blob: b2e1b07b8616e2cee475e9bd75505606b3d1c871 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.wtp.releng.wtpbuilder.api;
import org.eclipse.wtp.releng.wtpbuilder.AbstractBuilder;
import org.eclipse.wtp.releng.wtpbuilder.Build;
import org.eclipse.wtp.releng.wtpbuilder.CommandOptionParser;
import org.eclipse.wtp.releng.wtpbuilder.Main;
* This class will control and wrap the execution of the adopter breakage report ant scan from
* a java executable.
public class AdopterBreakageBuilder extends AbstractBuilder {
* This is the filename for the cache of the completed builds with scans already performed
private static final String ADOPTER_BREAKAGE_COMPLETED_BUILDS_FILE = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
* The ant file which will run the adopter breakage scan
private static final String BUILD_SCRIPT = "/releng.wtpbuilder/distribution/wtp.adopters/build.xml"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Prints the appropriate usage parameters to the user
private static final String USAGE = "Usage: java org.eclipse.wtp.releng.wtpbuilder.api.AdopterBreakageBuilder -baseos <baseos> -basews <basews> -basearch <basearch>"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Constructor takes the cached completed builds filename as a param
* @param completedBuildsFile
public AdopterBreakageBuilder(String completedBuildsFile) {
* This overrides the build method to call the adopter breakage scan on the given build
* @param build
public boolean build(Build build) {
System.setProperty(BUILD_TYPE, build.getType());
System.setProperty(BUILD_ID, build.getId());
System.setProperty(TIMESTAMP, new StringBuffer().append(build.getDate()).append(build.getTime()).toString());
System.setProperty(BUILD_STREAM, build.getStream());
System.setProperty(BUILD_BRANCH, build.getStream());
if (!build.isPublicBuild())
System.setProperty(BUILD_COMMITTERS, Boolean.TRUE.toString());
String buildScript = new StringBuffer().append(System.getProperty(BUILD_HOME)).append(BUILD_SCRIPT).toString();
Main.main(new String[] { "-f", buildScript }); //$NON-NLS-1$
return true;
* The main method for the Adopter Breakage Scan controls the parsing of the command line arguments
* and the setting up of the execution of the scan.
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
CommandOptionParser parser = new CommandOptionParser(args);
String baseos = parser.getOptionAsString(BASE_OS);
String basews = parser.getOptionAsString(BASE_WS);
String basearch = parser.getOptionAsString(BASE_ARCH);
String login = parser.getOptionAsString(LOGIN);
String minTS = parser.getOptionAsString(MIN_TS);
String buildHome = parser.getOptionAsString(BUILD_HOME);
if (baseos == null || basews == null || basearch == null) {
AdopterBreakageBuilder adopterBreakageBuilder = new AdopterBreakageBuilder(ADOPTER_BREAKAGE_COMPLETED_BUILDS_FILE);
if (minTS != null)