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<title>Create a new model from scratch</title>
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<h1 xmlns:l="">Create a new model from scratch</h1>
<div class="section" title="Create a new model from scratch">
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<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a name="Createanewmodelfromscratch2"></a>Create a new model from scratch</h2>
<p>Remember the exercise 
				<span class="emphasis"><em>HelloWorld</em></span>.
				Create a new eTrice project and name it 
				<span class="emphasis"><em>Blinky</em></span>
<p>To use the GUI please copy the package 
				<span class="emphasis"><em>org.eclipse.etrice.tutorials.PedLightGUI</em></span> from 
				<span class="emphasis"><em>org.eclipse.etrice.tutorials/src</em></span> to your 
				<span class="bold"><strong>src</strong></span> directory 
				<span class="emphasis"><em>Blinky/src</em></span>. For this tutorial you must remove the error markers by editing the file 
				<span class="emphasis"><em></em></span>. Appropriate comments are provided to remove the error markers for this turorial.
<p>Open the 
				<span class="emphasis"><em></em></span> file and copy the following code into the file or use content assist to create the model.
<div class="literallayout">
<code class="code">RoomModel&nbsp;Blinky&nbsp;{<br>




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<blockquote class="blockquote">

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