executor adminRoberto E. Escobar1-1/+7
2011-09-29feature[ats_Q9NLC]: Add new bundles to buildrescobar1-0/+7
2011-09-22feature[ats_Q9NLC]: Use maven for new server buildrescobar6-0/+337

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