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 * Copyright (c) 2007, 2012 Intel Corporation and others.
 * This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
 * Contributors:
 * Intel Corporation - Initial API and implementation
 * James Blackburn (Broadcom Corp.)
 * Baltasar Belyavsky (Texas Instruments) - bug 340219: Project metadata files are saved unnecessarily
package org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.settings.model;

import org.eclipse.cdt.core.CCorePlugin;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.CModelException;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.ICElementDelta;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.ICProject;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings.model.CProjectDescriptionEvent;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings.model.ICConfigurationDescription;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings.model.ICDescriptionDelta;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings.model.ICProjectDescription;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings.model.ICProjectDescriptionManager;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings.model.ICSettingsStorage;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings.model.ICStorageElement;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.model.CModelOperation;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProjectDescription;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRunnable;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;

 * The operation which actually causes the CProjectDescription to be serialized
 * This organizes the firing the {@link CProjectDescriptionEvent}s to all listeners
public class SetCProjectDescriptionOperation extends CModelOperation {
	/** The ProjectDescription Storage being used for this project description */
	private final AbstractCProjectDescriptionStorage fPrjDescStorage;
	private final CProjectDescription fSetDescription;
	private final int fFlags;

	 * Operation used for persisting the new CProjectDescription
	 * @param prjDescStorage
	 * @param cProject
	 * @param description
	 * @param flags
	public SetCProjectDescriptionOperation(AbstractCProjectDescriptionStorage prjDescStorage, ICProject cProject,
			CProjectDescription description, int flags) {
		this.fPrjDescStorage = prjDescStorage;
		fFlags = flags;
		fSetDescription = description;

	protected void executeOperation() throws CModelException {
		CProjectDescriptionManager mngr = CProjectDescriptionManager.getInstance();
		ICProject cProject = (ICProject) getElementToProcess();
		final IProject project = cProject.getProject();

		ICProjectDescription fOldDescriptionCache = mngr.getProjectDescription(project, false);

		AbstractCProjectDescriptionStorage.fireAboutToApplyEvent(fSetDescription, fOldDescriptionCache);
		CProjectDescription fNewDescriptionCache = null;
		SettingsContext context = new SettingsContext(project);
		boolean needsSerialization = false;

		if (fSetDescription != null) {
			ICStorageElement newEl = null;
			ICSettingsStorage newStorage = null;
			try {
				ICStorageElement base = fSetDescription.getRootStorageElement();
				needsSerialization = fSetDescription.needsDescriptionPersistence();
				//				el = base;
				// FIXME JBB there is deep magic going on here.  The project descriptions are being
				//           changed in non-obvious ways
				newEl = fPrjDescStorage.copyElement(base, false);
				newStorage = fPrjDescStorage.getStorageForElement(newEl);
			} catch (CoreException e) {

			boolean creating = fOldDescriptionCache != null ? fOldDescriptionCache.isCdtProjectCreating() : true;
			if (creating)
				creating = fSetDescription.isCdtProjectCreating();

			if (!fSetDescription.isValid() && (!mngr.isEmptyCreatingDescriptionAllowed() || !creating))
				throw new CModelException(ExceptionFactory.createCoreException(
						SettingsModelMessages.getString("CProjectDescriptionManager.17") + project.getName())); //$NON-NLS-1$

			fNewDescriptionCache = new CProjectDescription(fSetDescription, true, newStorage, newEl, creating);

			boolean envStates[] = getEnvStates(fNewDescriptionCache);
			try {
			} finally {
				setEnvStates(fNewDescriptionCache, envStates);

		ICDescriptionDelta delta = mngr.createDelta(fNewDescriptionCache, fOldDescriptionCache);

		// Generate the c element deltas
		ICElementDelta cElementDeltas[] = mngr.generateCElementDeltas(cProject, delta);
		for (ICElementDelta d : cElementDeltas)

		if (fSetDescription != null)

		try {
			final IProjectDescription eDes = context.getEclipseProjectDescription();
			if (mngr.checkHandleActiveCfgChange(fNewDescriptionCache, fOldDescriptionCache, eDes,
					new NullProgressMonitor())) {
		} catch (CoreException e2) {

		// fNewDescriptionCache is still writable and may be written to at this point
		AbstractCProjectDescriptionStorage.fireDataAppliedEvent(fNewDescriptionCache, fOldDescriptionCache,
				fSetDescription, delta);

		cProject.close(); // Why?
		// M-A.L: Here is an explanation I came up with from an investigation I did a long time ago ( :
		// "Some information in the CModel cache depends on the CProjectDescription. For example,
		// CContainerInfo caches the non-C resources (like excluded files). By closing the CProject,
		// that cache is deleted and rebuilt from CProjectDescription when needed. As a test,
		// I removed this line and excluded some files then I could see the cache not
		// being rebuilt and the icons for exclusion became out of sync."
		// If you are tempted to remove this line please consider this.

		//		ExternalSettingsManager.getInstance().updateDepentents(delta);

		if (fNewDescriptionCache != null) {

		// Set 'fSetProjectDescription' as the new read-only project description on the block
		fPrjDescStorage.setCurrentDescription(fNewDescriptionCache, true);

		CProjectDescriptionEvent event = AbstractCProjectDescriptionStorage.createAppliedEvent(fNewDescriptionCache,
				fOldDescriptionCache, fSetDescription, delta);

		try {
			IWorkspaceRunnable toRun = null;
			if (fNewDescriptionCache != null
					&& !CProjectDescriptionManager.checkFlags(fFlags, ICProjectDescriptionManager.SET_NO_SERIALIZE)) {
				if (needsSerialization || isPersistentCoreSettingChanged(event)) {
					toRun = fPrjDescStorage.createDesSerializationRunnable();
					if (toRun != null)
			toRun = context.createOperationRunnable();

			if (toRun != null)
				CProjectDescriptionManager.runWspModification(toRun, getSchedulingRule(), new NullProgressMonitor());
		} catch (CoreException e) {
			throw new CModelException(e);

	// Can't use project scoped rule see CProjectDescriptionBasicTests...
	//	/*
	//	 * Instead of using the workspace scheduling rule, use a more refined project scoped rule.
	//	 * This must contain the rule in CConfigBasedDescriptor.setApply(...)
	//	 */
	//	@Override
	//	public ISchedulingRule getSchedulingRule() {
	////		return null;
	//		return fPrjDescStorage.getProject();
	//	}

	private static boolean isPersistentCoreSettingChanged(CProjectDescriptionEvent event) {
		ICDescriptionDelta delta = event.getProjectDelta();
		if (delta == null)
			return false;
		if (delta.getDeltaKind() != ICDescriptionDelta.CHANGED)
			return true;

		if (delta.getChildren().length != 0)
			return true;

		int flags = delta.getChangeFlags();
		// check for any flag except ACTIVE_CFG and SETTING_CFG
		if ((flags & ~(ICDescriptionDelta.ACTIVE_CFG | ICDescriptionDelta.SETTING_CFG)) != 0)
			return true;

		return false;

	public boolean isReadOnly() {
		return false;

	 * Returns a boolean array corresponding to whether the environemnt is
	 * dirty on the configurations in the array returned by projDesc.getConfigurations()
	 * @param pd
	 * @return boolean[] indicating which configurations have a dirty environment
	private boolean[] getEnvStates(CProjectDescription pd) {
		ICConfigurationDescription[] cfs = pd.getConfigurations();
		boolean[] result = new boolean[cfs.length];
		for (int i = 0; i < cfs.length; i++) {
			if (cfs[i] instanceof IInternalCCfgInfo) {
				try {
					CConfigurationSpecSettings ss = ((IInternalCCfgInfo) cfs[i]).getSpecSettings();
					if (ss != null && ss.getEnvironment() != null)
						result[i] = ss.getEnvironment().isDirty();
				} catch (CoreException e) {
		return result;

	 * Set
	 * @param pd
	 * @param data
	private void setEnvStates(CProjectDescription pd, boolean[] data) {
		ICConfigurationDescription[] cfs = pd.getConfigurations();
		if (cfs == null || data == null)
		for (int i = 0; i < cfs.length; i++) {
			if (data.length <= i) {
				CCorePlugin.log("Error: setEnvStates: different number of configurations as there are envDatas...", //$NON-NLS-1$
						new Exception());
			if (!data[i])
				continue; // write only TRUE values
			if (cfs[i] instanceof IInternalCCfgInfo) {
				try {
					CConfigurationSpecSettings ss = ((IInternalCCfgInfo) cfs[i]).getSpecSettings();
					if (ss != null && ss.getEnvironment() != null)
				} catch (CoreException e) {


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