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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2016-09-06Bug 396457 - [Releng][Maven] Create a build based on tychoAlexander Kurtakov1-0/+15
2016-04-12Bug 491516 - "jre.compilation.profile" is lower than BREE in some projectsMat Booth1-2/+0
2015-07-24Updated min EE to 1.5slewis3-7/+6
2015-07-24Fix for bug
2015-07-24Fixes for API breakage.slewis2-1/+16
2015-07-24Fix for
2014-02-14Fix for bug
2013-01-24Added exported package version information in preparation for ECF 3.6.0slewis1-5/+5
2012-12-29Fix for API tools-required minor version update.slewis2-3/+4
2012-12-28Fix for presence.ui preferencesslewis1-2/+23
2012-12-12bug 368052: Chats view should make its intent clear Wim Jongman2-26/+67
2011-01-12fixes for compiler warningsslewis1-2/+1
2010-10-13renamed .cvsignore to .gitignore, created .gitignore where missingMarkus Alexander Kuppe1-0/+1
2010-05-07Fixes for build props warningsslewis1-0/+1
2010-04-24Removed warnings.slewis1-0/+94
2010-04-23Fix for
2010-02-17RESOLVED - bug 303030: Add getChatRoomContainers() to ChatRoomManagerViewmkuppe1-1/+1
2010-02-17RESOLVED - bug 303030: Add getChatRoomContainers() to ChatRoomManagerViewmkuppe1-0/+17
2010-01-06Fix for bug 298945slewis1-1/+1
2009-12-17Fixes for build.propertiesslewis1-0/+1
2009-11-04Added deferred content provider so roominfo retrieval done in non-UI threadslewis1-46/+142
2009-11-03Fixes to for src bundlesslewis1-2/+1
2009-10-12Fix for externalized messagesslewis2-48/+0
2009-07-24Bug 259856 The error message when the chat message cannot be sent is not corr...v20090729-0800rsuen3-5/+20
2009-05-07Bug 275359 [ui] remove use of deprecated methodsrsuen1-4/+5
2009-04-24Applied string externalization for plugin.xml files from bug 259547slewis2-1/+3
2009-03-19Updated provider name to - ECFslewis1-1/+1
2009-03-19Update to build properties for proper source plugin buildslewis1-4/+1
2009-02-14Bug 264887 - correct/remove warnings on ECF projectsrsuen1-1/+1
2009-02-14Bug 264887 - correct/remove warnings on ECF projectsrsuen2-5/+2
2009-02-12NEW - bug 264126: BREE should include Foundation 1.1 as much as possiblemkuppe3-5/+5
2009-02-09Fix for non-appearance of docshare editor context menu items.slewis1-9/+7
2009-02-04Fixes to project settings to deal with bug
2009-01-27*** empty log message ***mmayworm1-1/+2
2009-01-27Javadocs fixesslewis1-2/+2
2009-01-27Small fixes to UI and search managerslewis1-2/+2
2009-01-27Fixes for IResultList.geResults to getResults()slewis3-4/+4
2009-01-26Updated @since tagsslewis4-1/+4
2009-01-26[bug:256696] adding user search API on HEADmmayworm1-0/+7
2009-01-26[bug:256696] adding user search API on HEADmmayworm1-0/+1
2009-01-26[bug:256696] adding user search API on HEADmmayworm2-0/+53
2009-01-26[bug:256696] adding user search API on HEADmmayworm3-0/+355
2009-01-26[bug:256696] adding user search API on HEADmmayworm1-0/+279
2009-01-26[bug:256696] adding user search API on HEADmmayworm1-0/+24
2009-01-21ASSIGNED - bug 261791: Activate APITooling for ECFmkuppe1-0/+6
2008-12-14Dispose MRAs when the view has been disposed.rsuen1-1/+6
2008-12-14Fixes for bug 223484slewis1-7/+2
2008-11-29Fix bug 256074 - 'Open Contact' action should only be visible in our own pers...rsuen1-1/+8
2008-11-02Fix for bug 246155.v20081103-0800slewis3-2/+16

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