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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
<?dbhtml filename="editor/xsleditor.html" ?>
<title>XSL Editing</title>
The XSL Tools plugins extend the ability of the Web Standard
Tools XML
editor. This extension adds specific
support and
functionality for
working with and debugging XSL files.
<section id="Validation">
<?dbhtml filename="editor/xsleditor_validation.html" ?>
The XSL extensions for the eclipse XML editor include as you
validation for XSL specific features. This
includes not
only the
ability to syntax check the grammar, but to also to validate
XSL specification
rules. Grammar validation will
be triggered based on
the version attribute for the style sheet that is
edited. Valid
version numbers are 1.0, and 2.0.
<section id="ContentAssist">
<?dbhtml filename="editor/xsleditor_contentassist.html" ?>
<title>Content Assist</title>
XSL Tools extends the existing content assistance support of the
XML Editor to provide content assistance for
several XSL namespace
attributes. The content assistance provided covers the available XPath
statements as
defined in the
<emphasis>XPath Templates</emphasis>
preference page.
<title>XPath 2.0 Support</title>
Currently XPath 2.0 is not supported directly. However, a user
can add this support if they need it by
adding the missing XPath
functions to the XPath Templates.
To initiate content assistance press CTRL + SPACE or CMD + SPACE. This will bring up
a dialog that will contain any proposals that are available. If no proposals are available
an message will be displayed in the status bar.
<section id="SelectTest">
<title>Select and Test Attributes </title>
Where ever an xsl element supports a
attribute, content assistance is
available. This includes support for
the following:
<title>Select and Test Assistance</title>
- both local and global variables are supported within the current
stylesheet. Any local or global
variable will be
added to the list
and the name is prefixed with a dollar sign $ symbol.
<emphasis>XPath 1.0</emphasis>
- XPath 1.0 is supported through the use of templates. All of the
XPath 1.0 and XSLT xpath
functions are available, as well
operations. Currently XPath 2.0 is not supported
directly, but will
be added in the future.
Content assistance for the select and test attributes is
intelligent enough to know that it is within an
XPath expression, and will try to determine and provide content assistance based on the
current cursor
position. If a word has been partially typed it will
filter the available assistance.
<section id="ExcludeResultPrefixesContentAssist">
attribute in both XSLT 1.0 and XSLT 2.0 allows for the exclusion of
certain namespace
declarations in the
output document. The content
assistance populates a list of available namespaces that have been
defined in
stylseheet and provides them as proposals as shown in
<xref linkend="fig_ExcludeResultPrefixesContentAssist1" />
<figure id="fig_ExcludeResultPrefixesContentAssist1">
<title>Exclude-result-prefixes Content
<imagedata align="center" fileref="../images/editor/ExcludeContentAssist1.png" />
If the attribute has no values defined, then the
value will be available in the list. If #all
is already in the
attributes value, then no content assistance
will be available.
<figure id="fig_ExcludeResultPrefixesContentAssist2">
<title>Filtered exclude-result-prefixes proposals</title>
<imagedata align="center" fileref="../images/editor/ExcludeContentAssist2.png" />
Content assistance is intelligent enough to know when a
namespace prefix is already in the list of
excluded namespaces. In
case it will not show the namespace in the proposal list.
<title>Why isn't the XSL Namespace prefix in the proposals?
Currently the xsl prefix or any prefix that uses the XSL
namespace is excluded from the list. This may
be changed at
a future
date. This will depend on user feedback.
<section id="ed_ModeAssist">
<title>Mode attribute assistance</title>
Content assistance is available for those xsl elements that support the mode attribute. For XSLT 1.0
these elements are <emphasis>template</emphasis>, <emphasis>apply-templates</emphasis>, and <emphasis>apply-imports</emphasis>.
<figure id="fig_ModeAssistance">
<title>Mode attribute assistance</title>
<imagedata format="PNG" align="center" fileref="../images/editor/modeAssistance.png"/>
The proposal list is populated by those modes defined on templates in the current stylesheet, and any
of the templates that are <emphasis>included</emphasis> or <emphasis>imported</emphasis>.
<section id="XSLEditorTemplates">
<?dbhtml filename="editor/xsleditor_templates.html" ?>
Specific XSL code completion templates can be added to the XML
editor's Templates. This allows a user
define specific markup
completion templates that are commonly used. In addition, the XPath
Templates page
can be
enhanced to allow commonly used XPath templates
to be included, in addition to those installed by default.
a user the ability to add custom extension functions for XSLT that
may be processor specific. Adopters
also use the standard template
extension point to add additional functionality.
<?dbhtml filename="editor/xsleditor_xpathtemplates.html" ?>
<title>XPath Templates</title>
The XSL XPath Templates preference page allows for a user or
adopter to add specific xpath extensions so
they show up in the
content assistance. See the XPath Templates documentation for more
<section id="XSLEditorDebugging">
<?dbhtml filename="editor/xsleditor_debugging.html" ?>
<title>XSL Debugging</title>
TODO: Add XSL Debugging documentation.