blob: de954e1b3a1a2953ebac0119c0bf023db16198e0 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<chapter xmlns:xsi=""
<title>XSL Editing</title>
The XSL Tooling plugins extend the ability of the Web Standard Tools XML
editor. This extension adds specific support and functionality for working
with and debugging XSL files.
<title>Content Assist</title>
XSL Tooling extends the existing content assistance support of the XML
Editor to provide content assistance for several XSL namespace attributes.
The content assistance provided covers the available XPath statements as
defined in the XPath Tempalates preference page.
The elements and attributes that have content assist available are as follows:
<emphasis role="bold">template</emphasis> - The template element has several content assist
options available for the <emphasis>match</emphasis>, <emphasis>name</emphasis>, and
<emphasis>mode</emphasis> attributes.
<emphasis role="bold">variable</emphasis> and <emphasis
role="bold">param</emphasis> - The variable and param elements have content assist
for xpath, axis, parmaters and variables that have already been predefined when using the optional
<emphasis>select</emphasis> attribute.
<emphasis role="bold">if</emphasis> and <emphasis role="bold">when</emphasis> - The
if and when elements have content assist for the <emphasis>test</emphasis> attribute.
This content assistance is available for all paramaters and variables that are in
scope, as well as any available xpath or axis statement.
<emphasis role="bold">apply-template</emphasis> - The apply template has content
assistance for both the <emphasis>mode</emphasis> and <emphasis>select</emphasis>