blob: af5d27bd743d7620f7429d58b579fe136548a5f7 [file] [log] [blame]
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<!-- /*******************************************************************************
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
*******************************************************************************/ -->
<toc label="DTD Editor" topic="topics/tcretdtd.html">
<topic label="Working with DTDs">
<topic label="Creating DTDs" href="topics/tcretdtd.html">
<topic label="Document type definitions (DTDs) - overview" href="topics/cdtdover.html"/>
<topic label="Importing DTDs" href="topics/timptdtd.html"/>
<topic label="Editing DTDs" href="topics/tedtdtd.html">
<topic label="DTD editor" href="topics/cdtdedit.html"/>
<topic label="Creating elements" href="topics/tcretelm.html">
<topic label="Creating attributes and attribute lists" href="topics/tcretattr.html"/>
<topic label="Editing an element's content model" href="topics/tchgelm.html">
<topic label="Editing a group node" href="topics/tedtgnde.html"/>
<topic label="Creating entities" href="topics/tcretent.html">
<topic label="Reusing internal parameter entities in an attribute name or type" href="topics/trusintp.html"/>
<topic label="Reusing the value of one entity in another entity" href="topics/trusents.html"/>
<topic label="Reusing external parameter entities in an element's content model" href="topics/trusextp.html"/>
<topic label="Creating notations" href="topics/tcretnot.html"/>
<topic label="Creating a comment" href="topics/tcretcomm.html"/>
<topic label="Deleting elements, attributes, entities, notations, and comments" href="topics/tremvelm.html">
<topic label="Referential integrity in the DTD editor" href="topics/rrefint.html"/>
<topic label="Validating DTDs" href="topics/tvaldtd.html"/>
<topic label="Generating XML schemas from DTD files" href="topics/tgenxmls.html"/>
<topic label="Icons used in the DTD editor" href="topics/rdtdicons.html"/>