blob: 0574d3429ef9c48e27896272263aa19fcac7c402 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.wtp.releng.tests;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
public class ComparatorRules {
private String filterPropertyFileLocation = null;
private final static String COMPARATOR_FILTER_RULES = "comparatorFilterRules";
String defaultfilterPropertyFileLocation = "/home/davidw/builds/workspaces/wtpHead/releng/maps/";
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
ComparatorRules comparatorRules = new ComparatorRules();
ArrayList<RuleData> testlist = comparatorRules.getDataRules();
for (Iterator iterator = testlist.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
RuleData ruleData = (RuleData);
catch (IOException e) {
private Properties getRuleProperties() throws IOException {
Properties filterProperties = null;
String fileLocationAndName = getFilterPropertyFileLocation();
File file = new File(fileLocationAndName);
InputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(file);
filterProperties = new Properties();
return filterProperties;
public ArrayList<RuleData> getDataRules() throws IOException {
ArrayList<RuleData> ruleList = new ArrayList<RuleData>();
Properties filterProperties = getRuleProperties();
Enumeration filterKeys = filterProperties.propertyNames();
while (filterKeys.hasMoreElements()) {
String key = (String) filterKeys.nextElement();
String rulename = getRulename(key);
* Once we have name, get all three parts, removing them, as we
* go, to avoid multiple processing
String summarykey = "comparator." + rulename + ".summary";
String summary = (String) filterProperties.remove(summarykey);
String comparisonkey = "comparator." + rulename + ".comparison";
String comparison = (String) filterProperties.remove(comparisonkey);
String reasonkey = "comparator." + rulename + ".reason";
String reason = (String) filterProperties.remove(reasonkey);
* if all three values are null ... then we're "looping" based on
* difference beween the enumeration that we already got, vs the
* properties, which we've modified ... seems like a hack,
* somehow?
if (!((summary == null) && (comparison == null) && (reason == null))) {
ruleList.add(new RuleData(rulename, summary, comparison, reason));
return ruleList;
* Returns middle portion of three part key as the name of the rule
private String getRulename(String key) {
StringTokenizer namefinder = new StringTokenizer(key, ".");
if (namefinder.countTokens() != 3) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid property found in comparator rule property file: key without 3 parts");
String namespace = namefinder.nextToken();
if (!namespace.equals("comparator")) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid property found in comparator rule property file: not of 'comparator' namespace");
String rulename = namefinder.nextToken();
// sanity check on format of property files
String ruletype = namefinder.nextToken();
if (!(ruletype.equals("summary") || ruletype.equals("comparison") || ruletype.equals("reason"))) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid property found in comparator rule property file: unrecognized rule type");
return rulename;
public String getFilterPropertyFileLocation() {
if (filterPropertyFileLocation == null) {
filterPropertyFileLocation = System.getProperty(COMPARATOR_FILTER_RULES);
if ((filterPropertyFileLocation == null) || (filterPropertyFileLocation.length() <= 0)) {
* none provided, no good defaults for production, but we have
* a value for quick tests purely for local tests. Or, could
* FAIL here, for better debugging.
filterPropertyFileLocation = defaultfilterPropertyFileLocation;
return filterPropertyFileLocation;
public void setFilterPropertyFileLocation(String filterPropertyFileLocation) {
this.filterPropertyFileLocation = filterPropertyFileLocation;