blob: cb518d56ac96201e484b40237ded6f9becd1b2ba [file] [log] [blame]
<!ENTITY % result-elements "
| fo:inline-sequence
| fo:block
<!ENTITY % char-instructions "
| xsl:apply-templates
| xsl:call-template
| xsl:apply-imports
| xsl:for-each
| xsl:value-of
| xsl:copy-of
| xsl:number
| xsl:choose
| xsl:if
| xsl:text
| xsl:copy
| xsl:variable
| xsl:message
| xsl:fallback
<!ENTITY % instructions "
| xsl:processing-instruction
| xsl:comment
| xsl:element
| xsl:attribute
<!ENTITY % char-template "
<!ENTITY % template "
<!-- Used for the type of an attribute value that is a URI reference.-->
<!-- Used for the type of an attribute value that is a pattern.-->
<!ENTITY % pattern "CDATA">
<!-- Used for the type of an attribute value that is an
attribute value template.-->
<!ENTITY % avt "CDATA">
<!-- Used for the type of an attribute value that is a QName; the prefix
gets expanded by the XSLT processor. -->
<!ENTITY % qname "NMTOKEN">
<!-- Like qname but a whitespace-separated list of QNames. -->
<!ENTITY % qnames "NMTOKENS">
<!-- Used for the type of an attribute value that is an expression.-->
<!ENTITY % expr "CDATA">
<!-- Used for the type of an attribute value that consists
of a single character.-->
<!ENTITY % char "CDATA">
<!-- Used for the type of an attribute value that is a priority. -->
<!ENTITY % priority "NMTOKEN">
<!ENTITY % space-att "xml:space (default|preserve) #IMPLIED">
<!-- This may be overridden to customize the set of elements allowed
at the top-level. -->
<!ENTITY % non-xsl-top-level "">
<!ENTITY % top-level "
| xsl:strip-space
| xsl:preserve-space
| xsl:output
| xsl:key
| xsl:decimal-format
| xsl:attribute-set
| xsl:variable
| xsl:param
| xsl:template
| xsl:namespace-alias
<!ENTITY % top-level-atts '
extension-element-prefixes CDATA #IMPLIED
exclude-result-prefixes CDATA #IMPLIED
xmlns:xsl CDATA #FIXED ""
<!-- This entity is defined for use in the ATTLIST declaration
for result elements. -->
<!ENTITY % result-element-atts '
xsl:extension-element-prefixes CDATA #IMPLIED
xsl:exclude-result-prefixes CDATA #IMPLIED
xsl:use-attribute-sets %qnames; #IMPLIED
xsl:version NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
<!ELEMENT xsl:stylesheet %top-level;>
<!ATTLIST xsl:stylesheet %top-level-atts;>
<!ELEMENT xsl:transform %top-level;>
<!ATTLIST xsl:transform %top-level-atts;>
<!ELEMENT xsl:import EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST xsl:import href %URI; #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT xsl:include EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST xsl:include href %URI; #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT xsl:strip-space EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST xsl:strip-space elements CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT xsl:preserve-space EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST xsl:preserve-space elements CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT xsl:output EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST xsl:output
method %qname; #IMPLIED
omit-xml-declaration (yes|no) #IMPLIED
standalone (yes|no) #IMPLIED
doctype-public CDATA #IMPLIED
doctype-system CDATA #IMPLIED
cdata-section-elements %qnames; #IMPLIED
indent (yes|no) #IMPLIED
media-type CDATA #IMPLIED
<!ELEMENT xsl:key EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST xsl:key
name %qname; #REQUIRED
match %pattern; #REQUIRED
use %expr; #REQUIRED
<!ELEMENT xsl:decimal-format EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST xsl:decimal-format
name %qname; #IMPLIED
decimal-separator %char; "."
grouping-separator %char; ","
infinity CDATA "Infinity"
minus-sign %char; "-"
percent %char; "%"
per-mille %char; "&#x2030;"
zero-digit %char; "0"
digit %char; "#"
pattern-separator %char; ";"
<!ELEMENT xsl:namespace-alias EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST xsl:namespace-alias
stylesheet-prefix CDATA #REQUIRED
result-prefix CDATA #REQUIRED
<!ELEMENT xsl:template
| xsl:param)*
<!ATTLIST xsl:template
match %pattern; #IMPLIED
name %qname; #IMPLIED
priority %priority; #IMPLIED
mode %qname; #IMPLIED
<!ELEMENT xsl:value-of EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST xsl:value-of
select %expr; #REQUIRED
disable-output-escaping (yes|no) "no"
<!ELEMENT xsl:copy-of EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST xsl:copy-of select %expr; #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT xsl:number EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST xsl:number
level (single|multiple|any) "single"
count %pattern; #IMPLIED
from %pattern; #IMPLIED
value %expr; #IMPLIED
format %avt; '1'
lang %avt; #IMPLIED
letter-value %avt; #IMPLIED
grouping-separator %avt; #IMPLIED
grouping-size %avt; #IMPLIED
<!ELEMENT xsl:apply-templates (xsl:sort|xsl:with-param)*>
<!ATTLIST xsl:apply-templates
select %expr; "node()"
mode %qname; #IMPLIED
<!ELEMENT xsl:apply-imports EMPTY>
<!-- xsl:sort cannot occur after any other elements or
any non-whitespace character -->
<!ELEMENT xsl:for-each
| xsl:sort)*
<!ATTLIST xsl:for-each
select %expr; #REQUIRED
<!ELEMENT xsl:sort EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST xsl:sort
select %expr; "."
lang %avt; #IMPLIED
data-type %avt; "text"
order %avt; "ascending"
case-order %avt; #IMPLIED
<!ELEMENT xsl:if %template;>
<!ATTLIST xsl:if
test %expr; #REQUIRED
<!ELEMENT xsl:choose (xsl:when+, xsl:otherwise?)>
<!ATTLIST xsl:choose %space-att;>
<!ELEMENT xsl:when %template;>
<!ATTLIST xsl:when
test %expr; #REQUIRED
<!ELEMENT xsl:otherwise %template;>
<!ATTLIST xsl:otherwise %space-att;>
<!ELEMENT xsl:attribute-set (xsl:attribute)*>
<!ATTLIST xsl:attribute-set
name %qname; #REQUIRED
use-attribute-sets %qnames; #IMPLIED
<!ELEMENT xsl:call-template (xsl:with-param)*>
<!ATTLIST xsl:call-template
name %qname; #REQUIRED
<!ELEMENT xsl:with-param %template;>
<!ATTLIST xsl:with-param
name %qname; #REQUIRED
select %expr; #IMPLIED
<!ELEMENT xsl:variable %template;>
<!ATTLIST xsl:variable
name %qname; #REQUIRED
select %expr; #IMPLIED
<!ELEMENT xsl:param %template;>
<!ATTLIST xsl:param
name %qname; #REQUIRED
select %expr; #IMPLIED
<!ELEMENT xsl:text (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST xsl:text
disable-output-escaping (yes|no) "no"
<!ELEMENT xsl:processing-instruction %char-template;>
<!ATTLIST xsl:processing-instruction
name %avt; #REQUIRED
<!ELEMENT xsl:element %template;>
<!ATTLIST xsl:element
name %avt; #REQUIRED
namespace %avt; #IMPLIED
use-attribute-sets %qnames; #IMPLIED
<!ELEMENT xsl:attribute %char-template;>
<!ATTLIST xsl:attribute
name %avt; #REQUIRED
namespace %avt; #IMPLIED
<!ELEMENT xsl:comment %char-template;>
<!ATTLIST xsl:comment %space-att;>
<!ELEMENT xsl:copy %template;>
<!ATTLIST xsl:copy
use-attribute-sets %qnames; #IMPLIED
<!ELEMENT xsl:message %template;>
<!ATTLIST xsl:message
terminate (yes|no) "no"
<!ELEMENT xsl:fallback %template;>
<!ATTLIST xsl:fallback %space-att;>