post M5 test infrastructure
diff --git a/releng.wtpbuilder/distribution/wtp.tests/testScripts/test.xml b/releng.wtpbuilder/distribution/wtp.tests/testScripts/test.xml
index 1947213..d290e90 100644
--- a/releng.wtpbuilder/distribution/wtp.tests/testScripts/test.xml
+++ b/releng.wtpbuilder/distribution/wtp.tests/testScripts/test.xml
@@ -1,512 +1,512 @@
-<project name="Automated Eclipse Testing" default="all"  basedir="." >
+<project name="Automated Eclipse Testing" default="all" basedir=".">
-        <echo message="starting Automated Eclipse Testing" />
-        <echo message="basedir: ${basedir}" />
-        <!--properties file containing the plugin directory name including version number-->
-        <property file="${testRoot}/" />
+	<echo message="starting Automated Eclipse Testing" />
+	<echo message="basedir: ${basedir}" />
+	<!--properties file containing the plugin directory name including version number-->
+	<property file="${testRoot}/" />
-        <!--properties file containing the build information-->
-        <property file="${buildDirectory}/" />
+	<!--properties file containing the build information-->
+	<property file="${buildDirectory}/" />
-        <!--default directory where test-eclipse will be installed-->
-        <property name="install" value="${testRoot}" />
+	<!--default directory where test-eclipse will be installed-->
+	<property name="install" value="${testRoot}" />
-        <!--name that can be added to report name to identify which platform tests results come from-->
-        <property name="platform" value="" />
+	<!--name that can be added to report name to identify which platform tests results come from-->
+	<property name="platform" value="" />
-        <!-- The root of the eclipse installation -->
-        <property name="eclipse-home" value="${testRoot}/eclipse" />
+	<!-- The root of the eclipse installation -->
+	<property name="eclipse-home" value="${testRoot}/eclipse" />
-        <!-- The path to libary.xml -->
-        <!--property name="library-file" value="${eclipse-home}/plugins/${org.eclipse.test}/library.xml" /-->
+	<!-- The path to libary.xml -->
+	<!--property name="library-file" value="${eclipse-home}/plugins/${org.eclipse.test}/library.xml" /-->
-        <!-- The directory that will contain the xml and html results from the tests that are run -->
-        <property name="results" value="${basedir}/results" />
+	<!-- The directory that will contain the xml and html results from the tests that are run -->
+	<property name="results" value="${testRoot}/results" />
-        <!-- jonas install directory -->
-        <property name="jonas432Dir" value="${testRoot}/${jonas432DirName}"/>
+	<!-- jonas install directory -->
+	<property name="jonas432Dir" value="${testRoot}/${jonas432DirName}" />
-        <target name="init">
-                <antcall target="setPropertyJOnAS432Dir"/>
-                <antcall target="computePluginVersion"/>
-        </target>
+	<target name="init">
+		<antcall target="setPropertyJOnAS432Dir" />
+		<antcall target="computePluginVersion" />
+	</target>
-        <target name="setPropertyJOnAS432Dir" unless="jonas432Dir">
-                <property name="jonas432Dir" value="${testRoot}/${jonas432DirName}"/>
-        </target>
+	<target name="setPropertyJOnAS432Dir" unless="jonas432Dir">
+		<property name="jonas432Dir" value="${testRoot}/${jonas432DirName}" />
+	</target>
-        <target name="setup" if="clean" description="Reinstall the test Eclipse installation if specified by user">
-                <delete dir="${install}" />
-                <mkdir dir="${install}" />
-                <exec dir="." executable="unzip">
-                        <arg line="-o -qq ../downloads/*.zip -d ${install}"/>
-                </exec>
+	<target name="setup" if="clean" description="Reinstall the test Eclipse installation if specified by user">
+		<delete dir="${install}" />
+		<mkdir dir="${install}" />
+		<exec dir="." executable="unzip">
+			<arg line="-o -qq ../downloads/*.zip -d ${install}" />
+		</exec>
-                <exec dir="." executable="unzip">
-                        <arg line="-o -qq  wtp-wst-tests-feature*.zip -d ${install}"/>
-                </exec>
+		<exec dir="." executable="unzip">
+			<arg line="-o -qq  wtp-wst-tests-feature*.zip -d ${install}" />
+		</exec>
-        </target>
+	</target>
-        <target name="runapitests" depends="setup">
-                <antcall target="runtests"/>
-        </target>
+	<target name="runapitests" depends="setup">
+		<antcall target="runtests" />
+	</target>
-        <target name="runtests" depends="setup" description="Runs ant on the test.xml for a specified plugin.  Requires a property value setting for testPlugin only if is not available.  The property testPlugin represents a directory name made up of the plugin id and plugin version.  This directory must contain a valid test.xml.">
-                <available file="${eclipse-home}/plugins/${testPlugin}/test.xml" property="test.xml.exists"/>
-                <antcall target="runtests2"/>
-        </target>
+	<target name="runtests" depends="setup" description="Runs ant on the test.xml for a specified plugin.  Requires a property value setting for testPlugin only if is not available.  The property testPlugin represents a directory name made up of the plugin id and plugin version.  This directory must contain a valid test.xml.">
+		<available file="${eclipse-home}/plugins/${testPlugin}/test.xml" property="test.xml.exists" />
+		<antcall target="runtests2" />
+	</target>
-        <target name="runtests2" if="test.xml.exists">
-                <antcall target="runtests-normal"/>
-                <copy file="${eclipse-home}/${report}.xml" tofile="${results}/xml/${report}_${platform}.xml" failonerror="false" />
-                <antcall target="genHtml" />
-        </target>
+	<target name="runtests2" if="test.xml.exists">
+		<antcall target="runtests-normal" />
+		<copy file="${eclipse-home}/${report}.xml" tofile="${results}/xml/${report}_${platform}.xml" failonerror="false" />
+		<antcall target="genHtml" />
+	</target>
-        <target name="runtests-normal">
-                <ant antfile="${eclipse-home}/plugins/${testPlugin}/test.xml" dir="${eclipse-home}">
-                        <property name="library-file" value="${testRoot}/junit-tests.xml"/>
-                </ant>
-                <copy file="${eclipse-home}/${report}.xml" tofile="${results}/xml/${report}_${platform}.xml" failonerror="false" />
-                <antcall target="genHtml" />
-        </target>
+	<target name="runtests-normal">
+		<ant antfile="${eclipse-home}/plugins/${testPlugin}/test.xml" dir="${eclipse-home}">
+			<property name="library-file" value="${testRoot}/junit-tests.xml" />
+		</ant>
+		<copy file="${eclipse-home}/${report}.xml" tofile="${results}/xml/${report}_${platform}.xml" failonerror="false" />
+		<antcall target="genHtml" />
+	</target>
-        <target name="wst-server-tests" description="Runs the org.eclipse.wst.server.*.tests test.xml">
-                <antcall target="runapitests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.server.core.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.server.core.tests" />
-                        <param name="package.includes" value="org.eclipse.wst.server"/>
-                </antcall>
-                <antcall target="runapitests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.tests" />
-                        <param name="package.includes" value="org.eclipse.wst.server"/>
-                </antcall>
-        </target>
+	<target name="wst-server-tests" description="Runs the org.eclipse.wst.server.*.tests test.xml">
+		<antcall target="runapitests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.server.core.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.server.core.tests" />
+			<param name="package.includes" value="org.eclipse.wst.server" />
+		</antcall>
+		<antcall target="runapitests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.tests" />
+			<param name="package.includes" value="org.eclipse.wst.server" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
-        <target name="wst-monitor-tests" description="Runs the org.eclipse.wst.internet.monitor.*.tests test.xml">
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.internet.monitor.core.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.internet.monitor.core.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.internet.monitor.ui.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.internet.monitor.ui.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-        </target>
+	<target name="wst-monitor-tests" description="Runs the org.eclipse.wst.internet.monitor.*.tests test.xml">
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.internet.monitor.core.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.internet.monitor.core.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.internet.monitor.ui.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.internet.monitor.ui.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
-        <target name="wst-cache-tests" description="Runs the org.eclipse.wst.internet.cache.tests test.xml">
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.internet.cache.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.internet.cache.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-        </target>
+	<target name="wst-cache-tests" description="Runs the org.eclipse.wst.internet.cache.tests test.xml">
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.internet.cache.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.internet.cache.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
-        <target name="jst-server-tests" description="Runs the org.eclipse.jst.server.*.tests test.xml">
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.server.core.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.server.core.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.server.ui.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.server.ui.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-        </target>
+	<target name="jst-server-tests" description="Runs the org.eclipse.jst.server.*.tests test.xml">
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.server.core.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.server.core.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.server.ui.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.server.ui.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
-        <target name="jst-server-tomcat-tests" description="Runs the org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.*.tests test.xml">
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.ui.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.ui.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-        </target>
+	<target name="jst-server-tomcat-tests" description="Runs the org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.*.tests test.xml">
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.ui.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.ui.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
-        <target name="jst-server-generic-tests" description="Runs the org.eclipse.jst.server.generic.tests test.xml">
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.server.generic.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.server.generic.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-        </target>
+	<target name="jst-server-generic-tests" description="Runs the org.eclipse.jst.server.generic.tests test.xml">
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.server.generic.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.server.generic.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
-        <target name="jst-server-geronimo-tests" description="Runs the org.eclipse.jst.server.geronimo.*.tests test.xml">
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.server.geronimo.core.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.server.geronimo.core.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.server.geronimo.ui.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.server.geronimo.ui.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-        </target>
+	<target name="jst-server-geronimo-tests" description="Runs the org.eclipse.jst.server.geronimo.*.tests test.xml">
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.server.geronimo.core.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.server.geronimo.core.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.server.geronimo.ui.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.server.geronimo.ui.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
-        <target name="jst-j2ee-core-tests" description="Runs the org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.core.tests test.xml">
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.core.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.core.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-        </target>
+	<target name="jst-j2ee-core-tests" description="Runs the org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.core.tests test.xml">
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.core.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.core.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
-        <target name="jst-j2ee-tests" description="Runs the org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.tests test.xml">
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-        </target>
+	<target name="jst-j2ee-tests" description="Runs the org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.tests test.xml">
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
-        <target name="wst-common-tests" description="Runs the org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.tests test.xml">
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.common.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.common.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-        </target>
+	<target name="wst-common-tests" description="Runs the org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.tests test.xml">
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.common.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.common.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
-        <target name="wst-common-snippets-tests">
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.common.snippets.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.common.snippets.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-        </target>
+	<target name="wst-common-snippets-tests">
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.common.snippets.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.common.snippets.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
-        <target name="jst-servlet-tests" description="Runs the org.eclipse.jst.servlet.tests test.xml">
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.servlet.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.servlet.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-        </target>
+	<target name="jst-servlet-tests" description="Runs the org.eclipse.jst.servlet.tests test.xml">
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.servlet.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.servlet.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
-        <target name="jst-validation-framework-tests" description="Runs the org.eclipse.jst.validation.test test.xml">
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.validation.test}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.validation.test" />
-                </antcall>
-        </target>
+	<target name="jst-validation-framework-tests" description="Runs the org.eclipse.jst.validation.test test.xml">
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.validation.test}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.validation.test" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
-        <!-- JSP TESTS -->
-        <target name="jst-jsp-tests" description="Runs test.xml for
+	<!-- JSP TESTS -->
+	<target name="jst-jsp-tests" description="Runs test.xml for
-                <antcall  target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.jsp.ui.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.jsp.ui.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.jsp.tests.encoding}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.jsp.tests.encoding" />
-                </antcall>
-        </target>
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.jsp.ui.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.jsp.ui.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.jsp.tests.encoding}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.jsp.tests.encoding" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
-        <!-- SSE TESTS -->
-        <target name="wst-sse-tests" description="Runs test.xml for
+	<!-- SSE TESTS -->
+	<target name="wst-sse-tests" description="Runs test.xml for
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.tests" />
-                </antcall>
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.tests" />
+		</antcall>
-            <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-        </target>
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
-        <!-- XML TESTS -->
-        <target name="wst-xml-tests" description="Runs test.xml for
+	<!-- XML TESTS -->
+	<target name="wst-xml-tests" description="Runs test.xml for
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.xml.tests.encoding}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.xml.tests.encoding" />
-                </antcall>
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.xml.validation.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.xml.validation.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-        </target>
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.xml.tests.encoding}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.xml.tests.encoding" />
+		</antcall>
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.xml.validation.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.xml.validation.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
-        <!-- WSDL TESTS -->
-        <target name="wst-wsdl-tests" description="Runs test.xml for
+	<!-- WSDL TESTS -->
+	<target name="wst-wsdl-tests" description="Runs test.xml for
-                <antcall target="runapitests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.tests" />
-                        <param name="package.includes" value="org.eclipse.wst.wsdl"/>
-                </antcall>
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.validation.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.validation.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-        </target>
+		<antcall target="runapitests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.tests" />
+			<param name="package.includes" value="org.eclipse.wst.wsdl" />
+		</antcall>
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.validation.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.validation.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
-        <!-- WSI TESTS -->
-        <target name="wst-wsi-tests" description="Runs test.xml for
+	<!-- WSI TESTS -->
+	<target name="wst-wsi-tests" description="Runs test.xml for
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.wsi.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.wsi.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-        </target>
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.wsi.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.wsi.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
-        <!-- XSD TESTS -->
-        <target name="wst-xsd-tests" description="Runs test.xml for
+	<!-- XSD TESTS -->
+	<target name="wst-xsd-tests" description="Runs test.xml for
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.xsd.validation.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.xsd.validation.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-        </target>
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.xsd.validation.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.xsd.validation.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
-        <!-- HTML TESTS -->
-        <target name="wst-html-tests" description="Runs test.xml for
+	<!-- HTML TESTS -->
+	<target name="wst-html-tests" description="Runs test.xml for
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.html.core.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.html.core.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.html.ui.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.html.ui.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.html.tests.encoding}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.html.tests.encoding" />
-                </antcall>
-        </target>
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.html.core.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.html.core.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.html.ui.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.html.ui.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.html.tests.encoding}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.html.tests.encoding" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
-        <!-- DTD Tests -->
-        <target name="wst-dtd-tests">
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.dtd.ui.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.dtd.ui.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-        </target>
+	<!-- DTD Tests -->
+	<target name="wst-dtd-tests">
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.dtd.ui.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.dtd.ui.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
-        <!-- CSS TESTS -->
-        <target name="wst-css-tests" description="Runs test.xml for
+	<!-- CSS TESTS -->
+	<target name="wst-css-tests" description="Runs test.xml for
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.css.core.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.css.core.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.css.tests.encoding}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.css.tests.encoding" />
-                </antcall>
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.css.ui.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.css.ui.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-        </target>
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.css.core.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.css.core.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.css.tests.encoding}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.css.tests.encoding" />
+		</antcall>
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.css.ui.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.css.ui.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
-        <!-- JSF TESTS -->
-        <target name="jsf-tests" description="Runs test.xml for org.eclipse.jst.jsf.core.tests, org.eclipse.jst.jsf.ui.tests">
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.jsf.core.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.jsf.core.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.jsf.ui.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.jsf.ui.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.jsf.metadata.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.jsf.metadata.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.jsf.contentassist.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.jsf.contentassist.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-        </target>
+	<!-- JSF TESTS -->
+	<target name="jsf-tests" description="Runs test.xml for org.eclipse.jst.jsf.core.tests, org.eclipse.jst.jsf.ui.tests">
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.jsf.core.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.jsf.core.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.jsf.ui.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.jsf.ui.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.jsf.metadata.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.jsf.metadata.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.jsf.contentassist.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.jsf.contentassist.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
-        <!-- WS TESTS -->
+	<!-- WS TESTS -->
-        <target name="wst-ws-tests" description="Runs the test.xml">
-                        <antcall target="runtests">
-                                <param name="testPlugin" value="${}" />
-                                <param name="report" value="" />
-                        </antcall>
-                </target>
+	<target name="wst-ws-tests" description="Runs the test.xml">
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${}" />
+			<param name="report" value="" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
-        <target name="jst-ws-tests" description="Runs the test.xml">
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="" />
-                </antcall>
-        </target>
+	<target name="jst-ws-tests" description="Runs the test.xml">
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${}" />
+			<param name="report" value="" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
-        <!-- Faceted Project Framework Tests -->
+	<!-- Faceted Project Framework Tests -->
-        <target name="wst-facets-tests" description="Runs the Faceted Project Framework tests.">
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-        </target>
+	<target name="wst-facets-tests" description="Runs the Faceted Project Framework tests.">
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
-    <!-- Dali tests -->
-        <target name="jpa-utility-tests" description="Runs the org.eclipse.jst.jpa.utility.tests test.xml">
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.jpa.utility.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.jpa.utility.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-        </target>
-        <target name="dali-core-tests" description="Runs the org.eclipse.jst.jpa.core.tests test.xml">
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.jpa.core.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.jpa.core.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-        </target>
+	<!-- Dali tests -->
+	<target name="jpa-utility-tests" description="Runs the org.eclipse.jst.jpa.utility.tests test.xml">
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.jpa.utility.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.jpa.utility.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
+	<target name="dali-core-tests" description="Runs the org.eclipse.jst.jpa.core.tests test.xml">
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jst.jpa.core.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jst.jpa.core.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
-        <!-- releng Tests -->
+	<!-- releng Tests -->
-        <target name="releng-tests" description="Runs the releng tests.">
-                <antcall target="runtests">
-                        <param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wtp.releng.tests}" />
-                        <param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wtp.releng.tests" />
-                </antcall>
-        </target>
+	<target name="releng-tests" description="Runs the releng tests.">
+		<antcall target="runtests">
+			<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.wtp.releng.tests}" />
+			<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.wtp.releng.tests" />
+		</antcall>
+	</target>
-        <target name="all" depends="init">
-                <property file="${testRoot}/"/>
+	<target name="all" depends="init">
+		<property file="${testRoot}/" />
-                <echo message="Starting WTP Unit Tests"/>
+		<echo message="Starting WTP Unit Tests" />
-                <echo message="Starting releng tests"/>
-                <antcall target="releng-tests" />
+		<echo message="Starting releng tests" />
+		<antcall target="releng-tests" />
-                <echo message="Starting wst-server-tests"/>
-                <antcall target="wst-server-tests"/>
+		<echo message="Starting wst-server-tests" />
+		<antcall target="wst-server-tests" />
-        <echo message="Starting wst-monitor-tests"/>
-                <antcall target="wst-monitor-tests"/>
+		<echo message="Starting wst-monitor-tests" />
+		<antcall target="wst-monitor-tests" />
-        <echo message="Starting wst-cache-tests"/>
-                <antcall target="wst-cache-tests"/>
+		<echo message="Starting wst-cache-tests" />
+		<antcall target="wst-cache-tests" />
-        <echo message="Starting wst-common-tests"/>
-                <antcall target="wst-common-tests" />
+		<echo message="Starting wst-common-tests" />
+		<antcall target="wst-common-tests" />
-                <echo message="Starting wst-common-snippets-tests"/>
-                <antcall target="wst-common-snippets-tests"/>
+		<echo message="Starting wst-common-snippets-tests" />
+		<antcall target="wst-common-snippets-tests" />
-        <echo message="Starting wst-sse-tests"/>
-                <antcall target="wst-sse-tests" />
+		<echo message="Starting wst-sse-tests" />
+		<antcall target="wst-sse-tests" />
-        <echo message="Starting wst-xml-tests"/>
-                <antcall target="wst-xml-tests" />
+		<echo message="Starting wst-xml-tests" />
+		<antcall target="wst-xml-tests" />
-        <echo message="Starting wst-wsdl-tests"/>
-                <antcall target="wst-wsdl-tests" />
+		<echo message="Starting wst-wsdl-tests" />
+		<antcall target="wst-wsdl-tests" />
-        <echo message="Starting wst-wsi-tests"/>
-                <antcall target="wst-wsi-tests" />
+		<echo message="Starting wst-wsi-tests" />
+		<antcall target="wst-wsi-tests" />
-        <echo message="Starting wst-xsd-tests"/>
-        <antcall target="wst-xsd-tests" />
+		<echo message="Starting wst-xsd-tests" />
+		<antcall target="wst-xsd-tests" />
-        <echo message="Starting wst-html-tests"/>
-        <antcall target="wst-html-tests" />
+		<echo message="Starting wst-html-tests" />
+		<antcall target="wst-html-tests" />
-                <echo message="Starting wst-dtd-tests"/>
-                <antcall target="wst-dtd-tests" />
+		<echo message="Starting wst-dtd-tests" />
+		<antcall target="wst-dtd-tests" />
-        <echo message="Starting wst-css-tests"/>
-        <antcall target="wst-css-tests" />
+		<echo message="Starting wst-css-tests" />
+		<antcall target="wst-css-tests" />
-        <echo message="Starting wst-ws-tests"/>
-                <antcall target="wst-ws-tests" />
+		<echo message="Starting wst-ws-tests" />
+		<antcall target="wst-ws-tests" />
-        <echo message="Starting jst-server-tests"/>
-                <antcall target="jst-server-tests"/>
+		<echo message="Starting jst-server-tests" />
+		<antcall target="jst-server-tests" />
-        <echo message="Starting jst-server-tomcat-tests"/>
-                <antcall target="jst-server-tomcat-tests"/>
+		<echo message="Starting jst-server-tomcat-tests" />
+		<antcall target="jst-server-tomcat-tests" />
-        <echo message="Starting jst-server-geronimo-tests"/>
-                <antcall target="jst-server-geronimo-tests"/>
+		<echo message="Starting jst-server-geronimo-tests" />
+		<antcall target="jst-server-geronimo-tests" />
-        <echo message="Starting jst-server-generic-tests"/>
-                <antcall target="jst-server-generic-tests"/>
+		<echo message="Starting jst-server-generic-tests" />
+		<antcall target="jst-server-generic-tests" />
-        <echo message="Starting jst-j2ee-core-tests"/>
-                <antcall target="jst-j2ee-core-tests" />
+		<echo message="Starting jst-j2ee-core-tests" />
+		<antcall target="jst-j2ee-core-tests" />
-        <echo message="Starting jst-j2ee-tests"/>
-                <antcall target="jst-j2ee-tests" />
+		<echo message="Starting jst-j2ee-tests" />
+		<antcall target="jst-j2ee-tests" />
-        <echo message="Starting jst-servlet-tests"/>
-                <antcall target="jst-servlet-tests" />
+		<echo message="Starting jst-servlet-tests" />
+		<antcall target="jst-servlet-tests" />
-        <echo message="Starting jst-validation-framework-tests"/>
-                <antcall target="jst-validation-framework-tests" />
+		<echo message="Starting jst-validation-framework-tests" />
+		<antcall target="jst-validation-framework-tests" />
-        <echo message="Starting jst-jsp-tests"/>
-                <antcall target="jst-jsp-tests" />
+		<echo message="Starting jst-jsp-tests" />
+		<antcall target="jst-jsp-tests" />
-        <echo message="Starting jst-ws-tests"/>
-                <antcall target="jst-ws-tests" />
+		<echo message="Starting jst-ws-tests" />
+		<antcall target="jst-ws-tests" />
-        <echo message="Starting wst-facets-tests"/>
-                <antcall target="wst-facets-tests" />
+		<echo message="Starting wst-facets-tests" />
+		<antcall target="wst-facets-tests" />
-        <echo message="Starting JPA Unit Tests"/>
+		<echo message="Starting JPA Unit Tests" />
-        <echo message="Starting jpa-utility-tests"/>
-        <antcall target="jpa-utility-tests" />
-        <echo message="Starting dali-core-tests"/>
-        <antcall target="dali-core-tests" />
+		<echo message="Starting jpa-utility-tests" />
+		<antcall target="jpa-utility-tests" />
+		<echo message="Starting dali-core-tests" />
+		<antcall target="dali-core-tests" />
-        <echo message="Ended JPA Unit Tests"/>
+		<echo message="Ended JPA Unit Tests" />
-                <echo message="Starting JSF Tests"/>
-                <antcall target="jsf-tests" />
+		<echo message="Starting JSF Tests" />
+		<antcall target="jsf-tests" />
-                <echo message="Ended WTP Unit Tests"/>
+		<echo message="Ended WTP Unit Tests" />
-        </target>
+	</target>
-        <target name="genHtml" description="Generates HTML results with provided JUNIT.XSL provided" unless="genHtml.disable">
-                <style style="JUNIT.XSL" basedir="${results}/xml" destdir="${results}/html" />
-        </target>
+	<target name="genHtml" description="Generates HTML results with provided JUNIT.XSL provided" unless="genHtml.disable">
+		<style style="JUNIT.XSL" basedir="${results}/xml" destdir="${results}/html" />
+	</target>
-        <target name="computePluginVersion">
-                <java classname="org.eclipse.wtp.releng.test.ComputePluginVersion">
-                        <classpath>
-                                <pathelement location="ComputePluginVersion.jar"/>
-                        </classpath>
-                        <arg value="${testRoot}/eclipse/plugins"/>
-                        <arg value="${testRoot}/"/>
-                </java>
-        </target>
+	<target name="computePluginVersion">
+		<java classname="org.eclipse.wtp.releng.test.ComputePluginVersion">
+			<classpath>
+				<pathelement location="ComputePluginVersion.jar" />
+			</classpath>
+			<arg value="${testRoot}/eclipse/plugins" />
+			<arg value="${testRoot}/" />
+		</java>
+	</target>
\ No newline at end of file