| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
| <index> |
| <entry keyword="Axis2 runtime environment"> |
| <entry keyword="Web services"> |
| <entry keyword="overview"> |
| <topic href="topics/caxis2tover.html#axisoverview" title="Creating Web services with the Apache Axis2 runtime environments"/> |
| </entry> |
| <entry keyword="Java beans"> |
| <topic href="topics/taxis2bu.html#twsbeana" title="Creating a Web service from a Java bean using the Apache Axis2 runtime environment"/> |
| </entry> |
| <entry keyword="skeleton"> |
| <topic href="topics/taxis2td.html#tsklwsdla" title="Creating a Java bean skeleton from a WSDL document using the Apache Axis2 runtime environment"/> |
| </entry> |
| <entry keyword="clients"> |
| <topic href="topics/taxis2client.html#tsampappa" title="Generating a Java client proxy and a sample application from a WSDL document using the Axis2 runtime environment"/> |
| </entry> |
| </entry> |
| </entry> |
| <entry keyword="Web services"> |
| <entry keyword="Axis2 runtime environment"> |
| <entry keyword="overview"> |
| <topic href="topics/caxis2tover.html#axisoverview" title="Creating Web services with the Apache Axis2 runtime environments"/> |
| </entry> |
| <entry keyword="creating a Web service"> |
| <topic href="topics/taxis2bu.html#twsbeana" title="Creating a Web service from a Java bean using the Apache Axis2 runtime environment"/> |
| </entry> |
| <entry keyword="skeleton Web services"> |
| <topic href="topics/taxis2td.html#tsklwsdla" title="Creating a Java bean skeleton from a WSDL document using the Apache Axis2 runtime environment"/> |
| </entry> |
| <entry keyword="Web service clients"> |
| <topic href="topics/taxis2client.html#tsampappa" title="Generating a Java client proxy and a sample application from a WSDL document using the Axis2 runtime environment"/> |
| </entry> |
| </entry> |
| </entry> |
| </index> |