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<h6 class=CaptionFigColumn id=header>Identifier: </h6>org.eclipse.wst.common.navigator.views.navigatorContent<p></p>
<h6 class=CaptionFigColumn id=header>Since: </h6>[Enter the first release in which this extension point appears.]
<h6 class=CaptionFigColumn id=header>Description: </h6>[Enter description of this extension point.]<p>
An action's enablement and/or visibility can be defined using the elements <samp>enablement</samp> and <samp>visibility</samp> respectively. These two elements contain a boolean expression that is evaluated to determine the enablement and/or visibility.
The syntax is the same for the <samp>enablement</samp> and <samp>visibility</samp> elements. Both contain only one boolean expression sub-element. In the simplest case, this will be an <samp>objectClass</samp>, <samp>objectState</samp>, <samp>pluginState</samp>, or <samp>systemProperty</samp> element. In the more complex case, the <samp>and</samp>, <samp>or</samp>, and <samp>not</samp> elements can be combined to form a boolean expression. Both the <samp>and</samp>, and <samp>or</samp> elements must contain 2 sub-elements. The <samp>not</samp> element must contain only 1 sub-element.
An action's enablement and/or visibility can be defined using the elements <samp>enablement</samp> and <samp>visibility</samp> respectively. These two elements contain a boolean expression that is evaluated to determine the enablement and/or visibility.
The syntax is the same for the <samp>enablement</samp> and <samp>visibility</samp> elements. Both contain only one boolean expression sub-element. In the simplest case, this will be an <samp>objectClass</samp>, <samp>objectState</samp>, <samp>pluginState</samp>, or <samp>systemProperty</samp> element. In the more complex case, the <samp>and</samp>, <samp>or</samp>, and <samp>not</samp> elements can be combined to form a boolean expression. Both the <samp>and</samp>, and <samp>or</samp> elements must contain 2 sub-elements. The <samp>not</samp> element must contain only 1 sub-element.
<p><h6 class=CaptionFigColumn id=header>Configuration Markup:</h6></p>
<p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ELEMENT <a name="e.extension">extension</a> (<a href="#e.navigatorContent">navigatorContent</a>)&gt;</p>
<p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ATTLIST extension</p>
<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>point&nbsp;CDATA #REQUIRED<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>id&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA #IMPLIED<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>name&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA #IMPLIED&gt;</p>
<ul class=ConfigMarkup id=attlistDesc>
<br><p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ELEMENT <a name="e.navigatorContent">navigatorContent</a> (<a href="#e.enables">enables</a> , <a href="#e.emfEnablement">emfEnablement</a>)&gt;</p>
<p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ATTLIST navigatorContent</p>
<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>contentProvider&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA #IMPLIED<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>labelProvider&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA #IMPLIED<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>actionProvider&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA #IMPLIED<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>id&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA #IMPLIED<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>openListener&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA #IMPLIED<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>priority&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(lowest|lower|low|normal|high|higher|highest) <p class=code id=dtdAttlist>name&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA #REQUIRED<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>enabledByDefault&nbsp;(true | false) <p class=code id=dtdAttlist>icon&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA #IMPLIED<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>sorter&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA #IMPLIED&gt;</p>
<p class=ConfigMarkup id=elementDesc>
The root element of the extension schema. Defines information used by the Common Navigator to find available extensions.</p>
<ul class=ConfigMarkup id=attlistDesc>
<li><b>contentProvider</b> - Supplies the name of a class which implements org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITreeContentProvider or org.eclipse.wst.common.navigator.views.INavigatorContentProvider.</li>
<li><b>labelProvider</b> - Supplies the name of a class which implements org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelProvider or org.eclipse.wst.common.navigator.views.ICommonLabelProvider.</li>
<li><b>actionProvider</b> - Supplies the name of a class that implements org.eclipse.wst.common.navigator.views.ICommonActionProvider.</li>
<li><b>id</b> - A unique ID to identify this extension. Used for extension activation and by other extensions that would like to extend the defined extension (e.g. add another ICommonActionProvider)</li>
<li><b>openListener</b> - Supplies the name of a class that implements org.eclipse.jface.views.OpenListener or org.eclipse.wst.common.navigator.views.ICommonOpenListener.</li>
<li><b>priority</b> - Indicates the relative priority of this extension to other extensions. Used by the Common Navigator to handle sorting and organization of the contributed content from this extension in relation to content from other extensions. Defaults to "normal"</li>
<li><b>name</b> - Specify a display name for the Content Extension</li>
<li><b>enabledByDefault</b> - Indicates whether the current extension will be enabled by default. True will enable the extension, False will disable the extension. Users can later choose to override this value.</li>
<li><b>icon</b> - A plugin-relative path to an icon for use when displaying the metadata about the content extension to the user.</li>
<li><b>sorter</b> - Indicates the name of class which implements java.util.Comparator that knows how to sort the items supported by this extension. If the extension enables on types that it does not provide, but understands, it may be called upon to sort items that it did not contribute.</li>
<br><p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ELEMENT <a name="e.enables">enables</a> (<a href="#e.and">and</a> | <a href="#e.or">or</a> | <a href="#e.not">not</a> | <a href="#e.objectClass">objectClass</a> | <a href="#e.objectState">objectState</a> | <a href="#e.pluginState">pluginState</a> | <a href="#e.systemProperty">systemProperty</a>)&gt;</p>
<p class=ConfigMarkup id=elementDesc>
This element is used to define the enablement for the extension.
Objects which are accepted by the expression will cause the extension to be invoked.</p>
<p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ELEMENT <a name="e.enablement">enablement</a> (<a href="#e.and">and</a> | <a href="#e.or">or</a> | <a href="#e.not">not</a> | <a href="#e.objectClass">objectClass</a> | <a href="#e.objectState">objectState</a> | <a href="#e.pluginState">pluginState</a> | <a href="#e.systemProperty">systemProperty</a>)&gt;</p>
<p class=ConfigMarkup id=elementDesc>
This element is used to define the enablement for the extension.</p>
<p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ELEMENT <a name="e.visibility">visibility</a> (<a href="#e.and">and</a> | <a href="#e.or">or</a> | <a href="#e.not">not</a> | <a href="#e.objectClass">objectClass</a> | <a href="#e.objectState">objectState</a> | <a href="#e.pluginState">pluginState</a> | <a href="#e.systemProperty">systemProperty</a>)&gt;</p>
<p class=ConfigMarkup id=elementDesc>
This element is used to define the visibility for the extension.</p>
<p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ELEMENT <a name="e.and">and</a> (<a href="#e.and">and</a> | <a href="#e.or">or</a> | <a href="#e.not">not</a> | <a href="#e.objectClass">objectClass</a> | <a href="#e.objectState">objectState</a> | <a href="#e.pluginState">pluginState</a> | <a href="#e.systemProperty">systemProperty</a>)&gt;</p>
<p class=ConfigMarkup id=elementDesc>
This element represent a boolean AND operation on the result of evaluating it's two sub-element expressions.</p>
<p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ELEMENT <a name="e.or">or</a> (<a href="#e.and">and</a> | <a href="#e.or">or</a> | <a href="#e.not">not</a> | <a href="#e.objectClass">objectClass</a> | <a href="#e.objectState">objectState</a> | <a href="#e.pluginState">pluginState</a> | <a href="#e.systemProperty">systemProperty</a>)&gt;</p>
<p class=ConfigMarkup id=elementDesc>
This element represent a boolean OR operation on the result of evaluating it's two sub-element expressions.</p>
<p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ELEMENT <a name="e.not">not</a> (<a href="#e.and">and</a> | <a href="#e.or">or</a> | <a href="#e.not">not</a> | <a href="#e.objectClass">objectClass</a> | <a href="#e.objectState">objectState</a> | <a href="#e.pluginState">pluginState</a> | <a href="#e.systemProperty">systemProperty</a>)&gt;</p>
<p class=ConfigMarkup id=elementDesc>
This element represent a boolean NOT operation on the result of evaluating it's sub-element expressions.</p>
<p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ELEMENT <a name="e.objectClass">objectClass</a> EMPTY&gt;</p>
<p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ATTLIST objectClass</p>
<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>name&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA #REQUIRED<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>adaptable&nbsp;(true | false) &gt;</p>
<p class=ConfigMarkup id=elementDesc>
This element is used to evaluate the class or interface of each object in the current selection. If each object in the selection implements the specified class or interface, the expression is evaluated as true.</p>
<ul class=ConfigMarkup id=attlistDesc>
<li><b>name</b> - a fully qualified name of a class or interface. The expression is evaluated as true only if all objects within the selection implement this class or interface.</li>
<li><b>adaptable</b> - </li>
<br><p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ELEMENT <a name="e.objectState">objectState</a> EMPTY&gt;</p>
<p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ATTLIST objectState</p>
<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>name&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA #REQUIRED<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>value&nbsp;CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;</p>
<p class=ConfigMarkup id=elementDesc>
This element is used to evaluate the attribute state of each object in the current selection. If each object in the selection has the specified attribute state, the expression is evaluated as true. To evaluate this type of expression, each object in the selection must implement, or adapt to, <samp>org.eclipse.ui.IActionFilter</samp> interface.</p>
<ul class=ConfigMarkup id=attlistDesc>
<li><b>name</b> - the name of an object's attribute. Acceptable names reflect the object type, and should be publicly declared by the plug-in where the object type is declared.</li>
<li><b>value</b> - the required value of the object's attribute. The acceptable values for the object's attribute should be publicly declared.</li>
<br><p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ELEMENT <a name="e.pluginState">pluginState</a> EMPTY&gt;</p>
<p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ATTLIST pluginState</p>
<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>id&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA #REQUIRED<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>value&nbsp;(installed|activated) "installed"&gt;</p>
<p class=ConfigMarkup id=elementDesc>
This element is used to evaluate the state of a plug-in. The state of the plug-in may be one of the following: <samp>installed</samp> or <samp>activated</samp>.</p>
<ul class=ConfigMarkup id=attlistDesc>
<li><b>id</b> - the identifier of a plug-in which may or may not exist in the plug-in registry.</li>
<li><b>value</b> - the required state of the plug-in. The state of the plug-in may be one of the following: <samp>installed</samp> or <samp>activated</samp>.</li>
<br><p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ELEMENT <a name="e.systemProperty">systemProperty</a> EMPTY&gt;</p>
<p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ATTLIST systemProperty</p>
<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>name&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA #REQUIRED<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>value&nbsp;CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;</p>
<p class=ConfigMarkup id=elementDesc>
This element is used to evaluate the state of some system property. The property value is retrieved from the <samp>java.lang.System</samp>.</p>
<ul class=ConfigMarkup id=attlistDesc>
<li><b>name</b> - the name of the system property.</li>
<li><b>value</b> - the required value of the system property.</li>
<br><p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ELEMENT <a name="e.emfEnablement">emfEnablement</a> (<a href="#e.package">package</a>+)&gt;</p>
<p class=ConfigMarkup id=elementDesc>
This element is used to define the enablement for the extension.</p>
<p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ELEMENT <a name="e.package">package</a> EMPTY&gt;</p>
<p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ATTLIST package</p>
<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>uri&nbsp;CDATA #IMPLIED&gt;</p>
<ul class=ConfigMarkup id=attlistDesc>
<li><b>uri</b> - </li>
<br><h6 class=CaptionFigColumn id=header>Examples: </h6>[Enter extension point usage example here.]
<h6 class=CaptionFigColumn id=header>API Information: </h6>[Enter API information here.]
<h6 class=CaptionFigColumn id=header>Supplied Implementation: </h6>[Enter information about supplied implementation of this extension point.]
<p class=note id=copyright>