API changes
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core/plugin.properties b/plugins/org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core/plugin.properties
index e130fc2..c5e8c4a 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core/plugin.properties
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core/plugin.properties
@@ -32,66 +32,49 @@
 serverLocatorDescription=Search for Apache Tomcat v3.2, v4.0, v4.1, and v5.0 servers.
 # runtime target
-targetJRE=Tomcat JRE
 target32runtime=Tomcat v3.2 runtime
 target40runtime=Tomcat v4.0 runtime
 target41runtime=Tomcat v4.1 runtime
 target50runtime=Tomcat v5.0 runtime
+target55runtime=Tomcat v5.5 runtime
 # --------------- Servers and Configurations ---------------
 tomcat32ServerType=Tomcat v3.2 Server
-tomcat32ServerShortType=Local Server
 tomcat32ServerDescription=Publishes and runs J2EE Web projects and server configurations to a local Tomcat server.
 tomcat32ConfigurationType=Tomcat v3.2 Server Configuration
-tomcat32ConfigurationShortType=Server Configuration
 tomcat32ConfigurationDescription=A server configuration for Tomcat version 3.2.
 tomcat40ServerType=Tomcat v4.0 Server
-tomcat40ServerShortType=Local Server
 tomcat40ServerDescription=Publishes and runs J2EE Web projects and server configurations to a local Tomcat server.
 tomcat40ConfigurationType=Tomcat v4.0 Server Configuration
-tomcat40ConfigurationShortType=Server Configuration
 tomcat40ConfigurationDescription=A server configuration for Tomcat version 4.0.
 tomcat41ServerType=Tomcat v4.1 Server
-tomcat41ServerShortType=Local Server
 tomcat41ServerDescription=Publishes and runs J2EE Web projects and server configurations to a local Tomcat server.
 tomcat41ConfigurationType=Tomcat v4.1 Server Configuration
-tomcat41ConfigurationShortType=Server Configuration
 tomcat41ConfigurationDescription=A server configuration for Tomcat version 4.1.
 tomcat50ServerType=Tomcat v5.0 Server
-tomcat50ServerShortType=Local Server
 tomcat50ServerDescription=Publishes and runs J2EE Web projects and server configurations to a local Tomcat server.
 tomcat50ConfigurationType=Tomcat v5.0 Server Configuration
-tomcat50ConfigurationShortType=Server Configuration
 tomcat50ConfigurationDescription=A server configuration for Tomcat version 5.0.
 tomcat55ServerType=Tomcat v5.5 Server
-tomcat55ServerShortType=Local Server
 tomcat55ServerDescription=Publishes and runs J2EE Web projects and server configurations to a local Tomcat server.
 tomcat55ConfigurationType=Tomcat v5.5 Server Configuration
-tomcat55ConfigurationShortType=Server Configuration
 tomcat55ConfigurationDescription=A server configuration for Tomcat version 5.5.
 # --------------- Tasks (progress monitors) ---------------
 updatingConfigurationTask=Updating run-time configuration...
-publishTask=Publishing to Tomcat...
 publishConfigurationTask=Publishing the configuration...
-publishTempDirectoryTask=Updating the temp directory...
-publishCopyTask=Copying module {0}...
-publishExpandTask=Expanding module {0}...
-publishProjectTask=Publishing project {0}...
 publisherPublishTask=Publishing {0}...
-publisherDeleteTask=Deleting {0}...
 tomcatLaunchConfigurationType=Apache Tomcat
@@ -114,41 +97,28 @@
 configurationEditorActionEditWebModuleDescription=Change Web module path from {0} to {1}
 # --------------- General ---------------
-startingServer=Starting Tomcat server {0}. Debugging is disabled and breakpoints will be ignored.
-debuggingServer=Starting Tomcat server {0} in debug mode. Breakpoints are enabled.
-profilingServer=Starting Tomcat server {0}. Profiling is enabled and debugging has been disabled.
-errorInvalidConfiguration=Invalid server configuration
 canAddModule=Web module can be added to the server.
 canModifyModules=Web modules can be modified.
 # --------------- Errors and Info ---------------
-errorTitle=Tomcat Error
 errorInstallDir=The Tomcat installation directory is not correct. Edit the server and change the installation directory.
 errorJRE=The JRE could not be found. Edit the server and change the JRE location.
 errorPortInUse=Port {0} required by {1} is already in use.
-errorCouldNotLaunch=Tomcat could not be launched successfully.
-errorCouldNotFindDebugPort=Could not find a valid port for debugging.
-errorCouldNotLoadServer=Could not find a valid Tomcat server at the specified location.
 errorCouldNotLoadConfiguration=Could not find a valid Tomcat server configuration at the specified location.
-errorCouldNotSaveServer=Could not save the Tomcat server: {0}.
 errorCouldNotSaveConfiguration=Could not save the Tomcat server configuration: {0}.
 errorPublishConfiguration=Could not publish server configuration: {0}.
 errorWebModulesOnly=Tomcat only supports running J2EE Web modules.
 errorSpec32=Tomcat version 3.2 only supports J2EE 1.2 Web modules
 errorSpec40=Tomcat version 4.0 only supports J2EE 1.2 and 1.3 Web modules
 errorSpec41=Tomcat version 4.1 only supports J2EE 1.2 and 1.3 Web modules
 errorSpec50=Tomcat version 5.0 only supports J2EE 1.2 and 1.3 and 1.4 Web modules
 errorSpec55=Tomcat version 5.5 only supports J2EE 1.2 and 1.3 and 1.4 Web modules
 errorInstallDir=The Tomcat installation directory is not correct.
-errorJREDir=The JDK installation directory is not correct.
-errorRuntimeName=Enter a name for the runtime.
-errorDuplicateRuntimeName=Name is already in use.
-publishingStarted=Publishing started successfully
-publishingStopped=Publishing ended successfully
-infoPublishSuccess=Publishing was successful
-infoDefaultAvailable=A Tomcat server is available.
-projectCleanupSuccess=Old project {0} was removed successfully.
+# Actions (used in undo/redo menus)
+serverEditorActionSetSecure=set security
+serverEditorActionSetSecureDescription=Set the Tomcat security
+serverEditorActionSetDebugMode=set Tomcat debug mode
+serverEditorActionSetDebugModeDescription=Set Tomcat in debug mode
+serverEditorActionSetTestEnvironment=run modules from workspace
+serverEditorActionSetTestEnvironmentDescription=Run modules from the workspace