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Diffstat (limited to 'core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.qnx/library/spawner/spawner.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 266 deletions
diff --git a/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.qnx/library/spawner/spawner.c b/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.qnx/library/spawner/spawner.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a6c1cef581f..00000000000
--- a/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.qnx/library/spawner/spawner.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <malloc.h>
-#include <spawn.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <dlfcn.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include "Spawner.h"
-typedef JNIEXPORT void * (JNICALL * JVM_GetThreadInterruptEvent)();
-typedef JNIEXPORT char * (JNICALL * JVM_NativePath)(const char *);
-void ThrowByName(JNIEnv *env, const char *name, const char *msg);
-void * GetJVMProc(char * vmlib, char * procName);
-static void * hVM = NULL; /* Java Virtual Machine handler. */
-JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_cdt_utils_spawner_Spawner_exec0
- (JNIEnv * env, jobject proc, jobjectArray cmdArray, jobjectArray envp, jstring dir, jintArray channels)
- int fd_map[3]; /* File descriptors. */
- int fd_ret[3]; /* File descriptors that we return to Java. */
- int fd[2]; /* Pipe open structure. */
- int i;
- int nParms = 0;/* Number of parameters. */
- int nEnvs = 0;/* Number of environment variables. */
- char ** pParms = NULL; /* Parameters. */
- char ** pEnvs = NULL; /* Environment variables. */
- char * pCommand = NULL; /* Command to execute. */
- char cwd[PATH_MAX + 1]; /* Current working directory. */
- pid_t pid; /* Process ID. */
- struct inheritance inherit;
- if ((cmdArray == NULL) || ((nParms = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, cmdArray)) == 0))
- ThrowByName(env, "java/lang/IOException", "No command line specified");
- for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
- if (EOK != pipe(fd))
- ThrowByName(env, "java/io/IOException", "Cannot create pipe for spawner");
- if (0 == i) {
- fd_map[i] = fd[0];
- fd_ret[i] = fd[1];
- } else {
- fd_map[i] = fd[1];
- fd_ret[i] = fd[0];
- }
- }
- if (nParms > 0) {
- pParms = malloc(sizeof(char *) * (nParms + 1));
- for (i = 0; i < nParms; ++i) {
- jobject item = (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, cmdArray, i);
- const char *str = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, item, 0);
- if (i == 0)
- pCommand = strdup(str);
- pParms[i] = strdup(str);
- (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, item, str);
- }
- pParms[i] = NULL;
- }
- nEnvs = (*env) -> GetArrayLength(env, envp);
- if (nEnvs > 0) {
- pEnvs = malloc(sizeof(char *) * (nEnvs + 1));
- for (i = 0; i < nEnvs; ++i) {
- jobject item = (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, envp, i);
- const char *str = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, item, 0);
- pEnvs[i] = strdup(str);
- (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, item, str);
- }
- pEnvs[i] = NULL;
- }
- if (dir != 0) {
- char *item = (char *)(*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, dir, 0);
- getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd));
- chdir(item);
- (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, dir, item);
- }
- /* Nothing for now. */
- memset(&inherit, 0, sizeof(inherit));
- inherit.flags = SPAWN_SETGROUP;
- inherit.pgroup = SPAWN_NEWPGROUP;
- pid = spawnp(pCommand, 3, fd_map, &inherit, pParms, pEnvs);
- if (dir != 0) /* Restore working directory. */
- chdir(cwd);
- for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
- close(fd_map[i]);
- }
- if (-1 == pid) { /* Failed - close pipes. */
- for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
- close(fd_ret[i]);
- }
- } else { /* Success - return pipes to Java. */
- (*env) -> SetIntArrayRegion(env, channels, 0, 3, fd_ret);
- }
- /* Free Parameters. */
- if (pParms != NULL) {
- int j;
- for (j = 0; pParms[j] != NULL; j++) {
- if (pParms[j] != NULL) {
- free(pParms[j]);
- }
- }
- free(pParms);
- }
- /* Free Environment variables. */
- if (pEnvs != NULL) {
- int j;
- for (j = 0; pEnvs[j] != NULL; j++) {
- if (pEnvs[j] != NULL) {
- free(pEnvs[j]);
- }
- }
- free(pEnvs);
- }
- /* Free Command to execute. */
- if (pCommand != NULL) {
- free(pCommand);
- }
- return pid;
-JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_cdt_utils_spawner_Spawner_exec1
- (JNIEnv * env, jobject proc, jobjectArray cmdArray, jobjectArray envp, jstring dir)
- int i;
- int nParms = 0;// Number of parameters
- int nEnvs = 0;// Number of environment variables
- char ** pParms = NULL; // Parameters
- char ** pEnvs = NULL; // Environment variables
- char * pCommand = NULL; // Command to execute
- char * pwd = 0; // Process working directory
- char cwd[PATH_MAX + 1]; // Current working directory
- pid_t pid; // Process ID
- struct inheritance inherit;
- if ((cmdArray == 0) || ((nParms = (*env) -> GetArrayLength(env, cmdArray)) == 0))
- ThrowByName(env, "java/lang/NullPointerException", "No command line specified");
- if(nParms > 0)
- {
- pParms = malloc(sizeof(char *) * (nParms + 1));
- for(i = 0; i < nParms; ++i)
- {
- jobject item = (*env) -> GetObjectArrayElement(env, cmdArray, i);
- const char * str = (*env) -> GetStringUTFChars(env, item, 0);
- if(i == 0)
- pCommand = strdup(str);
- pParms[i] = strdup(str);
- (*env) -> ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, item, str);
- }
- pParms[i] = NULL;
- }
- nEnvs = (*env) -> GetArrayLength(env, envp);
- if(nEnvs > 0)
- {
- pEnvs = malloc(sizeof(char *) * (nEnvs + 1));
- for(i = 0; i < nEnvs; ++i)
- {
- jobject item = (*env) -> GetObjectArrayElement(env, envp, i);
- const char * str = (*env) -> GetStringUTFChars(env, item, 0);
- pEnvs[i] = strdup(str);
- (*env) -> ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, item, str);
- }
- pEnvs[i] = NULL;
- }
- if (dir != 0)
- {
- char * item;
- pwd = strdup(item = (char *)(*env) -> GetStringUTFChars(env, dir, 0));
- getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd));
- chdir(pwd);
- (*env) -> ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, dir, item);
- }
- // Nothing for now
- memset(&inherit, 0, sizeof(inherit));
- inherit.flags = SPAWN_SETGROUP;
- inherit.pgroup = SPAWN_NEWPGROUP;
- pid = spawnp(pCommand, 0, NULL, &inherit, pParms, pEnvs);
- if(dir != 0) // Restore working directory
- chdir(cwd);
- return pid;
- * Class: com_qnx_tools_utils_spawner_Spawner
- * Method: raise
- * Signature: (II)I
- */
-JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_cdt_utils_spawner_Spawner_raise
- (JNIEnv * env, jobject proc, jint pid, jint sig)
- return kill(pid, sig);
- * Class: com_qnx_tools_utils_spawner_Spawner
- * Method: waitFor
- * Signature: (I)I
- */
-JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_cdt_utils_spawner_Spawner_waitFor
- (JNIEnv * env, jobject proc, jint pid)
- int ret;
- int val = -1;
- ret = waitpid(pid, &stat_loc, WEXITED);
- if (ret == -1 && errno == EINTR) {
- // Throw an exception here.
- }
- if (WIFEXITED(stat_loc)) {
- val = WEXITSTATUS(stat_loc);
- }
- return val;
-// Utilities
-void ThrowByName(JNIEnv *env, const char *name, const char *msg)
- jclass cls = (*env)->FindClass(env, name);
- if (cls != 0) /* Otherwise an exception has already been thrown */
- (*env)->ThrowNew(env, cls, msg);
- /* It's a good practice to clean up the local references. */
- (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, cls);
-void * GetJVMProc(char * vmlib, char * procName)
- if(NULL == vmlib)
- vmlib = "";
- if((NULL == hVM) || (NULL == procName))
- {
- if(NULL == (hVM = dlopen(vmlib, 0)))
- return NULL;
- }
- return dlsym(hVM, procName);

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