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| <h1 class="topictitle1">Web resources</h1> |
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| <div> |
| <p>In most cases, all of the resources that you need to create for your Web |
| application are developed during Web site or Web page design; however, there |
| are additional resources that you may need to include in your Web project |
| if you are using more advanced Web technologies in your application.</p> |
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| <p>These Web resources are not typical Web page files, and are often not the |
| resources that you consider part of the final Web site. For example, tag libraries |
| and Java™ resources, |
| such as JAR files, are resources you might need to include in your Web project. </p> |
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| <p>In fact, even the WAR file itself could be considered a Web resource, if |
| you consider importing or exporting the resource.</p> |
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