[105912] Pasted text contains only one space if clipboard content starts with tab
diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.ui/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/ui/internal/autoedit/AutoEditStrategyForTabs.java b/bundles/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.ui/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/ui/internal/autoedit/AutoEditStrategyForTabs.java
index 698f3df..1e86b63 100644
--- a/bundles/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.ui/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/ui/internal/autoedit/AutoEditStrategyForTabs.java
+++ b/bundles/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.ui/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/ui/internal/autoedit/AutoEditStrategyForTabs.java
@@ -14,22 +14,36 @@
 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Preferences;
 import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException;
+import org.eclipse.jface.text.ConfigurableLineTracker;
 import org.eclipse.jface.text.DocumentCommand;
 import org.eclipse.jface.text.IAutoEditStrategy;
 import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument;
+import org.eclipse.jface.text.ILineTracker;
 import org.eclipse.jface.text.IRegion;
+import org.eclipse.jface.text.TextUtilities;
+import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.ui.internal.Logger;
+import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
+import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
+import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow;
+import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
+import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditor;
+import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditorExtension3;
 import org.eclipse.wst.html.core.internal.HTMLCorePlugin;
 import org.eclipse.wst.html.core.internal.preferences.HTMLCorePreferenceNames;
-import org.eclipse.wst.html.ui.internal.Logger;
  * AutoEditStrategy to handle characters inserted when Tab key is pressed
 public class AutoEditStrategyForTabs implements IAutoEditStrategy {
+	private final String TAB_CHARACTER = "\t"; //$NON-NLS-1$
 	public void customizeDocumentCommand(IDocument document, DocumentCommand command) {
+		// if not in smart insert mode just ignore
+		if (!isSmartInsertMode())
+			return;
 		// spaces for tab character
-		if (command.text != null && command.text.length() > 0 && command.text.charAt(0) == '\t')
+		if (command.length == 0 && command.text != null && command.text.length() > 0 && command.text.indexOf(TAB_CHARACTER) != -1)
 			smartInsertForTab(command, document);
@@ -41,29 +55,133 @@
 	private void smartInsertForTab(DocumentCommand command, IDocument document) {
 		// tab key was pressed. now check preferences to see if need to insert
 		// spaces instead of tab
-		Preferences preferences = HTMLCorePlugin.getDefault().getPluginPreferences();
-		if (HTMLCorePreferenceNames.SPACE.equals(preferences.getString(HTMLCorePreferenceNames.INDENTATION_CHAR))) {
-			int indentationWidth = preferences.getInt(HTMLCorePreferenceNames.INDENTATION_SIZE);
+		int indentationWidth = getIndentationWidth();
+		if (indentationWidth > -1) {
+			String originalText = command.text;
+			StringBuffer newText = new StringBuffer(originalText);
-			StringBuffer indent = new StringBuffer();
-			if (indentationWidth != 0) {
-				int indentSize = indentationWidth;
-				try {
-					IRegion firstLine = document.getLineInformationOfOffset(command.offset);
-					int offsetInLine = command.offset - firstLine.getOffset();
-					int remainder = offsetInLine % indentationWidth;
-					indentSize = indentationWidth - remainder;
-				} catch (BadLocationException e) {
-					Logger.log(Logger.WARNING_DEBUG, e.getMessage(), e);
-				}
-				for (int i = 0; i < indentSize; i++)
-					indent.append(' ');
+			// determine where in line this command begins
+			int lineOffset = -1;
+			try {
+				IRegion lineInfo = document.getLineInformationOfOffset(command.offset);
+				lineOffset = command.offset - lineInfo.getOffset();
+			} catch (BadLocationException e) {
+				Logger.log(Logger.WARNING_DEBUG, e.getMessage(), e);
-			// replace \t characters with spaces
-			command.text = indent.toString();
+			ILineTracker lineTracker = getLineTracker(document, originalText);
+			int startIndex = 0;
+			int index = newText.indexOf(TAB_CHARACTER);
+			while (index != -1) {
+				String indent = getIndentString(indentationWidth, lineOffset, lineTracker, index);
+				// replace \t character with spaces
+				newText.replace(index, index + 1, indent);
+				if (lineTracker != null) {
+					try {
+						lineTracker.replace(index, 1, indent);
+					} catch (BadLocationException e) {
+						// if something goes wrong with replacing text, just
+						// reset to current string
+						lineTracker.set(newText.toString());
+						Logger.log(Logger.WARNING_DEBUG, e.getMessage(), e);
+					}
+				}
+				startIndex = index + indent.length();
+				index = newText.indexOf(TAB_CHARACTER, startIndex);
+			}
+			command.text = newText.toString();
+	/**
+	 * Calculate number of spaces for next tab stop
+	 */
+	private String getIndentString(int indentationWidth, int lineOffset, ILineTracker lineTracker, int index) {
+		int indentSize = indentationWidth;
+		int offsetInLine = -1;
+		if (lineTracker != null) {
+			try {
+				IRegion lineInfo = lineTracker.getLineInformationOfOffset(index);
+				if (lineInfo.getOffset() == 0 && lineOffset > -1)
+					offsetInLine = lineOffset + index;
+				else
+					offsetInLine = index - lineInfo.getOffset();
+			} catch (BadLocationException e) {
+				Logger.log(Logger.WARNING_DEBUG, e.getMessage(), e);
+			}
+		} else {
+			if (lineOffset > -1) {
+				offsetInLine = lineOffset + index;
+			}
+		}
+		if (offsetInLine > -1) {
+			int remainder = offsetInLine % indentationWidth;
+			indentSize = indentationWidth - remainder;
+		}
+		StringBuffer indent = new StringBuffer();
+		for (int i = 0; i < indentSize; i++)
+			indent.append(' ');
+		return indent.toString();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Set up a line tracker for text within command if text is multi-line
+	 */
+	private ILineTracker getLineTracker(IDocument document, String originalText) {
+		ConfigurableLineTracker lineTracker = null;
+		int[] delims = TextUtilities.indexOf(document.getLegalLineDelimiters(), originalText, 0);
+		if (delims[0] != -1 || delims[1] != -1) {
+			lineTracker = new ConfigurableLineTracker(document.getLegalLineDelimiters());
+			lineTracker.set(originalText);
+		}
+		return lineTracker;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Return true if active editor is in smart insert mode, false otherwise
+	 * 
+	 * @return
+	 */
+	private boolean isSmartInsertMode() {
+		boolean isSmartInsertMode = false;
+		ITextEditor textEditor = null;
+		IWorkbenchWindow window = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow();
+		if (window != null) {
+			IWorkbenchPage page = window.getActivePage();
+			if (page != null) {
+				IEditorPart editor = page.getActiveEditor();
+				if (editor != null) {
+					if (editor instanceof ITextEditor)
+						textEditor = (ITextEditor) editor;
+					else
+						textEditor = (ITextEditor) editor.getAdapter(ITextEditor.class);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// check if smart insert mode
+		if (textEditor instanceof ITextEditorExtension3 && ((ITextEditorExtension3) textEditor).getInsertMode() == ITextEditorExtension3.SMART_INSERT)
+			isSmartInsertMode = true;
+		return isSmartInsertMode;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Returns indentation width if using spaces for indentation, -1 otherwise
+	 * 
+	 * @return
+	 */
+	private int getIndentationWidth() {
+		int width = -1;
+		Preferences preferences = HTMLCorePlugin.getDefault().getPluginPreferences();
+		if (HTMLCorePreferenceNames.SPACE.equals(preferences.getString(HTMLCorePreferenceNames.INDENTATION_CHAR)))
+			width = preferences.getInt(HTMLCorePreferenceNames.INDENTATION_SIZE);
+		return width;
+	}