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This is the XML DTD for the EJB 1.1 deployment descriptor.
The assembly-descriptor element contains application-assembly information.
The application-assembly information consists of the following parts:
the definition of security roles, the definition of method permissions,
and the definition of transaction attributes for enterprise beans with
container-managed transaction demarcation.
All the parts are optional in the sense that they are omitted if the
lists represented by them are empty.
Providing an assembly-descriptor in the deployment descriptor is
optional for the ejb-jar file producer.
Used in: ejb-jar
<!ELEMENT assembly-descriptor (security-role*, method-permission*,
The cmp-field element describes a container-managed field. The field
element includes an optional description of the field, and the name of
the field.
Used in: entity
<!ELEMENT cmp-field (description?, field-name)>
The container-transaction element specifies how the container must
manage transaction scopes for the enterprise bean's method invocations.
The element consists of an optional description, a list of method
elements, and a transaction attribute.The transaction attribute is to
be applied to all the specified methods.
Used in: assembly-descriptor
<!ELEMENT container-transaction (description?, method+,
The description element is used by the ejb-jar file producer to provide
text describing the parent element.
The description element should include any information that the ejb-jar
file producer wants to provide to the consumer of the ejb-jar file
(i.e. to the Deployer). Typically, the tools used by the ejb-jar file
consumer will display the description when processing the parent
Used in: cmp-field, container-transaction, ejb-jar, entity, env-entry,
ejb-ref, method, method-permission, resource-ref, security-role,
security-role-ref, and session.
<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>
The display-name element contains a short name that is intended to be
display by tools.
Used in: ejb-jar, session, and entity
<display-name>Employee Self Service</display-name>
<!ELEMENT display-name (#PCDATA)>
The ejb-class element contains the fully-qualified name of the
enterprise bean's class.
Used in: entity and session
<!ELEMENT ejb-class (#PCDATA)>
The optional ejb-client-jar element specifies a JAR file that contains
the class files necessary for a client program to access the enterprise
beans in the ejb-jar file. The Deployer should make the ejb-client JAR
file accessible to the client's class-loader.
Used in: ejb-jar
<!ELEMENT ejb-client-jar (#PCDATA)>
The ejb-jar element is the root element of the EJB deployment
descriptor. It contains an optional description of the ejb-jar file,
optional display name, optional small icon file name, optional large
icon file name, mandatory structural information about all included
enterprise beans, optional application-assembly descriptor, and an
optional name of an ejb-client-jar file for the ejb-jar.
<!ELEMENT ejb-jar (description?, display-name?, small-icon?,
large-icon?, enterprise-beans, assembly-descriptor?,
The ejb-link element is used in the ejb-ref element to specify that an
EJB reference is linked to another enterprise bean in the ejb-jar
The value of the ejb-link element must be the ejb-name of an enterprise
bean in the same ejb-jar file, or in another ejb-jar file in the same
J2EE application unit.
Used in: ejb-ref
<!ELEMENT ejb-link (#PCDATA)>
The ejb-name element specifies an enterprise bean's name. This name is
assigned by the ejb-jar file producer to name the enterprise bean in
the ejb-jar file's deployment descriptor. The name must be unique among
the names of the enterprise beans in the same ejb-jar file.
The enterprise bean code does not depend on the name; therefore the
name can be changed during the application-assembly process without
breaking the enterprise bean's function.
There is no architected relationship between the ejb-name in the
deployment descriptor and the JNDI name that the Deployer will assign
to the enterprise bean's home.
The name must conform to the lexical rules for an NMTOKEN.
Used in: entity, method, and session
<!ELEMENT ejb-name (#PCDATA)>
The ejb-ref element is used for the declaration of a reference to
another enterprise bean's home. The declaration consists of an optional
description; the EJB reference name used in the code of the referencing
enterprise bean; the expected type of the referenced enterprise bean;
the expected home and remote interfaces of the referenced enterprise
bean; and an optional ejb-link information.
The optional ejb-link element is used to specify the referenced
enterprise bean. It is used typically in ejb-jar files that contain an
assembled application.
Used in: entity and session
<!ELEMENT ejb-ref (description?, ejb-ref-name, ejb-ref-type, home,
remote, ejb-link?)>
The ejb-ref-name element contains the name of an EJB reference. The EJB
reference is an entry in the enterprise bean's environment.
It is recommended that name is prefixed with "ejb/".
Used in: ejb-ref
<!ELEMENT ejb-ref-name (#PCDATA)>
The ejb-ref-type element contains the expected type of the referenced
enterprise bean.
The ejb-ref-type element must be one of the following:
Used in: ejb-ref
<!ELEMENT ejb-ref-type (#PCDATA)>
The enterprise-beans element contains the declarations of one or more
enterprise beans.
<!ELEMENT enterprise-beans (session | entity)+>
The entity element declares an entity bean. The declaration consists
of: an optional description; optional display name; optional small icon
file name; optional large icon file name; a name assigned to the
enterprise bean in the deployment descriptor; the names of the entity
bean's home and remote interfaces; the entity bean's implementation
class; the entity bean's persistence management type; the entity bean's
primary key class name; an indication of the entity bean's reentrancy;
an optional list of container-managed fields; an optional specification
of the primary key field; an optional declaration of the bean's
environment entries; an optional declaration of the bean's EJB
references; an optional declaration of the security role references;
and an optional declaration of the bean's resource manager connection
factory references.
The optional primkey-field may be present in the descriptor if the
entity's persistency-type is Container.
The other elements that are optional are "optional" in the sense that
they are omitted if the lists represented by them are empty.
At least one cmp-field element must be present in the descriptor if the
entity's persistency-type is Container, and none must not be present if
the entity's persistence-type is Bean.
Used in: enterprise-beans
<!ELEMENT entity (description?, display-name?, small-icon?,
large-icon?, ejb-name, home, remote, ejb-class,
persistence-type, prim-key-class, reentrant,
cmp-field*, primkey-field?, env-entry*,
ejb-ref*, security-role-ref*, resource-ref*)>
The env-entry element contains the declaration of an enterprise bean's
environment entries. The declaration consists of an optional
description, the name of the environment entry, and an optional value.
Used in: entity and session
<!ELEMENT env-entry (description?, env-entry-name, env-entry-type,
The env-entry-name element contains the name of an enterprise bean's
environment entry.
Used in: env-entry
<!ELEMENT env-entry-name (#PCDATA)>
The env-entry-type element contains the fully-qualified Java type of
the environment entry value that is expected by the enterprise bean's
The following are the legal values of env-entry-type:
java.lang.Boolean, java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer,
java.lang.Double, java.lang.Byte, java.lang.Short, java.lang.Long, and
Used in: env-entry
<!ELEMENT env-entry-type (#PCDATA)>
The env-entry-value element contains the value of an enterprise bean's
environment entry.
Used in: env-entry
<!ELEMENT env-entry-value (#PCDATA)>
The field-name element specifies the name of a container managed field.
The name must be a public field of the enterprise bean class or one of
its superclasses.
Used in: cmp-field
<!ELEMENT field-name (#PCDATA)>
The home element contains the fully-qualified name of the enterprise
bean's home interface.
Used in: ejb-ref, entity, and session
The large-icon element contains the name of a file containing a large
(32 x 32) icon image. The file name is relative path within the ejb-jar
The image must be either in the JPEG or GIF format, and the file name
must end with the suffix ".jpg" or ".gif" respectively. The icon can
be used by tools.
<!ELEMENT large-icon (#PCDATA)>
The method element is used to denote a method of an enterprise bean's
home or remote interface, or a set of methods. The ejb-name element
must be the name of one of the enterprise beans in declared in the
deployment descriptor; the optional method-intf element allows to
distinguish between a method with the same signature that is defined in
both the home and remote interface; the method-name element specifies
the method name; and the optional method-params elements identify a
single method among multiple methods with an overloaded method name.
There are three possible styles of the method element syntax:
1. <method>
This style is used to refer to all the methods of the specified
enterprise bean's home and remote interfaces.
2. <method>
This style is used to refer to the specified method of the
specified enterprise bean. If there are multiple methods with
the same overloaded name, the element of this style refers to
all the methods with the overloaded name.
3. <method>
This style is used to refer to a single method within a set of
methods with an overloaded name. PARAM-1 through PARAM-n are the
fully-qualified Java types of the method's input parameters (if
the method has no input arguments, the method-params element
contains no method-param elements). Arrays are specified by the
array element's type, followed by one or more pair of square
brackets (e.g. int[][]).
Used in: method-permission and container-transaction
Style 1: The following method element refers to all the methods of
the EmployeeService bean's home and remote interfaces:
Style 2: The following method element refers to all the create
methods of the EmployeeService bean's home interface:
Style 3: The following method element refers to the
create(String firstName, String LastName) method of the
EmployeeService bean's home interface.
The following example illustrates a Style 3 element with
more complex parameter types. The method
foobar(char s, int i, int[] iar, mypackage.MyClass mycl,
mypackage.MyClass[][] myclaar)
would be specified as:
The optional method-intf element can be used when it becomes
necessary to differentiate between a method defined in the home
interface and a method with the same name and signature that is
defined in the remote interface.
For example, the method element
can be used to differentiate the create(String, String) method
defined in the remote interface from the create(String, String)
method defined in the home interface, which would be defined as
<!ELEMENT method (description?, ejb-name, method-intf?, method-name,
The method-intf element allows a method element to differentiate
between the methods with the same name and signature that are defined
in both the remote and home interfaces.
The method-intf element must be one of the following:
Used in: method
<!ELEMENT method-intf (#PCDATA)>
The method-name element contains a name of an enterprise bean method,
or the asterisk (*) character. The asterisk is used when the element
denotes all the methods of an enterprise bean's remote and home
Used in: method
<!ELEMENT method-name (#PCDATA)>
The method-param element contains the fully-qualified Java type name of
a method parameter.
Used in: method-params
<!ELEMENT method-param (#PCDATA)>
The method-params element contains a list of the fully-qualified Java
type names of the method parameters.
Used in: method
<!ELEMENT method-params (method-param*)>
The method-permission element specifies that one or more security roles
are allowed to invoke one or more enterprise bean methods. The
method-permission element consists of an optional description, a list
of security role names, and a list of method elements.
The security roles used in the method-permission element must be
defined in the security-role element of the deployment descriptor, and
the methods must be methods defined in the enterprise bean's remote
and/or home interfaces.
Used in: assembly-descriptor
<!ELEMENT method-permission (description?, role-name+, method+)>
The persistence-type element specifies an entity bean's persistence
management type.
The persistence-type element must be one of the two following:
Used in: entity
<!ELEMENT persistence-type (#PCDATA)>
The prim-key-class element contains the fully-qualified name of an
entity bean's primary key class.
If the definition of the primary key class is deferred to deployment
time, the prim-key-class element should specify java.lang.Object.
Used in: entity
<!ELEMENT prim-key-class (#PCDATA)>
The primkey-field element is used to specify the name of the primary
key field for an entity with container-managed persistence.
The primkey-field must be one of the fields declared in the cmp-field
element, and the type of the field must be the same as the primary key
The primkey-field element is not used if the primary key maps to
multiple container-managed fields (i.e. the key is a compound key). In
this case, the fields of the primary key class must be public, and
their names must correspond to the field names of the entity bean class
that comprise the key.
Used in: entity
<!ELEMENT primkey-field (#PCDATA)>
The reentrant element specifies whether an entity bean is reentrant or not.
The reentrant element must be one of the two following:
Used in: entity
<!ELEMENT reentrant (#PCDATA)>
The remote element contains the fully-qualified name of the enterprise
bean's remote interface.
Used in: ejb-ref, entity, and session
<!ELEMENT remote (#PCDATA)>
The res-auth element specifies whether the enterprise bean code signs
on programmatically to the resource manager, or whether the Container
will sign on to the resource manager on behalf of the bean. In the
latter case, the Container uses information that is supplied by the
The value of this element must be one of the two following:
<!ELEMENT res-auth (#PCDATA)>
The res-ref-name element specifies the name of a resource manager
connection factory reference.
Used in: resource-ref
<!ELEMENT res-ref-name (#PCDATA)>
The res-type element specifies the type of the data source. The type is
specified by the Java interface (or class) expected to be implemented
by the data source.
Used in: resource-ref
<!ELEMENT res-type (#PCDATA)>
The resource-ref element contains a declaration of enterprise bean's
reference to an external resource. It consists of an optional
description, the resource manager connection factory reference name,
the indication of the resource manager connection factory type expected
by the enterprise bean code, and the type of authentication (bean or
Used in: entity and session
<!ELEMENT resource-ref (description?, res-ref-name, res-type,
The role-link element is used to link a security role reference to a
defined security role. The role-link element must contain the name of
one of the security roles defined in the security-role elements.
Used in: security-role-ref
<!ELEMENT role-link (#PCDATA)>
The role-name element contains the name of a security role.
The name must conform to the lexical rules for an NMTOKEN.
Used in: method-permission, security-role, and security-role-ref
<!ELEMENT role-name (#PCDATA)>
The security-role element contains the definition of a security role.
The definition consists of an optional description of the security
role, and the security role name.
Used in: assembly-descriptor
This role includes all employees who
are authorized to access the employee
service application.
<!ELEMENT security-role (description?, role-name)>
The security-role-ref element contains the declaration of a security
role reference in the enterprise bean's code. The declaration consists
of an optional description, the security role name used in the code,
and an optional link to a defined security role.
The value of the role-name element must be the String used as the
parameter to the EJBContext.isCallerInRole(String roleName) method.
The value of the role-link element must be the name of one of the
security roles defined in the security-role elements.
Used in: entity and session
<!ELEMENT security-role-ref (description?, role-name, role-link?)>
The session-type element describes whether the session bean is a
stateful session, or stateless session.
The session-type element must be one of the two following:
<!ELEMENT session-type (#PCDATA)>
The session element declares an session bean. The declaration consists
of: an optional description; optional display name; optional small icon
file name; optional large icon file name; a name assigned to the
enterprise bean in the deployment description; the names of the session
bean's home and remote interfaces; the session bean's implementation
class; the session bean's state management type; the session bean's
transaction management type; an optional declaration of the bean's
environment entries; an optional declaration of the bean's EJB
references; an optional declaration of the security role references;
and an optional declaration of the bean's resource manager connection
factory references.
The elements that are optional are "optional" in the sense that they
are omitted when if lists represented by them are empty.
Used in: enterprise-beans
<!ELEMENT session (description?, display-name?, small-icon?,
large-icon?, ejb-name, home, remote, ejb-class,
session-type, transaction-type, env-entry*,
ejb-ref*, security-role-ref*, resource-ref*)>
The small-icon element contains the name of a file containing a small
(16 x 16) icon image. The file name is relative path within the ejb-jar
The image must be either in the JPEG or GIF format, and the file name
must end with the suffix ".jpg" or ".gif" respectively.
The icon can be used by tools.
<!ELEMENT small-icon (#PCDATA)>
The transaction-type element specifies an enterprise bean's transaction
management type.
The transaction-type element must be one of the two following:
Used in: session
<!ELEMENT transaction-type (#PCDATA)>
The trans-attribute element specifies how the container must manage the
transaction boundaries when delegating a method invocation to an
enterprise bean's business method.
The value of trans-attribute must be one of the following:
Used in: container-transaction
<!ELEMENT trans-attribute (#PCDATA)>
The ID mechanism is to allow tools that produce additional deployment
information (i.e information beyond the standard EJB deployment
descriptor information) to store the non-standard information in a
separate file, and easily refer from these tools-specific files to the
information in the standard deployment descriptor.
The EJB architecture does not allow the tools to add the non-standard
information into the EJB deployment descriptor.
<!ATTLIST assembly-descriptor id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST cmp-field id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST container-transaction id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST description id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST display-name id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST ejb-class id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST ejb-client-jar id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST ejb-jar id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST ejb-link id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST ejb-name id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST ejb-ref id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST ejb-ref-name id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST ejb-ref-type id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST enterprise-beans id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST entity id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST env-entry id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST env-entry-name id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST env-entry-type id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST env-entry-value id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST field-name id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST large-icon id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST method id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST method-intf id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST method-name id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST method-param id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST method-params id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST method-permission id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST persistence-type id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST prim-key-class id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST primkey-field id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST reentrant id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST remote id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST res-auth id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST res-ref-name id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST res-type id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST resource-ref id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST role-link id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST role-name id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST security-role id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST security-role-ref id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST session-type id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST session id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST small-icon id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST transaction-type id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST trans-attribute id ID #IMPLIED>