blob: b3bfaa198dee24d9b6dfbbbfdda3f589e6c5c12f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
* This class is used to take the output usage.xml files generated from SimpleClass2Reference
* and combine them into a helpful CSV or HTML file format displaying API and non-API internal
* usage for each logically grouped component team in WTP. The main method can be invoked with
* the following three command line arguments:
* "src" = the zip or folder location of the usage.xml files
* "api" = the zip or folder location of the component.xml files defining the API base
* "output" = the location of the output csv and html combined files
public class CombineClass2Reference implements IComponentConstants, IOutputConstants {
// Command Line arguments
public static final String ARG_SOURCE = "src"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String ARG_OUTPUT = "output"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String ARG_API = "api"; //$NON-NLS-1$
// Instance variables
private HashMap plugin2compTeam;
private List componentTeams;
private Collection src;
private String output;
private Collection api;
// Class variables for String values
private static final String CLASS_CVS_FILE_EXTENSION = ".class.csv"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String PACKAGE_CVS_FILE_EXTENSION = ".pkg.csv"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String PLUGIN_CVS_FILE_EXTENSION = ".plugin.csv"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String CLASS_HTML_FILE_EXTENSION = ".class.html"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String PACKAGE_HTML_FILE_EXTENSION = ".pkg.html"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String PLUGIN_HTML_FILE_EXTENSION = ".plugin.html"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String COMBINE_PLUGINS_FILE = "org/eclipse/wtp/releng/tools/component/xsl/combine-plugin2ref.xsl"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String COMBINE_PACKAGES_FILE = "org/eclipse/wtp/releng/tools/component/xsl/combine-pkg2ref.xsl"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String COMBINE_CLASSES_FILE = "org/eclipse/wtp/releng/tools/component/xsl/combine-class2ref.xsl"; //$NON-NLS-1$
// Class variables for reference usage constants
private static final int CLASS_USAGE = 0;
private static final int PACKAGE_USAGE = 1;
private static final int PLUGIN_USAGE = 2;
* The ComponentTeam class manages the number of references per logical grouping of plugins at
* either the class, package, or plugin level.
private class ComponentTeam {
private String teamName;
private TreeMap class2refCounts;
private TreeMap pkg2refCounts;
private TreeMap plugin2refCounts;
* Simple constructor
* @param aTeamName
public ComponentTeam(String aTeamName) {
teamName = aTeamName;
* @return String component team's name
public String getTeamName() {
return teamName;
* @return TreeMap of class reference counts
public TreeMap getClassReferenceCounts() {
if (class2refCounts==null)
class2refCounts = new TreeMap();
return class2refCounts;
* @return TreeMap of package reference counts
public TreeMap getPackageReferenceCounts() {
if (pkg2refCounts==null)
pkg2refCounts = new TreeMap();
return pkg2refCounts;
* @return TreeMap of plugin reference counts
public TreeMap getPluginReferenceCounts() {
if (plugin2refCounts==null)
plugin2refCounts = new TreeMap();
return plugin2refCounts;
* The UsageCount class is a simple caching mechanism to track API and non API usages.
private class UsageCount {
* Uses in an accordance with API contract
public int apiUse = 0;
* Internal or other non API usages outside API contract
public int nonAPIUse = 0;
* Default Constructor
public CombineClass2Reference() {
* @return Collection of source usage.xml files
public Collection getSrc() {
return src;
* Cache the command line argument for where the source usage.xml files are
* @param src
public void setSrc(Collection src) {
this.src = src;
* @return String location of the output for the generated files
public String getOutput() {
return output;
* Cache the command line argument output location for the generated files
* @param output
public void setOutput(String output) {
this.output = output;
* @return Collection of API locations for component.xml files
public Collection getApi() {
return api;
* Cache the command line argument for where the API component.xml file locations are
* @param api
public void setApi(Collection api) {
this.api = api;
* This is a helper method to create a map of plugin ids and associated component.xml files.
* These component.xml files are the one specified by the collection in the "api" command
* line argument.
* @return Map of plugin ids to component.xml files
private Map collectComponentXMLFiles() {
Map pluginId2CompXML = new HashMap();
if (getApi() != null) {
for (Iterator i = getApi().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
// For each API file or location, create a Location object
ILocation apiLocation = Location.createLocation(new File((String);
// Create a visitor to traverse the location and collect all contained component.xml files
ComponentXMLVisitor compXMLVisitor = new ComponentXMLVisitor();
// For each component.xml found, find the plugins it corresponds to
for (Iterator it = compXMLVisitor.getCompXMLs().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
ComponentXML compXML = (ComponentXML);
// For each plugin, add a mapping for the plugin to the component.xml file
for (Iterator it2 = compXML.getPlugins().iterator(); it2.hasNext();) {
pluginId2CompXML.put(((Plugin), compXML);
return pluginId2CompXML;
* This method drives the combination of the usages in the usage.xml files and based on the
* API information in the component.xml files in the given map, it will appropriately
* tabulate non-API and API usage information for class references, package references, and
* plugin references.
* @param pluginId2CompXML
private void processUsages(Map pluginId2CompXML) {
// Iterate over all of the source usage.xml files provided by the "src" collection argument
for (Iterator it = getSrc().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
FileInputStream fis = null;
try {
// Open a file input stream on the current source usage.xml file
String file = (String);
fis = new FileInputStream(file);
// Create a references object to parse the usage.xml file and cache the references
References refs = new References();
// Iterate through the list of plugins referenced in usage.xml file
for (Iterator it2 = refs.getPluginRefs().iterator(); it2.hasNext();) {
PluginRef pluginRef = (PluginRef);
String pluginId = pluginRef.getId();
// Retrieve the corresponding component.xml file for the current plugin referenced
ComponentXML compXML = (ComponentXML)pluginId2CompXML.get(pluginId);
// Get the corresponding component team from that plugin id
ComponentTeam compTeam = getComponentTeam(pluginId);
// Iterate through the class references in that plugin reference
for (Iterator it3 = pluginRef.getClassRefs().iterator(); it3.hasNext();) {
ClassRef classRef = (ClassRef);
// Update the component team's cached reference counts with the current class reference
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new RuntimeException(t);
} finally {
// Close the current file input stream
if (fis != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {}
* The execute method drives the combination operation by collecting component.xml files
* from the "api" command line arugment, processing references in usage.xml files from the
* "src" command line argument, and then writing them out in CSV and HTML file format to
* a location specified by the "output" command line argument.
private void execute() {
// Collect the plugin to component.xml file map from the specified collection of
// component.xml files in the "api" command line argument.
Map pluginId2CompXML = collectComponentXMLFiles();
// Process the usages in the usage.xml files provided by the "src" collection command arg
// Generate the output files for combined usage in CSV format
// Generate the output files for combined usage in HTML format
private List getOrderedReferencedCountKeys(final TreeMap referenceCounts) {
String[] keys = (String[]) referenceCounts.keySet().toArray(new String[referenceCounts.keySet().size()]);
Comparator nonAPIComparator = new Comparator() {
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
UsageCount usageCount1 = (UsageCount) referenceCounts.get(o1);
UsageCount usageCount2 = (UsageCount) referenceCounts.get(o2);
return usageCount2.nonAPIUse-usageCount1.nonAPIUse;
return Arrays.asList(keys);
* Helper method to update the passed in component team's cached usage counts based on the
* given class reference and known API's in the provided component.xml file.
* @param compTeam
* @param compXML
* @param classRef
* @param pluginId
private void updateComponentTeamUsageCounts(ComponentTeam compTeam, ComponentXML compXML, ClassRef classRef, String pluginId) {
String name = classRef.getName();
String pkgName = getPackageName(name);
// Get the usage count object for the current referenced class
UsageCount usageCount = getUsageCount(compXML, classRef, pkgName, name.substring(pkgName.length() + 1));
// Get the component team's cached class reference usage count
UsageCount classUsageCount = (UsageCount)compTeam.getClassReferenceCounts().get(name);
if (classUsageCount == null)
classUsageCount = new UsageCount();
// Update the component team's cached class usage count with the current usage count
classUsageCount.apiUse += usageCount.apiUse;
classUsageCount.nonAPIUse += usageCount.nonAPIUse;
// Put the updated class Usage count back into the cache on the component team
compTeam.getClassReferenceCounts().put(name, classUsageCount);
// Get the component team's cached package reference usage count
UsageCount pkgUsageCount = (UsageCount)compTeam.getPackageReferenceCounts().get(pkgName);
if (pkgUsageCount == null)
pkgUsageCount = new UsageCount();
// Update the component team's cached package reference count with current usage count
pkgUsageCount.apiUse += usageCount.apiUse;
pkgUsageCount.nonAPIUse += usageCount.nonAPIUse;
// Put the updated package usage count back into the cache on the component team
compTeam.getPackageReferenceCounts().put(pkgName, pkgUsageCount);
// Get the component team's cached plugin reference usage count
UsageCount pluginUsageCount = (UsageCount)compTeam.getPluginReferenceCounts().get(pluginId);
if (pluginUsageCount == null)
pluginUsageCount = new UsageCount();
// Update the component team's cached plugin reference count with current usage count
pluginUsageCount.apiUse += usageCount.apiUse;
pluginUsageCount.nonAPIUse += usageCount.nonAPIUse;
// Put the update plugin usage count back into the cache on the component team
compTeam.getPluginReferenceCounts().put(pluginId, pluginUsageCount);
* Helper method to find the corresponding component team for a given plugin id. If one is
* not found, the unknown component is returned.
* @param pluginId
* @return ComponentTeam for specified plugin
private ComponentTeam getComponentTeam(String pluginId) {
// Try and match the proper component team to the referenced plugin from the
// map of plugins to component teams
for (Iterator it3 = getPluginComponentMap().keySet().iterator(); it3.hasNext();) {
String regex = (String);
if (pluginId.matches(regex)) {
return (ComponentTeam)getPluginComponentMap().get(regex);
// Otherwise return the unknown component
return getUnknownComponent();
* This method will cache and return the usages of the class reference into a UsageCount object.
* It will check the passed in component.xml to see if the reference is using a qualified API
* or if it is an internal usage. The types of references which qualify are class references,
* subclasses, implementers, or instantiators.
* @param compXML
* @param classRef
* @param pkgName
* @param localName
* @return UsageCount
private UsageCount getUsageCount(ComponentXML compXML, ClassRef classRef, String pkgName, String localName) {
// Create UsageCount object
UsageCount usageCount = new UsageCount();
int refCount = classRef.getRefCount();
int subclassCount = classRef.getSubclassCount();
int implCount = classRef.getImplementCount();
int instantiateCount = classRef.getInstantiateCount();
// If the component.xml is null, or the package referenced does not exist in the component.xml
// we know the reference cannot be an API use, so just add all the references to the non-API
// count and return.
if (compXML==null || compXML.getPackage(pkgName)==null) {
usageCount.nonAPIUse = refCount + subclassCount + implCount + instantiateCount;
return usageCount;
// Get the referenced package from the component.xml file
Package pkg = compXML.getPackage(pkgName);
// Get the references type from the references pckage in the component.xml file
Type type = pkg.getType(localName);
if (type == null) {
// If the type is null, but the package is an API package, update the API count
if (pkg.isApi()) {
usageCount.apiUse = refCount + subclassCount + implCount + instantiateCount;
return usageCount;
// If the type is null, but the package is not API, update the non-API count
usageCount.nonAPIUse = refCount + subclassCount + implCount + instantiateCount;
return usageCount;
// Handle the cases where we have a valid component.xml package and type.
// If the type is not a valid API reference, increment the non-API ref count
if (!type.isReference()) {
usageCount.nonAPIUse += classRef.getRefCount();
} else {
// Otherwise, increment API ref count
usageCount.apiUse += classRef.getRefCount();
// If the type is not a valid API subclass, increment the non-API subclass count
if (!type.isSubclass()) {
usageCount.nonAPIUse += classRef.getSubclassCount();
} else {
// Otherwise, increment API subclass count
usageCount.apiUse += classRef.getSubclassCount();
// If the type is not a valid API implementor, increment the non-API implementor count
if (!type.isImplement()) {
usageCount.nonAPIUse += classRef.getImplementCount();
} else {
// Otherwise increment API implementor count
usageCount.apiUse += classRef.getImplementCount();
// If the type is not a valid API instantiation, increment the non-API instantiation count
if (!type.isInstantiate()) {
usageCount.nonAPIUse += classRef.getInstantiateCount();
} else {
// Otherwise increment API instantation count
usageCount.apiUse += classRef.getInstantiateCount();
// Return the usage count
return usageCount;
* Given a fully qualified class name, return the package name.
* @param a fully qualified className
* @return the package name
private String getPackageName(String className) {
int i = className.lastIndexOf('.');
if (i != -1)
return className.substring(0, i);
return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Generate CSV format files displaying the combined internal and API usage for classes,
* packages, and plugins.
private void generateCSVFiles() {
FileWriter classWriter = null;
FileWriter pkgWriter = null;
FileWriter pluginWriter = null;
try {
// Create the file writers
classWriter = new FileWriter(getOutput() + CLASS_CVS_FILE_EXTENSION);
pkgWriter = new FileWriter(getOutput() + PACKAGE_CVS_FILE_EXTENSION);
pluginWriter = new FileWriter(getOutput() + PLUGIN_CVS_FILE_EXTENSION);
// For each component team, write the CVS file content for the component's usage
for (int i=0; i<getComponentTeams().size(); i++) {
ComponentTeam compTeam = (ComponentTeam) getComponentTeams().get(i);
writeCompTeamCSV(compTeam, classWriter, pkgWriter, pluginWriter);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new RuntimeException(ioe);
} finally {
// Close the class usage file writer
if (classWriter != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {}
// Close the package usage file writer
if (pkgWriter != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {}
// Close the plugin usage file writer
if (pluginWriter != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {}
* This method drives the creation of the CSV file contents for the given component team
* and corresponding writers.
* @param compTeam
* @param classWriter
* @param pkgWriter
* @param pluginWriter
* @throws IOException
private void writeCompTeamCSV(ComponentTeam compTeam, Writer classWriter, Writer pkgWriter, Writer pluginWriter) throws IOException {
* This is a helper method to write out the given component team's reference counts in
* a CSV file format.
* @param compTeam
* @param writer
* @param referenceCounts
* @throws IOException
private void writeCompTeamCSV(ComponentTeam compTeam, Writer writer, TreeMap referenceCounts) throws IOException {
// Write the team name
// Order reference counts by usage type
List orderedKeys = getOrderedReferencedCountKeys(referenceCounts);
// For each name key, retrieve the corresponding usage count values
for (Iterator it = orderedKeys.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String name = (String);
// Get the corresponding usage count for the name key
UsageCount usageCount = (UsageCount)referenceCounts.get(name);
// Write out the internal and api usages
* Generate the HTML files for comibined usage ref counts of classes, packages, and plugins.
private void generateHTMLFiles() {
try {
// Create a new output stream
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
// For each component team, write out the combined component team specific usage data
for (int i=0; i<getComponentTeams().size(); i++) {
ComponentTeam compTeam = (ComponentTeam) getComponentTeams().get(i);
writeCompTeamXML(compTeam, baos);
// Close the output stream
// Create a byte array from the output stream contents
byte[] content = baos.toByteArray();
// Write out the byte array xml to a html file output stream for the plugin references
// This transform will do a XSLT operation using the file combine-plugin2ref.xsl
XSLUtil.transform (
new ByteArrayInputStream(content),
new FileOutputStream(getOutput() + PLUGIN_HTML_FILE_EXTENSION)
// Write out the byte array xml to a html file output stream for the package references
// This transform will do a XSLT operation using the file combine-pkg2ref.xsl
XSLUtil.transform (
new ByteArrayInputStream(content),
new FileOutputStream(getOutput() + PACKAGE_HTML_FILE_EXTENSION)
// Write out the byte array xml to a html file output stream for the class references
// This transform will do a XSLT operation using the file combine-class2ref.xsl
XSLUtil.transform (
new ByteArrayInputStream(content),
new FileOutputStream(getOutput() + CLASS_HTML_FILE_EXTENSION)
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new RuntimeException(t);
* This method will drive the combined output file html contents for the given component
* team.
* @param compTeam
* @param baos
* @throws IOException
private void writeCompTeamXML(ComponentTeam compTeam, ByteArrayOutputStream baos) throws IOException {
baos.write("<team lead=\"".getBytes()); //$NON-NLS-1$
baos.write("\">".getBytes()); //$NON-NLS-1$
baos.write("</team>".getBytes()); //$NON-NLS-1$
* This method will write in html format the combined output for the given component team for
* the non API and API usage for the class usage file, the package usage file, and the plugin
* usage file.
* @param baos ByteArrayOutputStream
* @param usage class, package, or plugin?
* @param referenceCounts TreeMap
* @throws IOException
private void writeCompTeamXML(ByteArrayOutputStream baos, int usage, TreeMap referenceCounts) throws IOException {
// Order reference counts by usage type
List orderedKeys = getOrderedReferencedCountKeys(referenceCounts);
// Iterate over the name keys of the references tree map
for (Iterator it = orderedKeys.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String name = (String);
// Retrieve the appropriate UsageCount from the map given the current name key
UsageCount usageCount = (UsageCount) referenceCounts.get(name);
switch (usage) {
// Class reference
case 0:
baos.write("<class name=\"".getBytes()); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Package reference
case 1:
baos.write("<package name=\"".getBytes()); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Plugin reference
case 2:
baos.write("<plugin id=\"".getBytes()); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Write the api and internal usage for the current reference
baos.write("\" api=\"".getBytes()); //$NON-NLS-1$
baos.write("\" internal=\"".getBytes()); //$NON-NLS-1$
baos.write("\"/>".getBytes()); //$NON-NLS-1$
* This is the static main method used for launching this reference usage combination
* application. It will create and set up the class instance and then invoke the execute
* method to do the combination.
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Use the command option parser to parse the command line arguments
CommandOptionParser optionParser = new CommandOptionParser(args);
Map options = optionParser.getOptions();
Collection src = (Collection)options.get(ARG_SOURCE);
Collection output = (Collection)options.get(ARG_OUTPUT);
Collection api = (Collection)options.get(ARG_API);
// If the usage is improper or arguments are not valid, prompt for proper usage
if (src == null || output == null || src.isEmpty() || output.isEmpty()) {
// Create a new instance of the class and set the command line argument values
CombineClass2Reference class2Ref = new CombineClass2Reference();
// Execute the combination method
* This is a helper method to the user to print out an error message of the proper usage of
* the arguments to be passed and the location of the output files.
* See IOutputConstants for messages.
private static void printUsage() {
System.out.println(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
* @return the list of component teams
private List getComponentTeams() {
if (componentTeams == null)
return componentTeams;
* Initialize the component teams list with the appropriate regular expressions to link plugins
* to the known set of component teams.
private void initializeComponentTeams() {
componentTeams = new ArrayList();
// Create the JEE team with associated plugins
ComponentTeam javaEE = new ComponentTeam(COMPONENT_TEAM_JAVA_EE);
getPluginComponentMap().put(PLUGIN_EXPRESSION_J2EE, javaEE);
getPluginComponentMap().put(PLUGIN_EXPRESSION_EJB, javaEE);
getPluginComponentMap().put(PLUGIN_EXPRESSION_SERVLET, javaEE);
getPluginComponentMap().put(PLUGIN_EXPRESSION_WEB, javaEE);
// Create the Common team with associated plugins
ComponentTeam common = new ComponentTeam(COMPONENT_TEAM_COMMON);
getPluginComponentMap().put(PLUGIN_EXPRESSION_COMMAND, common);
getPluginComponentMap().put(PLUGIN_EXPRESSION_COMMON, common);
getPluginComponentMap().put(PLUGIN_EXPRESSION_VALIDATION, common);
// Create the Editors team with associated plugins
ComponentTeam editors = new ComponentTeam(COMPONENT_TEAM_EDITORS);
getPluginComponentMap().put(PLUGIN_EXPRESSION_JSP, editors);
getPluginComponentMap().put(PLUGIN_EXPRESSION_CSS, editors);
getPluginComponentMap().put(PLUGIN_EXPRESSION_DTD, editors);
getPluginComponentMap().put(PLUGIN_EXPRESSION_HTML, editors);
getPluginComponentMap().put(PLUGIN_EXPRESSION_JAVASCRIPT, editors);
getPluginComponentMap().put(PLUGIN_EXPRESSION_SSE, editors);
getPluginComponentMap().put(PLUGIN_EXPRESSION_XML, editors);
getPluginComponentMap().put(PLUGIN_EXPRESSION_XSD, editors);
// Create the RDB team with associated plugins
ComponentTeam rdb = new ComponentTeam(COMPONENT_TEAM_RDB);
getPluginComponentMap().put(PLUGIN_EXPRESSION_RDB, rdb);
// Create the Web Services team with associated plugins
ComponentTeam webServices = new ComponentTeam(COMPONENT_TEAM_WEB_SERVICES);
getPluginComponentMap().put(PLUGIN_EXPRESSION_WS, webServices);
getPluginComponentMap().put(PLUGIN_EXPRESSION_WSDL, webServices);
// Create the Server team with associated plugins
ComponentTeam server = new ComponentTeam(COMPONENT_TEAM_SERVER);
getPluginComponentMap().put(PLUGIN_EXPRESSION_SERVER, server);
getPluginComponentMap().put(PLUGIN_EXPRESSION_INTERNET, server);
// Add a "team" for the unknown references
ComponentTeam unknown = new ComponentTeam(COMPONENT_TEAM_UNKNOWN);
* @return HashMap of plugin keys and associated component team values
private HashMap getPluginComponentMap() {
if (plugin2compTeam==null) {
plugin2compTeam = new HashMap();
return plugin2compTeam;
* @return the unknown component where a plugin's logical component is not known
private ComponentTeam getUnknownComponent() {
for (int i=0; i<getComponentTeams().size(); i++) {
ComponentTeam compTeam = (ComponentTeam) getComponentTeams().get(i);
if (compTeam.getTeamName().equals(COMPONENT_TEAM_UNKNOWN))
return compTeam;
return null;