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<title>XML tools - overview</title>
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<h1 class="topictitle1">XML tools - overview</h1>
<div><p>This product provides a comprehensive visual XML development environment.
The tool set includes components for building DTDs, XML schemas, XML, and
XSL files.</p><p>The following XML editor tools are available:</p>
<p>The <b>XML editor</b> is a tool for creating and viewing XML files. You
can use it to create new XML files, either from scratch, existing DTDs, or
existing XML schemas. You can also use it to edit XML files, associate them
with DTDs or schemas, and validate them.</p>
<p>The <b>DTD editor</b> is a tool for creating and viewing DTDs. Using the
DTD editor, you can create DTDs, and generate XML schema files.</p>
<p>The <b>XML schema editor</b> is a tool for creating, viewing, and validating
XML schemas. You can use the XML schema editor to perform tasks such as creating
XML schema components, importing and viewing XML schemas, generating relational
table definitions from XML schemas, and generating Java beans for creating
XML instances of an XML schema.</p>
<div class="skipspace">Exercise caution when opening large files with any of the XML editors.
If the memory limits of the workbench are exceeded, it will abruptly close
without saving any data (and without warning or error messages). The number
of elements in an XML file, not its size, is the best indicator of how much
memory will be required. Memory requirements also depend on what else is open
in the workbench - in some cases you can open a 15 megabytes file, but in
other cases a one-megabyte file may cause problems. Therefore, we recommend
you save all data in the workbench before opening large XML files. This is
a permanent restriction.</div>
<div class="skipspace"><p>The
behavior of the XML parser when encountering an unresolvable URI (for example,
in a DOCTYPE declaration) is to report a fatal IO error and stop any further
processing. An unresolved URI is seen neither as a syntactic nor a semantic
error and as such, the parser does not attempt to handle it. Essentially,
the document remains unchecked. This is a known problem.</p>
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