[140914] IWAX1011E appears in warning
diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.xsd.ui/plugin.properties b/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.xsd.ui/plugin.properties
index 12f2f12..2d2106e 100644
--- a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.xsd.ui/plugin.properties
+++ b/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.xsd.ui/plugin.properties
@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@
 ! Here is the list of Error string that have message IDs - make sure they are unique
-!  Range for XSDEditor messageIDs: IWAX1001E - IWAX1200E
 ! These three errors appear in the select include wizard
@@ -726,39 +726,39 @@
 _UI_SAME_NAME_SPACE       = {0} is in the same namespace
 _UI_INCORRECT_XML_SCHEMA  = {0} is an invalid XML schema file
-_ERROR_SCHEMA_NOT_EXIST         = IWAX1003E does not exist.
-_ERROR_LABEL_INVALID_PREFIX     = IWAX1004E Invalid prefix. A prefix must not be empty or contain any space.
+_ERROR_SCHEMA_NOT_EXIST         = Does not exist.
+_ERROR_LABEL_INVALID_PREFIX     = Invalid prefix. A prefix must not be empty or contain any space.
 ! The name of the file will be substituted in
-_ERROR_SCHEMA_NAME_THE_SAME  = IWAX1005E {0} is the current schema. A schema cannot include itself. Reset to the last valid schema.
+_ERROR_SCHEMA_NAME_THE_SAME  = {0} is the current schema. A schema cannot include itself. Reset to the last valid schema.
-_ERROR_XSD_GENERATION                = IWAX1006E Error generating XML schema
-_ERROR_NO_CONTAINER                  = IWAX1007E No folder selected
-_ERROR_NO_FILE_NAME                  = IWAX1008E No file name provided
-_ERROR_FILENAME_MUST_END_XSD         = IWAX1011E The file name must end in .xsd
+_ERROR_XSD_GENERATION                = Error generating XML schema
+_ERROR_NO_CONTAINER                  = No folder selected
+_ERROR_NO_FILE_NAME                  = No file name provided
+_ERROR_FILENAME_MUST_END_XSD         = The file name must end in .xsd
 ! For schema that has too many errors, an extended message. 
-_ERROR_DIALOG_XML_SCHEMA_INVALID_TEXT  = IWAX100d9E The XML schema file is not valid.  
+_ERROR_DIALOG_XML_SCHEMA_INVALID_TEXT  = The XML schema file is not valid.  
 _ERROR_MORE_ERRORS                    = There are more errors in the schema than are displayed in the Tasks view.  Correct the first {0} errors and re-validate the schema file.
 ! DDL Generation Failed Dialog
 _UI_DIALOG_DDL_GEN_FAILED_TITLE     = DDL Generation Failed
-_ERROR_DIALOG_DDL_NOT_GENEREATED    = IWAX1010E DDL has not been generated
+_ERROR_DIALOG_DDL_NOT_GENEREATED    = DDL has not been generated
 _UI_DIALOG_DDL_GEN_FAILED_REASON    = The selected schema has no global elements
 _UI_DIALOG_DDL_GEN_FAILED_REASON2   = None of the global elements in the schema have a complex type or they reference complex types that cannot be found.
-_EXC_OPEN_XSD = IWAX1011E Cannot open XML Schema editor
+_EXC_OPEN_XSD = Cannot open XML Schema editor
-_ERROR_LABEL_PREFIX_EXISTS     = IWAX1012E Prefix already exists
+_ERROR_LABEL_PREFIX_EXISTS     = Prefix already exists
-_ERROR_REMOVE_LOCAL_SIMPLETYPE  = IWAX1013E Remove local simple type from extension
+_ERROR_REMOVE_LOCAL_SIMPLETYPE  = Remove local simple type from extension
-_WARN_INVALID_TARGET_NAMESPACE = IWAX1014E The target namespace is not well-formed
+_WARN_INVALID_TARGET_NAMESPACE = The target namespace is not well-formed
-_ERROR_TARGET_NAMESPACE_AND_PREFIX = IWAX1015E A target namespace must be associated with a prefix
+_ERROR_TARGET_NAMESPACE_AND_PREFIX = A target namespace must be associated with a prefix
 _UI_CONTAINMENT = Containment