| #Properties file for org.eclipse.wst.xsl.debug.ui |
| Bundle-Name.0 = XSL Debug UI Plug-in (Incubating) |
| page.name.0 = XSL |
| page.name.1 = Installed Processors |
| page.name.2 = Features |
| page.name.3 = Output Properties |
| launchMode.description.0 = Create a configuration to debug an XSLT transformation |
| launchMode.description.1 = Create a configuration to run an XSLT transformation |
| context.description.0 = Context for debugging XSLT |
| context.name.0 = XSLT Debugging |
| shortcut.label.0 = XSL Transformation |
| shortcut.label.1 = XSLT Transformation |
| Bundle-Vendor.0 = Eclipse.org |
| description.description.0 = Run an XSLT transformation using the selected file(s) |
| description.description.1 = Debug an XSLT transformation using the selected file(s) |
| description.description.2 = Profile an XSLT transformation using the selected file(s) |