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<title>DTD editor</title>
<body id="cdtdedit"><a name="cdtdedit"><!-- --></a>
<h1 class="topictitle1">DTD editor</h1>
<div><p>After you have created or imported a DTD, you can open it in the
DTD editor (by double-clicking it in the Navigator view), a tool for viewing
and editing DTDs. You can use the DTD editor to perform a variety of tasks
such as creating, editing, and deleting DTD elements, attributes, entities,
notations, and comments</p><p>Before you can perform any of these tasks, you must create a DTD and open
it in the DTD editor. After you open the DTD, you can use the <span class="uicontrol">Outline</span> view
to create nodes and the <span class="uicontrol">Properties</span> view to provide
details about the nodes.</p>
<p> <b>Note</b>: In the <span class="uicontrol">Outline</span> view, you can either
work in default mode (all nodes appear in the order you added them to the
DTD in) or group the DTD nodes into the following logical groups: notations,
entities, elements, and other, by clicking the <span class="uicontrol">Group items logically</span> button <img src="../images/organize_dtd_logically.gif" />. </p>
<b class="parentlink">Parent topic:</b> <a href="../topics/tedtdtd.html" title="You can edit DTD files in both the Outline view and the Source view. Modifying the content of a DTD determines what can be used in any XML file that is associated with it.">Editing DTDs</a><br />
<p><b class="reltaskshd">Related tasks</b><br />
<a href="../topics/tcretdtd.html" title="A document type definition (DTD) contains a set of rules that can be used to validate an XML file. After you have created a DTD, you can edit it, adding declarations that define elements, attributes, entities, and notations, and how they can be used for any XML files that reference the DTD file.">Creating DTDs</a><br />
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2000, 2005. All Rights Reserved.