blob: 548f192f7a47f10c4d6ea5c77c8e0f84f7af03e7 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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<task id="tjdetags" xml:lang="en-us">
<title>Creating and editing Web pages - overview</title>
<keywords><indexterm>Web pages<indexterm>creating</indexterm></indexterm>
<context> <p>To aid in Web site development and editing, there is local tag
hover help for all supported tag sets, as well as <xref href="../../org.eclipse.wst.sse.doc.user/topics/csrcedt006.dita"
scope="peer"><desc></desc>content assist</xref> (Ctrl+Spacebar), a tool that helps you
insert or finish a tag or function or finish a line of code in a structured
text editor.</p><p><image alt="For Windows" href="../images/nwin.gif" placement="inline">
</image> You can toggle among three modes to visually design pages, work with
HTML, <tm tmclass="special" tmowner="Sun Microsystems, Inc." tmtype="tm" trademark="JavaScript">JavaScript</tm> or
JSP content, and preview your pages. To help you create the visual impact
you want on your Web sites, the editor includes its own library of reusable
graphics and two graphic programs for creating, editing, and animating image
files. </p><p><image alt="For Linux" href="../images/nlinux.gif" placement="inline">
</image> You can toggle between two modes to visually design pages or work
with HTML, <tm tmclass="special" tmowner="Sun Microsystems, Inc." tmtype="tm"
trademark="JavaScript">JavaScript</tm> or JSP content. To help you create
the visual impact you want on your Web sites, the editor includes its own
library of reusable graphics and a graphic program for creating, editing,
and animating image files.</p><note>Use either uppercase or lowercase alphanumeric
characters consistently when naming HTML files and embedded files (such as
image files) used in your Web pages, because some server operating systems
are case sensitive. Do not use spaces or special characters such as exclamation
points or question marks in file names.</note> </context>