blob: f3e6b59b99c7a1bf0fc3eb2fd1f6ce5408d5b42f [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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<task id="twcresta" xml:lang="en-us">
<title>Creating a static Web project</title>
<keywords><indexterm>static Web projects<indexterm>creating</indexterm></indexterm>
<indexterm>Web projects<indexterm>creating static</indexterm></indexterm>
<context><p> In the workbench, you create and maintain resources for Web applications
in Web projects. If you want to create a static, content-based Web application
that contains no dynamic elements, such as JSP files or servlets, use the <ph><uicontrol>New
Static Web Project</uicontrol></ph> wizard. </p><p>To create a new static
Web project, complete the following steps:</p></context>
<step><cmd>Open the J2EE perspective </cmd><info></info></step>
<step><cmd>In the Project Explorer, right click on Other Projects and select <b>New->Other->Web->Static
Web Project</b> from the context menu. The New Static Web Project wizard starts. </cmd>
<step><cmd>Follow the project wizard prompts</cmd><info></info></step>
<postreq><p><b>General Information</b></p><dl><dlentry>
<dt>Project Facets </dt>
<dd>A facet represents a unit of functionality in a Web project. For example,
the Static Web Module facet enables the project to be deployed as a static
Web module. A brief description of a project facet appears in the wizard when
you select it. Note that in many instances, you can view the constraints
for a project facet by right clicking on the facet and selecting project constraints
from the pop up menu. </dd>
<dt>Target Runtime</dt>
<dd>Use this field to define a new installed runtime environment. Runtimes
are used at build time to compile projects. </dd>
<dt>Web Content Folder</dt>
<dd>The folder in which you want to store your publishable resources. </dd>