| ############################################################################### |
| # Copyright (c) 2004 IBM Corporation and others. |
| # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation |
| ############################################################################### |
| providerName=Eclipse.org |
| pluginName=SSE JSP Source Editor |
| nlFeatureName=SSE JSP Source Editor NL Support |
| JSP_Source_Page_Editor.name=JSP Editor |
| JSP_Files.name=JSP Files |
| JSP_Source.name=JSP Source |
| JSP_Templates.name=JSP Templates |
| JSP_Styles.name=JSP Styles |
| JSP_Annotations.name=JSP Annotations |
| |
| # Snippets contributions for helping with JSP syntax |
| jsp_scriptlet=<%..%> scriptlet |
| jsp_scr_content=<% %> |
| jsp_hidden_comment=<%--..--%> comment |
| jsp_hidden_comment_content=<%-- --%> |
| jsp_declaration=<%!..%> declaration |
| jsp_declaration_content=<%! %> |
| jsp_expression=<%=..%> expression |
| jsp_expression_content=<%= %> |
| jsp_include_directive=include directive |
| jsp_include_directive_content=<%@ include file="" %> |
| jsp_page_directive=page directive |
| jsp_page_directive_content=<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=" %> |
| jsp_taglib_directive=taglib directive |
| jsp_taglib_directive_content=<%@ taglib uri="${uri}" prefix="${prefix}" %> |
| jsp_taglib_directive_uri=URI to the containing JAR file or taglib descriptor (.tld) |
| jsp_taglib_directive_prefix=Namespace prefix for tags from this library |
| JSPFragmentContentSettings.name=JSP Fragment |
| command.jsp.refactor.rename.name=Rename |
| command.jsp.refactor.rename.description=Rename a Java Element |
| command.jsp.refactor.move.name=Move |
| command.jsp.refactor.move.description=Move a Java Element to another package |
| scope.structured.text.editor.jsp.name=Editing JSP Source |
| scope.structured.text.editor.jsp.description=Editing JSP Source |
| JSP_Type_Rename_Participant_Extension_Element.name=JSP Type Rename Participant |
| JSP_Method_Rename_Participant_Extension_Element.name=JSP Method Rename Participant |
| JSP_Package_Rename_Participant_Extension_Element.name=JSP Package Rename Participant |
| JSP_Type_Move_Participant_Extension_Element.name=JSP Type Move Participant |
| All_JSP_context_type_Extension_Element.name=All JSP |
| JSP_New_context_type_Extension_Element.name=New JSP |
| JSP_Tag_context_type_Extension_Element.name=JSP Tag |
| JSP_Attribute_context_type_Extension_Element.name=JSP Attribute |
| JSP_Attribute_value_context_type_Extension_Element.name=JSP Attribute value |
| JSP_Query_Participant_Extension_Element.name=JSP Query Participant |
| JSP_Extension_Element.label=JSP |
| #org.eclipse.ui.newWizards extension point |
| _UI_WIZARD_CREATE_NEW_FILE = Create a new JavaServer Page |
| ## |
| AddTask.label=Add &Task... |
| AddTask.tooltip=Add Task... |
| AddBookmark.label=Add Boo&kmark... |
| AddBookmark.tooltip=Add Bookmark... |
| ## EL Error Message |
| JSPEL_Syntax_Error=JSP EL Syntax Error |