<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> | |
<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2005, v.4002--> | |
<!DOCTYPE task PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Task//EN" "task.dtd"> | |
<task id="taddglem" xml:lang="en-us"> | |
<title>Adding global elements</title> | |
<titlealts> | |
<searchtitle>Adding global elements</searchtitle> | |
</titlealts> | |
<shortdesc>A global element is an element with a global scope. It is one that | |
has been declared as part of the main schema rather than as part of a content | |
model.</shortdesc> | |
<prolog><metadata> | |
<keywords><indexterm>XML schema editor<indexterm>adding<indexterm>global elements</indexterm></indexterm></indexterm> | |
<indexterm>XML schema editor<indexterm>global elements<indexterm>adding</indexterm></indexterm></indexterm> | |
<indexterm>XML schema files<indexterm>adding<indexterm>global elements</indexterm></indexterm></indexterm> | |
<indexterm>XML schema files<indexterm>global elements<indexterm>adding</indexterm></indexterm></indexterm> | |
</keywords> | |
</metadata></prolog> | |
<taskbody> | |
<context><p>The following instructions were written for the Resource perspective, | |
but they will also work in many other perspectives.</p><p>To add a global | |
element, follow these steps:</p></context> | |
<steps> | |
<step><cmd>Open your XML schema in the XML schema editor.</cmd></step> | |
<step><cmd>In the Outline view, select your schema.</cmd><info>The entire | |
schema and its contents should be displayed in the Graph view.</info></step> | |
<step><cmd>In the Graph view, right click in the <b>Elements</b> section and | |
click <uicontrol>Add Element</uicontrol>.</cmd></step> | |
<step><cmd>In the Properties view, click the <uicontrol>General</uicontrol> tab, | |
and type a new name for the global element in the <uicontrol>Name</uicontrol> field.</cmd> | |
</step> | |
<step><cmd>In the Properties view, you can select the attribute <uicontrol>Type</uicontrol> from | |
the predefined list in the menu next to the <uicontrol>Type</uicontrol> field.</cmd> | |
<info><p>Alternately, you can select <uicontrol>Browse</uicontrol> from the | |
list for more options. </p><p>The Set Type dialog will appear, and lists all | |
built-in and user-defined types currently available. You can change the <uicontrol>Scope</uicontrol> of | |
the list by selecting one of the following options:<ul> | |
<li><uicontrol>Workspace</uicontrol>. Lists all of the types available in | |
your workspace. </li> | |
<li><uicontrol>Enclosing Project</uicontrol>. Lists all of the types available | |
in the project that contains your file. </li> | |
<li>(Default) <uicontrol>Current Resource</uicontrol>. List all of the types | |
available in your current file.</li> | |
<li><uicontrol>Working Sets</uicontrol>. List all the types available within | |
the selected working set.</li> | |
</ul></p><p>Select the type you want in the type list, then click <uicontrol>OK</uicontrol>. </p></info> | |
</step> | |
<step><cmd>(Optional) Click the <uicontrol>Other</uicontrol> tab.</cmd><info>In | |
this page, you can specify the following various values for the global element: </info> | |
<choices> | |
<choice><uicontrol>abstract</uicontrol>. Click <b>true </b>if you want the | |
global element to be abstract. When a global element is declared to be abstract, | |
it cannot be used in an instance document. Instead, a member of that global | |
element's substitution group must appear in the instance document.</choice> | |
<choice><uicontrol>block</uicontrol>. This field determines whether the global | |
element may be replaced by an element derived from it.</choice> | |
<choice><uicontrol>final</uicontrol>. This field determines whether this global | |
element may be derived from.</choice> | |
<choice><uicontrol>fixed/default</uicontrol>. Click the <uicontrol>Browse</uicontrol> button | |
and select the <uicontrol>Fixed</uicontrol> or <uicontrol>Default</uicontrol> radio | |
button and specify an appropriate value. If you select <b>Fixed</b>, the global | |
element has a fixed value, which cannot be changed. If you select <b>Default</b>, | |
the element has a default value.</choice> | |
<choice><uicontrol>form</uicontrol>. Use this field to indicate if the appearance | |
of this global element in an instance of the XML schema (that is, an XML file | |
associated with the XML schema) must be qualified by a namespace.</choice> | |
<choice><uicontrol>nillable</uicontrol>. Select <b>true</b> if you do not | |
want the global element to be able to have any child elements, only attributes. </choice> | |
<choice><uicontrol>substitutionGroup</uicontrol>. A substitution group allows | |
elements to be substituted for other elements.</choice> | |
</choices> | |
</step> | |
<step><cmd>Click the <uicontrol>Attributes</uicontrol> tab</cmd><info>You | |
can use this page to add attributes, attribute references, attributes group | |
references, and <codeph>any</codeph> attributes to your global element.</info> | |
</step> | |
<step><cmd>An attribute associates an attribute name with a specific type | |
and value. To add an attribute, right-click in the Attributes page, and click <uicontrol>Add | |
Attribute</uicontrol>.</cmd><info>You can specify the following values for | |
an attribute</info> | |
<choices> | |
<choice><uicontrol>fixed/default</uicontrol>. Click the <uicontrol>Browse</uicontrol> button | |
and select the <uicontrol>Fixed</uicontrol> or <uicontrol>Default</uicontrol> radio | |
button and specify an appropriate value. If you select <b>Fixed</b>, the attribute | |
has a fixed value, which cannot be changed. If you select <b>Default</b>, | |
the attribute has a default value.</choice> | |
<choice><uicontrol>form</uicontrol>. Use this field to indicate if the appearance | |
of this attribute in an instance of the XML schema must be qualified by a | |
namespace.</choice> | |
<choice><uicontrol>name</uicontrol>. Enter the name of the attribute.</choice> | |
<choice><uicontrol>type</uicontrol>. Click the <uicontrol>Browse</uicontrol> button | |
and select the type of the attribute. </choice> | |
<choice><uicontrol>use</uicontrol>. This field indicates how an attribute | |
can be used in an instance document. If you select <b>optional</b>, the attribute | |
can appear once, but it does not have to. If you select <b>required</b>, the | |
attribute must appear once. If you select <b>prohibited</b>, the attribute | |
must not appear. <b>Note</b>: If you selected the <uicontrol>Default</uicontrol> radio | |
button, you must select <b>optional</b> in this field, otherwise the default | |
value will not be valid.</choice> | |
</choices> | |
</step> | |
<step><cmd>An attribute reference provides a reference to a global attribute. | |
To add an attribute reference, right-click in the Attributes page, and click <uicontrol>Add | |
Attribute Ref</uicontrol>.</cmd><info>A declaration that references a global | |
attribute enables the referenced attribute to appear in the instance document | |
in the context of the referencing declaration. The menu option to add an attribute | |
reference only appears if there are global attributes defined elsewhere in | |
the document.</info> | |
<substeps> | |
<substep><cmd>Select the reference, then select the global attribute you want | |
it to reference from the <uicontrol>ref</uicontrol> list.</cmd></substep> | |
</substeps> | |
</step> | |
<step><cmd>An attribute group reference provides a reference to an attribute | |
group. To add an attribute group reference, right-click in the Attributes | |
page, and click <uicontrol>Add Attribute Group Ref</uicontrol>.</cmd><info>A | |
declaration that references an attribute group enables the referenced attribute | |
group to appear in the instance document in the context of the referencing | |
declaration. The menu option to add an attribute group reference only appears | |
if there are attribute groups defined elsewhere in the document.</info> | |
<substeps> | |
<substep><cmd>Select the reference, then select the attribute group you want | |
it to reference from the <uicontrol>ref</uicontrol> list.</cmd></substep> | |
</substeps> | |
</step> | |
<step><cmd>An <codeph>any</codeph> element enables element content according | |
to namespaces, and the corresponding <codeph>any</codeph> attribute element | |
enables attributes to appear in elements. To add an <codeph>any</codeph> attribute, | |
right-click in the Attributes page and click <uicontrol>Add Any Attribute</uicontrol>.</cmd> | |
<info>You can specify the following values for an <codeph>any</codeph> attribute:</info> | |
<choices> | |
<choice>For a <b>namespace</b> value, you can select <b>##any</b> (this allows | |
any well-formed XML from any namespace), <b>##local </b> (this allows any | |
well-formed XML that is not declared to be in a namespace), <b>##other </b> (this | |
allows any well-formed XML that is not from the target namespace of the type | |
being defined) or <b>##targetNamespace </b> (which is shorthand for the target | |
namespace of the type being defined). </choice> | |
<choice>For a <uicontrol>processContents</uicontrol> value, you can select <b>skip</b> (the | |
XML processor will not validate the attribute content at all), <b>lax</b> (the | |
XML processor will validate the attribute content as much as it can), or <b>strict</b> (the | |
XML processor will validate all the attribute content).</choice> | |
</choices> | |
</step> | |
<step><cmd>Click the <uicontrol>Documentation</uicontrol> tab if you want | |
to provide any information about this global element.</cmd><info>The <uicontrol>Documentation</uicontrol> page | |
is used for human readable material, such as a description, and the <uicontrol>App | |
Info</uicontrol> page can be used to provide information for applications.</info> | |
</step> | |
</steps> | |
<postreq>You can add a content model to a global element, which is the representation | |
of any data that can be contained inside the global element. For more information | |
about working with content models, refer to the related tasks.</postreq> | |
</taskbody> | |
</task> |