blob: ccb842b0c2d17bb0a7a03c81441e3d51c72dbb0b [file] [log] [blame]
# Note: if "local" users have this file first in their path, then
# the bash shell's "include source" function will find that paths version
# first, instead of this "standard" one which is for the
# production Eclipse builds.
# this file is intentionally named "shsource" to denote this is intended to
# be included in other sh files, with "source" command, not
# executed on its own.
export BUILD_HOME=/shared/webtools
export DISPLAY=
export JAVA_4_DIR="IBMJava2-ppc-142"
export JAVA_5_DIR="ibm-java2-ppc-50"
export ANT_DIR="apache-ant-1.7.0"
export CC_DIR_NAME="cruisecontrol-bin-2.7.1-RC3"
export BASEOS=linux
export BASEWS=gtk
export BASEARCH=ppc
# no local build properties, for production builds
export STANDARD_PROPERTIES_DIR=${BUILD_HOME}/releng.control/standardMachineProperties
export BUILD_RETURN_NAME=wtpBuild
# for builds on local machines, SKIPUSERS should be 'true' to avoid
# notifying users about those builds on your local machine
export SKIPUSERS=false
# normally, cvs logging output can be "really quiet", but if problems, then it can be turned back on
# to get more potentially diagnostic information
export CVS_QUIET=true
export CVS_REALLY_QUIET=true
# normally, cvs logging output can be "real quiet", but if problems, then it can be turned back on
# to get more potentially diagnostic information
export CVS_QUIET=true
export CVS_REALLY_QUIET=true
# controls quietness of logging to console
# false means more output to console, true uses ant's logger
export USE_LOGGER=true
#contols ANT's quietness level
# true logs error and warnings only
export USE_QUIET=true
export USE_DEBUG=false