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<title>Converting static Web projects to dynamic Web projects</title>
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<h1 class="topictitle1">Converting static Web projects to dynamic Web projects</h1>
<div class="section"> <p> If you want to add dynamic elements to a static web project,
such as Java™ servlets and JSP files, you must convert the project
from a static to a dynamic one. To convert a static Web project to a dynamic
Web project, complete the following steps:</p>
<li class="stepexpand"><span>Select the project in the Project Explorer view, and then select <span><span class="uicontrol">Convert
to a Dynamic Web Project</span></span> from the <strong>Project</strong> menu.</span>
This conversion assumes the project name and location will be the same.
The conversion does not change the CSS file specified in the original static
project, so it will be included in the resulting dynamic Web project.
<li class="stepexpand"><span> Specify the project properties that are available when <a href="twcreprj.html" title="">Creating a Dynamic Web project.</a></span>