blob: b36a5e4312099f0292c037fedb5a9c09abb8a054 [file] [log] [blame]
<project default="sync" basedir=".">
<target name="sync" depends="initPropertyFile,check.upload" if="doUpload">
<!-- if this upload properties file hasn't been set yet, we will provide this fallback file -->
<!-- but, since these properties are machine and user sensitive, its better if set "outside" wtpbuilder,
such as in releng.control -->
<property name=""
value="${basedir}/" />
<property file="${}" />
<ant antfile="${wtp.builder.home}/scripts/build/label.xml" />
<property file="${buildDirectory}/" />
<echo message="chmod for ${buildDirectory}/${buildLabel}"/>
<!-- synch on host is a tiny bit faster if permisions already set -->
<!-- and, remember, chmod ant task is implemented only for unix -->
<exec executable="chmod">
<arg line="-Rc o+rx ${buildDirectory}/${buildLabel}" />
<echo message="RSYNC to: ${uploadRemoteDirectory}/${buildLabel}" />
<exec executable="rsync">
<arg line="-e ssh -Cavz ${rsyncRootPrefix}${buildDirectory}/${buildLabel} ${uploadUser}@${uploadServer}:${uploadRemoteDirectory}" />
<target name="check.upload" depends="initPropertyFile">
<condition property="doUpload">
<equals arg1="${build.upload}" arg2="true" />
<target name="initPropertyFile">
<!-- if this upload properties file hasn't been set yet, we will provide this fallback file -->
<!-- but, since these properties are machine and user sensitive, its better if set "outside" wtpbuilder,
such as in releng.control -->
<property name=""
value="${basedir}/" />
<property file="${}" />