blob: 5e9566fbcbfa57e2220e6aaff23ad1dac549f852 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactoryConfigurationError;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
* This class was original based on from the
* project in the basebuilder.
public class ResultsSummaryGenerator extends Task {
private static final String WARNING_SEVERITY = "WARNING";
private static final String ERROR_SEVERITY = "ERROR";
private static final String ForbiddenReferenceID = "ForbiddenReference";
private static final String DiscouragedReferenceID = "DiscouragedReference";
private static final int DEFAULT_READING_SIZE = 8192;
private String EOL = System.getProperty("line.separator");
private static final String elementName = "testsuite";
private static final String testResultsToken = "%testresults%";
private static final String compileLogsToken = "%compilelogs%";
public Vector dropTokens;
public Vector platformSpecs;
public Vector differentPlatforms;
public String testResultsWithProblems = EOL;
private DocumentBuilder parser = null;
public String testResultsTemplateString = "";
public String dropTemplateString = "";
public Vector platformDescription;
public Vector platformTemplateString;
public Vector platformDropFileName;
// Status of tests results (pending, successful, failed), used to specify
// the color
// of the test Results link on the build pages (standard, green, red),
// once failures
// are encountered, this is set to failed
// protected String testResultsStatus = "successful";
// assume tests ran. If no html files are found, this is set to false
private boolean testsRan = true;
// Parameters
// build runs JUnit automated tests
private boolean isBuildTested;
// buildType, I, N
public String buildType;
// Comma separated list of drop tokens
public String dropTokenList;
// Token in platform.php.template to be replaced by the desired platform
// ID
public String platformIdentifierToken;
// Location of the xml files
public String xmlDirectoryName;
// Location of the html files
public String htmlDirectoryName;
// Location of the resulting index.php file.
public String dropDirectoryName;
// Location and name of the template index.php file.
public String testResultsTemplateFileName;
// Platform specific template and output list (colon separated) in the
// following format:
// <descriptor, ie. OS name>,path to template file, path to output file
// public String platformSpecificTemplateList = "";
// Name of the generated index php file.
public String testResultsHtmlFileName;
// Name of the generated drop index php file;
public String dropHtmlFileName;
// Arbitrary path used in the index.php page to href the
// generated .html files.
public String hrefTestResultsTargetPath;
// Aritrary path used in the index.php page to reference the compileLogs
public String hrefCompileLogsTargetPath;
// Location of compile logs base directory
public String compileLogsDirectoryName;
// Location and name of test manifest file
public String testManifestFileName;
private FullJarNameParser nameParser = new FullJarNameParser();
private static class UnitTestResults {
private int errors = -99;
private int failures = -99;
private int totalTests = -99;
int getErrors() {
return errors;
void setErrors(int errors) {
this.errors = errors;
int getFailures() {
return failures;
void setFailures(int failures) {
this.failures = failures;
int getTotalTests() {
return totalTests;
void setTotalTests(int totalTests) {
this.totalTests = totalTests;
public static void main(String[] args) {
ResultsSummaryGenerator test = new ResultsSummaryGenerator();
// test.setPlatformSpecificTemplateList("Windows,C:\\junk\\templateFiles\\platform.php.template,winPlatform.php;Linux,C:\\junk\\templateFiles\\platform.php.template,linPlatform.php;Solaris,C:\\junk\\templateFiles\\platform.php.template,solPlatform.php;AIX,C:\\junk\\templateFiles\\platform.php.template,aixPlatform.php;Macintosh,C:\\junk\\templateFiles\\platform.php.template,macPlatform.php;Source
// Build,C:\\junk\\templateFiles\\sourceBuilds.php.template,sourceBuilds.php");
// test.setDropHtmlFileName("index.php");
public void execute() {
try {
testResultsTemplateString = readFile(testResultsTemplateFileName);
// dropTemplateString = readFile(dropTemplateFileName);
// Specific to the platform build-page
* if (platformSpecificTemplateList != "") { String description,
* platformTemplateFile, platformDropFile; // Retrieve the different
* platforms and their info
* getDifferentPlatformsFromList(platformSpecificTemplateList); //
* Parses the platform info and retrieves the platform name, //
* template file, and drop file for (int i = 0; i <
* differentPlatforms.size(); i++) {
* getPlatformSpecsFromList(differentPlatforms.get(i).toString());
* description = platformSpecs.get(0).toString();
* platformTemplateFile = platformSpecs.get(1).toString();
* platformDropFile = platformSpecs.get(2).toString();
* platformDescription.add(description);
* platformTemplateString.add(readFile(platformTemplateFile));
* platformDropFileName.add(platformDropFile); } }
System.out.println("Begin: Generating test results index page");
System.out.println("Parsing XML files");
System.out.println("Parsing compile logs");
System.out.println("End: Generating test results index page");
// For the platform build-page, write platform files, in addition
// to
// the index file
// if (platformSpecificTemplateList != "") {
// writeDropFiles();
// }
// else {
// }
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new BuildException(e);
private void parseCompileLogs()
throws TransformerFactoryConfigurationError, IOException,
TransformerException {
totalErrors = 0;
totalAccess = 0;
totalWarnings = 0;
rowCount = 0;
totaldiscouragedAccessWarningCount = 0;
totalforbiddenAccessWarningCount = 0;
StringBuffer replaceString = new StringBuffer();
processCompileLogsDirectory(compileLogsDirectoryName, replaceString);
if (replaceString.length() == 0) {
testResultsTemplateString = replace(testResultsTemplateString,
compileLogsToken, String.valueOf(replaceString));
* @param mainSummaryName
* @throws TransformerException
* @throws IOException
* @throws TransformerFactoryConfigurationError
private void writeCompileSummaryTotalsAsXML(String mainSummaryName)
throws TransformerFactoryConfigurationError, IOException,
TransformerException {
String outputFileName = mainSummaryName + "Summary" + ".xml";
// debug
// System.out.println("dropDirectoryName: " + dropDirectoryName);
// System.out.println("outputFileName: " + outputFileName);
// File fileDir = new File(dropDirectoryName);
File file = new File(outputFileName);
Node rootNode = createNewDOM("compileSummary");
addSummaryNodeTo(rootNode, "totalBundles", rowCount);
addSummaryNodeTo(rootNode, "totalErrors", totalErrors);
addSummaryNodeTo(rootNode, "totalWarnings", totalWarnings);
addSummaryNodeTo(rootNode, "totalAccess", totalAccess);
addSummaryNodeTo(rootNode, "totaldiscouragedAccessWarningCount",
addSummaryNodeTo(rootNode, "totalforbiddenAccessWarningCount",
serialize(rootNode, file);
private void serialize(Node rootNode, File outputFile)
throws TransformerFactoryConfigurationError, IOException,
TransformerException {
// JAXP transformation
Document sourceDocument = rootNode.getOwnerDocument();
Source domSource = new DOMSource(sourceDocument);
Transformer serializer = TransformerFactory.newInstance()
try {
serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); //$NON-NLS-1$
"{}indent-amount", "4"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// unsupported properties, so we'll just ignore
Writer outputWriter = null;
try {
outputWriter = new FileWriter(outputFile);
serializer.transform(domSource, new StreamResult(outputWriter));
} finally {
if (outputWriter != null) {
* <summaryItem> <name>someName</name> <value>8</value> </summaryItem>
* @param dom
private void addSummaryNodeTo(Node rootNode, String itemName, int intdata) {
Document dom = rootNode.getOwnerDocument();
Element summaryElement = dom.createElement("summaryItem");
Element nameElement = dom.createElement("name");
Element valueElement = dom.createElement("value");
Text name = dom.createTextNode(itemName);
Text value = dom.createTextNode(String.valueOf(intdata));
private Node createNewDOM(String rootElementName) {
Document document = null;
Node rootNode = null;
try {
document = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance()
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
log("exception creating document: " + e.getMessage()); //$NON-NLS-1$
} catch (FactoryConfigurationError e) {
log("exception creating document: " + e.getMessage()); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (document != null) {
rootNode = document.appendChild(document
return rootNode;
private void processCompileLogsDirectory(String directoryName,
StringBuffer buffer) {
if (buffer == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("write buffer can not be null");
File sourceDirectory = new File(directoryName);
if (sourceDirectory.isFile()) {
if (sourceDirectory.getName().endsWith(".log"))
readCompileLog(sourceDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), buffer);
if (sourceDirectory.getName().endsWith(".xml"))
parseCompileLog(sourceDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), buffer);
if (sourceDirectory.isDirectory()) {
File[] logFiles = sourceDirectory.listFiles();
for (int j = 0; j < logFiles.length; j++) {
private void writeFormattedTotals(StringBuffer buffer) {
if (buffer == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("write buffer can not be null");
String rowtype = "normaltable";
if (totalErrors > 0) {
rowtype = "errortable";
} else if (totalWarnings > 0) {
rowtype = "warningtable";
if (totalWarnings > 200) {
rowtype = "extraWarningTable";
// System.out.println("totalErrors: " + totalErrors); // ,
// log("totalErrors: " + totalErrors, Project.MSG_INFO);
buffer.append("<tr CLASS=\"" + rowtype + " " + "bold" + "\">" + EOL)
.append("<td>" + "TOTALS (" + rowCount + ")" + "</td>")
.append("<td CLASS=\"numeric\">" + totalErrors + "</td>")
.append("<td CLASS=\"numeric\">" + totalWarnings + "</td>")
.append("<td CLASS=\"numeric\">" + totalforbiddenAccessWarningCount + "</td>")
.append("<td CLASS=\"numeric\">" + totaldiscouragedAccessWarningCount + "</td>")
.append(EOL + "</tr>" + EOL);
private void readCompileLog(String log, StringBuffer buffer) {
String fileContents = readFile(log);
int errorCount = countCompileErrors(fileContents);
int warningCount = countCompileWarnings(fileContents);
int forbiddenWarningCount = countForbiddenWarnings(fileContents);
int discouragedWarningCount = countDiscouragedWarnings(fileContents);
// use wildcard in place of version number on directory names
String logName = log
.substring(getCompileLogsDirectoryName().length() + 1);
StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(logName);
stringBuffer.replace(logName.indexOf("_") + 1, logName.indexOf(
File.separator, logName.indexOf("_") + 1), "*");
logName = new String(stringBuffer);
formatCompileErrorRow(log, errorCount, warningCount,
forbiddenWarningCount, discouragedWarningCount, buffer);
private void parseCompileLog(String log, StringBuffer stringBuffer) {
int errorCount = 0;
int warningCount = 0;
int forbiddenWarningCount = 0;
int discouragedWarningCount = 0;
File file = new File(log);
Document aDocument = null;
BufferedReader reader = null;
try {
reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(reader);
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
aDocument = builder.parse(inputSource);
} catch (SAXException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
} finally {
if (reader != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// ignore
if (aDocument == null) {
log("could not parse xml in log file: " + log, Project.MSG_ERR);
// Get summary of problems.
// By API, nodeList should never be null.
NodeList nodeList = aDocument.getElementsByTagName("problem");
int length = nodeList.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Node problemNode = nodeList.item(i);
NamedNodeMap aNamedNodeMap = problemNode.getAttributes();
Node severityNode = aNamedNodeMap.getNamedItem("severity");
Node idNode = aNamedNodeMap.getNamedItem("id");
if (severityNode != null) {
String severityNodeValue = severityNode.getNodeValue();
if (WARNING_SEVERITY.equals(severityNodeValue)) {
// this is a warning
// need to check the id
String nodeValue = idNode.getNodeValue();
if (ForbiddenReferenceID.equals(nodeValue)) {
} else if (DiscouragedReferenceID.equals(nodeValue)) {
} else {
} else if (ERROR_SEVERITY.equals(severityNodeValue)) {
// this is an error
// use wildcard in place of version number on directory names
// System.out.println(log + "/n");
String logName = log
.substring(getCompileLogsDirectoryName().length() + 1);
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(logName);
buffer.replace(logName.indexOf("_") + 1, logName.indexOf(
File.separator, logName.indexOf("_") + 1), "*");
logName = new String(buffer);
formatCompileErrorRow(log.replaceAll(".xml", ".html"), errorCount,
warningCount, forbiddenWarningCount, discouragedWarningCount,
private static byte[] getFileByteContent(String fileName)
throws IOException {
InputStream stream = null;
try {
File file = new File(fileName);
stream = new FileInputStream(file);
return getInputStreamAsByteArray(stream, (int) file.length());
} finally {
if (stream != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// ignore
* Returns the given input stream's contents as a byte array. If a length is
* specified (ie. if length != -1), only length bytes are returned.
* Otherwise all bytes in the stream are returned. Note this doesn't close
* the stream.
* @throws IOException
* if a problem occured reading the stream.
private static byte[] getInputStreamAsByteArray(InputStream stream,
int length) throws IOException {
byte[] contents;
if (length == -1) {
contents = new byte[0];
int contentsLength = 0;
int amountRead = -1;
do {
int amountRequested = Math.max(stream.available(),
// at
// least
// 8K
// resize contents if needed
if (contentsLength + amountRequested > contents.length) {
System.arraycopy(contents, 0,
contents = new byte[contentsLength
+ amountRequested], 0, contentsLength);
// read as many bytes as possible
amountRead =, contentsLength,
if (amountRead > 0) {
// remember length of contents
contentsLength += amountRead;
} while (amountRead != -1);
// resize contents if necessary
if (contentsLength < contents.length) {
System.arraycopy(contents, 0,
contents = new byte[contentsLength], 0, contentsLength);
} else {
contents = new byte[length];
int len = 0;
int readSize = 0;
while ((readSize != -1) && (len != length)) {
// See PR 1FMS89U
// We record first the read size. In this case len is the
// actual read size.
len += readSize;
readSize =, len, length - len);
return contents;
public String readFile(String fileName) {
byte[] aByteArray = null;
try {
aByteArray = getFileByteContent(fileName);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (aByteArray == null) {
return "";
return new String(aByteArray);
private int countCompileErrors(String aString) {
return extractNumber(aString, "error");
private int countCompileWarnings(String aString) {
return extractNumber(aString, "warning");
private int countForbiddenWarnings(String aString) {
return extractNumber(aString, "Access restriction:");
private int countDiscouragedWarnings(String aString) {
return extractNumber(aString, "Discouraged access:");
private int extractNumber(String aString, String endToken) {
int endIndex = aString.lastIndexOf(endToken);
if (endIndex == -1) {
return 0;
int startIndex = endIndex;
while (startIndex >= 0 && aString.charAt(startIndex) != '('
&& aString.charAt(startIndex) != ',') {
String count = aString.substring(startIndex + 1, endIndex).trim();
try {
return Integer.parseInt(count);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return 0;
public boolean includeAll;
private int totalErrors;
private int totalAccess;
private int totalWarnings;
private int rowCount;
private int totaldiscouragedAccessWarningCount;
private int totalforbiddenAccessWarningCount;
private void parseUnitTestXml() throws IOException,
TransformerFactoryConfigurationError, TransformerException {
File sourceDirectory = new File(xmlDirectoryName);
if (sourceDirectory.exists()) {
int grandTotalErrors = 0;
int grandTotalTests = 0;
String replaceString = "";
File[] xmlFileNames = sourceDirectory.listFiles();
for (int i = 0; i < xmlFileNames.length; i++) {
if (xmlFileNames[i].getPath().endsWith(".xml")) {
String fullName = xmlFileNames[i].getPath();
UnitTestResults unitTestResults = countErrors(fullName);
int errorCount = unitTestResults.getErrors()
+ unitTestResults.getFailures();
if (errorCount != 0) {
String testName = xmlFileNames[i].getName().substring(
0, xmlFileNames[i].getName().length() - 4);
testResultsWithProblems = testResultsWithProblems
.concat(EOL + testName);
String tmp = formatTestRow(xmlFileNames[i].getPath(),
errorCount, unitTestResults.getTotalTests());
replaceString = replaceString + tmp;
if (errorCount > 0) {
grandTotalErrors = grandTotalErrors + errorCount;
} else if (errorCount < 0) {
grandTotalErrors = grandTotalErrors + 1;
if (unitTestResults.getTotalTests() > 0) {
grandTotalTests = grandTotalTests
+ unitTestResults.getTotalTests();
String tmp = formatTestRow("TOTALS", grandTotalErrors,
replaceString = replaceString + tmp;
testResultsTemplateString = replace(testResultsTemplateString,
testResultsToken, replaceString);
testsRan = true;
writeUnitTestSummary(dropDirectoryName, grandTotalErrors,
} else {
testsRan = false;
System.out.println("Test results not found in "
+ sourceDirectory.getAbsolutePath());
* @param grandTotalErrors
* @param grandTotalTests
* @throws IOException
* @throws TransformerException
* @throws TransformerFactoryConfigurationError
private void writeUnitTestSummary(String filename, int grandTotalErrors,
int grandTotalTests) throws IOException,
TransformerFactoryConfigurationError, TransformerException {
String outputFileName = filename + "/unitTestsSummary" + ".xml";
System.out.println("unitTestsSummary: " + outputFileName);
File file = new File(outputFileName);
Node rootNode = createNewDOM("unitTestsSummary");
addSummaryNodeTo(rootNode, "grandTotalErrors", grandTotalErrors);
addSummaryNodeTo(rootNode, "grandTotalTests", grandTotalTests);
serialize(rootNode, file);
private String replace(String source, String original, String replacement) {
int replaceIndex = source.indexOf(original);
if (replaceIndex > -1) {
String resultString = source.substring(0, replaceIndex);
resultString = resultString + replacement;
resultString = resultString
+ source.substring(replaceIndex + original.length());
return resultString;
} else {
System.out.println("Could not find token: " + original);
return source;
private void writeTestResultsFile() {
String outputFileName = dropDirectoryName + File.separator
+ testResultsHtmlFileName;
writeFile(outputFileName, testResultsTemplateString);
private void writeFile(String outputFileName, String contents) {
FileWriter outputWriter = null;
try {
outputWriter = new FileWriter(outputFileName);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("File not found exception writing: "
+ outputFileName);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("IOException writing: " + outputFileName);
} finally {
if (outputWriter != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
.println("IOException closing: " + outputFileName);
public void setTestResultsHtmlFileName(String aString) {
testResultsHtmlFileName = aString;
public String getTestResultsHtmlFileName() {
return testResultsHtmlFileName;
public void setTestResultsTemplateFileName(String aString) {
testResultsTemplateFileName = aString;
public String getTestResultsTemplateFileName() {
return testResultsTemplateFileName;
public void setXmlDirectoryName(String aString) {
xmlDirectoryName = aString;
public String getXmlDirectoryName() {
return xmlDirectoryName;
public void setHtmlDirectoryName(String aString) {
htmlDirectoryName = aString;
public String getHtmlDirectoryName() {
return htmlDirectoryName;
public void setDropDirectoryName(String aString) {
dropDirectoryName = aString;
public String getDropDirectoryName() {
return dropDirectoryName;
private void formatCompileErrorRow(String fileName, int errorCount,
int warningCount, int forbiddenAccessWarningCount,
int discouragedAccessWarningCount, StringBuffer buffer) {
int accessRuleWarningCount = forbiddenAccessWarningCount
+ discouragedAccessWarningCount;
totalErrors = totalErrors + errorCount;
totalAccess = totalAccess + accessRuleWarningCount;
totalWarnings = totalWarnings + warningCount;
totalforbiddenAccessWarningCount = totalforbiddenAccessWarningCount
+ forbiddenAccessWarningCount;
totaldiscouragedAccessWarningCount = totaldiscouragedAccessWarningCount
+ discouragedAccessWarningCount;
rowCount = rowCount + 1;
if (!isIncludeAll()) {
if (errorCount == 0 && warningCount == 0
&& accessRuleWarningCount == 0) {
int pos = fileName.indexOf(getHrefCompileLogsTargetPath());
String shortName = fileName.substring(pos
+ getHrefCompileLogsTargetPath().length());
String displayName = shortName;
String stripString = "/plugins/";
pos = displayName.indexOf(stripString);
if (pos != -1) {
displayName = displayName.substring(pos + stripString.length());
// we assume there's always a slash preceeding filename
pos = displayName.lastIndexOf('/');
if (pos != -1) {
displayName = displayName.substring(0, pos);
// if there's any remaining slashes ... it is one or more
// subdirectories of where jars are, so we need to
// save before we strip off version numbers
String remaining = null;
pos = displayName.indexOf('/');
if (pos != -1) {
remaining = displayName.substring(pos);
displayName = displayName.substring(0, pos);
displayName = stripOffVersionNumber(displayName);
if (remaining != null) {
displayName = displayName + remaining;
String rowtype = "normaltable";
if (errorCount > 0 || forbiddenAccessWarningCount > 0) {
rowtype = "errortable";
} else if (warningCount > 0 || discouragedAccessWarningCount > 0) {
rowtype = "warningtable";
if (warningCount > 15 || discouragedAccessWarningCount > 0) {
rowtype = "extraWarningTable";
buffer.append("<tr CLASS=\"" + rowtype + "\">" + EOL)
.append("<td>" + EOL)
.append("<a href=\"").append(getHrefCompileLogsTargetPath()).append(shortName)
.append("\" type='text/plain' >")
.append("<td CLASS=\"numeric\">").append("<a href=\"")
.append("\" type='text/plain' >")
.append("<td CLASS=\"numeric\">").append("<a href=\"")
.append("\" type='text/plain' >")
.append("<td CLASS=\"numeric\">").append("<a href=\"")
.append("\" type='text/plain' >")
.append("<td CLASS=\"numeric\">").append("<a href=\"")
.append("\" type='text/plain' >")
.append( EOL + "</tr>" + EOL);
* @param displayName
* @return
private String stripOffVersionNumber(String displayName) {
String result = displayName;
result = nameParser.getProjectString();
// debug and test
// System.out.println("project: " + result + " version: " +
// nameParser.getVersionString());
return result;
private String formatTestRow(String fileName, int errorCount, int totalTests) {
// replace .xml with .html
String aString = "";
if (fileName.endsWith(".xml")) {
int begin = fileName.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar);
int end = fileName.lastIndexOf(".xml");
String shortName = fileName.substring(begin + 1, end);
String displayName = shortName;
String rowtype = "normaltable";
if (errorCount > 0 || errorCount < 0) {
rowtype = "errortable";
} else if (totalTests < 3) {
rowtype = "warningtable";
if (totalTests == 0) {
rowtype = "extraWarningTable";
aString = aString + "<tr CLASS=\"" + rowtype + "\">" + EOL;
if (errorCount < 0) {
aString = aString + "<td>" + displayName + "</td>" + EOL;
aString = aString + "<td CLASS=\"" + "numeric" + "\">" + "DNF"
+ "</td>" + EOL;
aString = aString + "<td CLASS=\"" + "numeric" + "\">" + "0"
+ " </td>" + EOL;
} else {
aString = aString + "<td>" + "<a href=" + "\""
+ hrefTestResultsTargetPath + "/" + shortName + ".html"
+ "\">" + displayName + "</a>" + "</td>" + EOL;
aString = aString + "<td CLASS=\"" + "numeric" + "\">"
+ String.valueOf(errorCount) + "</td>" + EOL;
aString = aString + "<td CLASS=\"" + "numeric" + "\">"
+ String.valueOf(totalTests) + "</td>" + EOL;
aString = aString + "</tr>" + EOL;
else {
// not really file name (but "TOTALS")
String displayName = fileName;
String rowtype = "bold";
if (errorCount > 0) {
rowtype = "errortable" + " " + rowtype;
aString = aString + "<tr CLASS=\"" + rowtype + "\">" + EOL;
aString = aString + "<td>" + displayName + "</td>" + EOL;
aString = aString + "<td CLASS=\"" + "numeric" + "\">"
+ String.valueOf(errorCount) + "</td>" + EOL;
aString = aString + "<td CLASS=\"" + "numeric" + "\">"
+ String.valueOf(totalTests) + "</td>" + EOL;
return aString;
private UnitTestResults countErrors(String fileName) {
UnitTestResults result = new UnitTestResults();
if (new File(fileName).length() == 0)
return result;
int errorCount = 0;
int failureCount = 0;
int totalTests = 0;
try {
DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory
parser = docBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document document = parser.parse(fileName);
NodeList elements = document.getElementsByTagName(elementName);
int elementCount = elements.getLength();
if (elementCount == 0)
return result;
for (int i = 0; i < elementCount; i++) {
Element element = (Element) elements.item(i);
NamedNodeMap attributes = element.getAttributes();
Node aNode = attributes.getNamedItem("errors");
errorCount = errorCount
+ Integer.parseInt(aNode.getNodeValue());
aNode = attributes.getNamedItem("failures");
errorCount = errorCount
+ Integer.parseInt(aNode.getNodeValue());
aNode = attributes.getNamedItem("tests");
totalTests = totalTests
+ Integer.parseInt(aNode.getNodeValue());
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("IOException: " + fileName);
// e.printStackTrace();
return result;
} catch (SAXException e) {
System.out.println("SAXException: " + fileName);
// e.printStackTrace();
return result;
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
return result;
* Gets the hrefTestResultsTargetPath.
* @return Returns a String
public String getHrefTestResultsTargetPath() {
return hrefTestResultsTargetPath;
* Sets the hrefTestResultsTargetPath.
* @param hrefTestResultsTargetPath
* The hrefTestResultsTargetPath to set
public void setHrefTestResultsTargetPath(String htmlTargetPath) {
this.hrefTestResultsTargetPath = htmlTargetPath;
* Gets the compileLogsDirectoryName.
* @return Returns a String
public String getCompileLogsDirectoryName() {
return compileLogsDirectoryName;
* Sets the compileLogsDirectoryName.
* @param compileLogsDirectoryName
* The compileLogsDirectoryName to set
public void setCompileLogsDirectoryName(String compileLogsDirectoryName) {
this.compileLogsDirectoryName = compileLogsDirectoryName;
* Gets the hrefCompileLogsTargetPath.
* @return Returns a String
public String getHrefCompileLogsTargetPath() {
return hrefCompileLogsTargetPath;
* Sets the hrefCompileLogsTargetPath.
* @param hrefCompileLogsTargetPath
* The hrefCompileLogsTargetPath to set
public void setHrefCompileLogsTargetPath(String hrefCompileLogsTargetPath) {
this.hrefCompileLogsTargetPath = hrefCompileLogsTargetPath;
* Gets the testManifestFileName.
* @return Returns a String
public String getTestManifestFileName() {
return testManifestFileName;
* Sets the testManifestFileName.
* @param testManifestFileName
* The testManifestFileName to set
public void setTestManifestFileName(String testManifestFileName) {
this.testManifestFileName = testManifestFileName;
* Gets the dropHtmlFileName.
* @return Returns a String
public String getDropHtmlFileName() {
return dropHtmlFileName;
* Sets the dropHtmlFileName.
* @param dropHtmlFileName
* The dropHtmlFileName to set
public void setDropHtmlFileName(String dropHtmlFileName) {
this.dropHtmlFileName = dropHtmlFileName;
private void getDropTokensFromList(String list) {
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(list, ",");
dropTokens = new Vector();
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
public String getDropTokenList() {
return dropTokenList;
public void setDropTokenList(String dropTokenList) {
this.dropTokenList = dropTokenList;
public boolean isBuildTested() {
return isBuildTested;
public void setIsBuildTested(boolean isBuildTested) {
this.isBuildTested = isBuildTested;
* @return
public boolean testsRan() {
return testsRan;
* @param b
public void setTestsRan(boolean b) {
testsRan = b;
* @return
public Vector getDropTokens() {
return dropTokens;
* @param vector
public void setDropTokens(Vector vector) {
dropTokens = vector;
* @return
public String getTestResultsWithProblems() {
return testResultsWithProblems;
* @param string
public void setTestResultsWithProblems(String string) {
testResultsWithProblems = string;
public String getBuildType() {
return buildType;
public void setBuildType(String buildType) {
this.buildType = buildType;
public void setPlatformIdentifierToken(String platformIdentifierToken) {
this.platformIdentifierToken = platformIdentifierToken;
public String getPlatformIdentifierToken() {
return platformIdentifierToken;
public boolean isIncludeAll() {
return includeAll;
public void setIncludeAll(boolean includeAll) {
this.includeAll = includeAll;