| ############################################################################### |
| # Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 IBM Corporation and others. |
| # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation |
| ############################################################################### |
| pluginName=Server UI |
| providerName=Eclipse.org |
| |
| extensionPointEditorPages=Editor Pages |
| extensionPointEditorPageSections=Editor Page Sections |
| extensionPointEditorActions=Editor Actions |
| extensionPointServerImages=Server Images |
| extensionPointWizardFragments=Wizard Fragments |
| |
| # --------------- Wizards --------------- |
| # (If the first two lines in a group do not start with "wiz", it is because |
| # those lines are displayed in the workbench "New" wizard. The rest of the |
| # text is displayed in each actual wizard) |
| |
| wizardCategoryTitle=Server |
| |
| # New Server (and Configuration) Wizard |
| newServer=Server |
| newServerDescription=Define a new server |
| wizNewServerWizardTitle=New Server |
| wizNewServerTitle=Define a New Server |
| wizNewServerDescription=Choose the type of server to create. |
| wizNewServerRuntime=Server runtime: |
| |
| wizNewServerSelect=How do you want to select the server? |
| wizNewServerExisting=Choose an e&xisting server |
| wizNewServerDetect=&Automatically detect servers |
| wizNewServerManual=&Manually define a server |
| wizNewServerSelectExisting=Select the server that you want to use: |
| |
| # Import Server Configuration wizard |
| importServerConfiguration=Server Configuration |
| wizImportConfigurationWizardTitle=Import a Server Configuration |
| wizImportConfigurationTitle=Import a server configuration |
| wizImportConfigurationDescription=Fill out the fields below to import the configuration. |
| wizImportConfigurationType=Configuration type: |
| wizImportConfigurationLocation=&Location: |
| wizImportConfigurationFile=Choose the server configuration file |
| wizImportConfigurationDirectory=Choose the directory containing the server configuration |
| |
| # Select Server wizard |
| wizRunOnServerTitle=Run On Server |
| wizDebugOnServerTitle=Debug On Server |
| wizProfileOnServerTitle=Profile On Server |
| wizSelectServerPreferred=Set server as project &default (do not prompt) |
| |
| # Select Server Client Wizard |
| wizSelectClientWizardTitle=Select a Server Client |
| wizSelectClientTitle=Select a server client |
| wizSelectClientDescription=Select a client to use with this server. |
| wizSelectClientMessage=Multiple clients can run on the current selection. Select a client from the list below: |
| |
| # Task Wizard |
| wizTaskWizardTitle=Select Tasks |
| wizTaskTitle=Select Tasks |
| wizTaskDescription=Select the tasks to perform on the server. |
| wizTaskDetail=Tasks for: |
| wizTaskNone=There are currently no tasks that need to be performed. |
| |
| # New Runtime Wizard |
| wizNewRuntimeWizardTitle=New Server Runtime |
| wizNewRuntimeTitle=New Server Runtime |
| wizNewRuntimeDescription=Define a new installed server runtime environment |
| wizEditRuntimeWizardTitle=Edit Server Runtime |
| |
| # Add/Remove Modules |
| wizModuleWizardTitle=Add and Remove Projects |
| wizModuleTitle=Add and Remove Projects |
| wizModuleDescription=Modify the projects that are configured on the server |
| wizModuleMessage=Move projects to the right to configure them on the server |
| wizModuleAvailableList=&Available projects: |
| wizModuleDeployedList=&Configured projects: |
| wizModuleAdd=A&dd > |
| wizModuleAddAll=Add A&ll >> |
| wizModuleRemove=< &Remove |
| wizModuleRemoveAll=<< Re&move All |
| |
| # General text used in multiple wizards |
| wizFolder=F&older: |
| wizBrowse=B&rowse... |
| wizDescription=Description: |
| |
| # Wizard info and error messages |
| wizErrorInvalidFolder=The folder must be a server project or a folder within a server project |
| wizErrorClosedProject=The folder must not be in a closed project |
| wizErrorResourceAlreadyExists=The specified resource already exists |
| wizErrorServerCreationError=Cannot create a server using the selected type |
| wizErrorImport=Could not find a valid server configuration at the specified location |
| |
| |
| # --------------- Views --------------- |
| |
| viewCategoryTitle=Server |
| |
| # --- Server Configuration view --- |
| viewServers=Servers |
| |
| viewNoConfiguration=No configuration |
| viewNoModules=Nothing deployed |
| |
| # Actions |
| actionDelete=Delete |
| actionOpen=Open |
| actionSwitchConfiguration=Switch Configuration |
| actionMonitor=Monitoring |
| actionMonitorPort=Monitor port {0} ({1}) |
| actionMonitorProperties=Properties... |
| actionNew=New |
| actionNewServer=Server |
| |
| # --- Servers view --- |
| viewServersTitle=Servers |
| |
| # Column titles |
| viewServer=Server |
| viewHost=Host name |
| viewStatus=Status |
| viewSync=State |
| |
| actionRestartProject=Restart Project |
| |
| # Actions |
| actionStart=Start |
| actionStartToolTip=Start the server |
| actionDebug=Debug |
| actionDebugToolTip=Start the server in debug mode |
| actionProfile=Profile |
| actionProfileToolTip=Start the server in profiling mode |
| actionStop=Stop |
| actionStopToolTip=Stop the server |
| actionRestart=Restart |
| actionRestartToolTip=Restart the server |
| actionPublish=Publish |
| actionPublishToolTip=Publish to the server |
| actionModifyModules=Add and remove projects... |
| actionModifyModulesToolTip=Add and remove projects |
| |
| # Status column text |
| viewStatusStarting=Starting |
| viewStatusStarted=Started |
| viewStatusStartedDebug=Debugging |
| viewStatusStartedProfile=Profiling |
| viewStatusStopping=Stopping |
| viewStatusStopped=Stopped |
| viewStatusUnsupported=Unsupported |
| |
| viewStatusStarting1=Starting. |
| viewStatusStarting2=Starting.. |
| viewStatusStarting3=Starting... |
| |
| viewStatusStopping1=Stopping. |
| viewStatusStopping2=Stopping.. |
| viewStatusStopping3=Stopping... |
| |
| # Server State text |
| viewSyncOkay=Synchronized |
| viewSyncRestart=Restart |
| viewSyncPublish=Republish |
| viewSyncRestartPublish=Restart & republish |
| viewSyncPublishing=Publishing... |
| |
| # --- set 2 --- |
| # Actions |
| actionStart2=Connect |
| actionStartToolTip2=Connect the server |
| actionDebug2=Debug |
| actionDebugToolTip2=Connect to the server in debug mode |
| actionProfile2=Profile |
| actionProfileToolTip2=Connect to the server in profiling mode |
| actionStop2=Disconnect |
| actionStopToolTip2=Disconnect from the server |
| actionRestart2=Reconnect |
| actionRestartToolTip2=Reconnect to the server |
| actionPublish2=Publish |
| actionPublishToolTip2=Publish to the server |
| |
| # Status column text |
| viewStatusStarting4=Connecting |
| viewStatusStarted2=Connected |
| viewStatusStartedDebug2=Debugging |
| viewStatusStopping4=Disconnecting |
| viewStatusStopped2=Disconnected |
| viewStatusUnsupported2=Unsupported |
| viewStatusStartedProfile2=Profiling |
| |
| # Server State text |
| viewSyncOkay2=Synchronized |
| viewSyncRestart2=Reconnect |
| viewSyncPublish2=Republish |
| viewSyncRestartPublish2=Reconnect and republish |
| viewSyncPublishing2=Publishing... |
| |
| |
| # --------------- Action Sets (toolbar icon groups) --------------- |
| |
| # Servers action set |
| actionSetTitle=Server |
| actionSetNewServer=Create Server and Server Configuration |
| actionSetNewServer=Create Server |
| |
| # Run on Server actions |
| actionRunOnServer=Run on Server... |
| actionDebugOnServer=Debug on Server... |
| actionProfileOnServer=Profile on Server... |
| |
| |
| # --------------- Preferences --------------- |
| |
| # Names of the preference pages |
| preferenceServersTitle=Server |
| preferenceRuntimesTitle=Installed Runtimes |
| preferenceRuntimesTitleLong=Installed Server Runtime Environments |
| |
| # Server preferences |
| prefAutoPublish=Automatically p&ublish before starting servers |
| prefAutoPublishLocal=Automatically publish to local servers every: |
| prefAutoPublishRemote=Automatically publish to remote servers every: |
| prefAutoPublishSeconds=s |
| prefAutoRestart=Automatically &restart servers when necessary |
| prefPromptIrreversible=Prompt before making &irreversible changes within an editor |
| prefCreateInWorkspace=Create server resources in workspace |
| prefShowOnActivity=Show Servers view when server state changes |
| |
| prefSaveEditorsGroup=Save dirty editors before starting server |
| prefSaveEditorsNever=&Never |
| prefSaveEditorsPrompt=Pro&mpt |
| prefSaveEditorsAutosave=Auto-sav&e |
| |
| # Project properties preferences |
| propertiesServer=Server |
| prefProjectDescription=Set the runtime target and the default server for the project. |
| prefProject=Project: |
| prefProjectDefaultServer=Default server: |
| prefProjectNotModule=This project cannot be deployed to a server. |
| prefProjectNotConfigured=Not currently deployed to any servers |
| prefProjectNoServer=<None> |
| |
| # Installed runtimes |
| preferenceRuntimesDescription=Add, remove, or edit installed server runtime definitions.\nThe checked runtime will be used by default when creating new projects. |
| preferenceRuntimesTable=Installed server runtimes: |
| |
| |
| # --------------- Tasks (progress monitors) --------------- |
| |
| # Creating default server project |
| createServerProjectTask=Creating server project. |
| |
| # General tasks |
| savingTask=Saving {0}. |
| loadingTask=Loading {0}. |
| performingTasks=Performing tasks. |
| |
| publishingStart=Connecting to server |
| |
| # --------------- Dialogs --------------- |
| |
| # Delete Server Resource dialog |
| deleteServerResourceDialogTitle=Delete Server Resource |
| deleteServerResourceDialogMessage=Are you sure you want to delete {0}? |
| deleteServerResourceDialogMessageMany=Are you sure you want to delete the {0} server resources? |
| deleteServerResourceDialogLooseConfigurations=Also delete unused server configuration {0}. |
| deleteServerResourceDialogLooseConfigurationsMany=Also delete {0} unused server configurations. |
| |
| # Create Server Project dialog |
| createServerProjectDialogTitle=Create Server Project |
| createServerProjectDialogMessage=Do you want to create a new server project with the name {0}? |
| |
| # Terminate Server dialog |
| terminateServerDialogTitle=Terminate Server |
| terminateServerDialogMessage=Server {0} is not responding. Do you want to terminate this server? Click OK to terminate the server or click Cancel to continue waiting. |
| |
| # Server resource dirty dialog |
| resourceDirtyDialogTitle=Server Resource Dirty |
| resourceDirtyDialogMessage=The server resource {0} has unsaved changes. Do you want to continue? |
| resourceDirtyDialogContinue=Continue |
| |
| runtimeTargetCombo=Target runtime: |
| runtimeTargetNone=<None> |
| runtimeTargetNewRuntime=New... |
| runtimeTargetRuntimePreferences=Installed Runtimes... |
| runtimeTargetChildren=Include child projects |
| |
| # General dialogs |
| defaultDialogTitle=Server |
| dialogStoppingServer=Stopping server {0}. |
| dialogRestartingProject=Restarting project {0}. |
| |
| # restart warning dialog |
| dialogModeWarningDebug=The server is not running in debug mode. You may restart the server in debug mode, continue without debugging, or cancel the operation. |
| dialogModeWarningProfile=The server is not running in profiling mode. You may restart the server in profiling mode, continue without profiling, or cancel the operation. |
| dialogModeWarningRestart=Restart |
| dialogModeWarningContinue=Continue |
| |
| # Monitor dialog |
| dialogMonitorTitle=Monitoring Ports |
| dialogMonitorDescription=The following ports are being monitored on server {0}: |
| dialogMonitorAddDescription=The server {0} has the following ports that can be monitored: |
| dialogMonitorColumnPort=Server Port |
| dialogMonitorColumnType=Type |
| dialogMonitorColumnMonitorPort=Monitor Port |
| dialogMonitorColumnContentType=Content Type |
| dialogMonitorColumnStatus=Status |
| dialogMonitorMonitorPort=Monitor port: |
| dialogMonitorContentType=Content type: |
| dialogMonitorContentTypeAll=All |
| dialogMonitorContentTypeWeb=Web |
| dialogMonitorContentTypeWebServices=WebServices |
| |
| start=Start |
| stop=Stop |
| started=Started |
| stopped=Stopped |
| |
| # Confirm runtime removal |
| dialogRuntimeInUse=The runtime is currently being used and deleting it will cause compilation or runtime problems. Delete the runtime anyway? |
| |
| # runtime locator search dialog |
| dialogRuntimeSearchTitle=Search For Runtimes |
| dialogRuntimeSearchMessage=Select the directory in which to search for server runtimes: |
| dialogRuntimeSearchProgress=Searching for server runtimes... |
| |
| # Can't add remove |
| dialogAddRemoveModulesNone=There are no projects that can be added or removed from the server. |
| |
| # --------------- Misc UI --------------- |
| |
| serverLaunchShortcut=Run on Server |
| |
| serverEditor=Server Editor |
| |
| # runtime composite |
| runtimeTypeCompDescription=Runtimes are used at build time to compile projects. |
| runtimeTypeCompTree=Select the type of &runtime that you want to define: |
| serverTypeCompDescription=Select the &server type: |
| name=Name |
| vendor=Vendor |
| version=Version |
| host=Host name |
| moduleSupport=Module Support |
| viewBy=&View By: |
| |
| # misc composites |
| hostnameTitle=Specify the host where you want to publish |
| hostname=&Host name: |
| |
| # Server launch configuration tab |
| serverLaunchConfigurationTab=Server |
| serverLaunchServer=Server: |
| serverLaunchRuntime=Runtime: |
| serverLaunchHost=Host name: |
| |
| # Error Messages |
| errorDialogTitle=Server Error |
| errorServerAlreadyRunning=Server already running |
| errorNoServerSelected=No server selected |
| errorInvalidServer=Invalid server |
| errorServerStartFailed=The server named {0} did not start correctly. Check the Console for error messages. |
| errorPublishing=Could not publish to the server. |
| errorCouldNotCreateServerProject=Could not create server project |
| errorCouldNotCreateServerProjectStatus=Could not create server project: {0} |
| errorNoModules=Did not find anything to deploy to a server |
| errorNoServer=Could not find a server to run the selection |
| errorNoClient=Could not find a client that is able to launch the selection |
| errorCouldNotSavePreference=Could not save server preference information. |
| errorEditorCantSave=Can't save the server resource for the following reason(s): |
| errorEditor=Could not open editor because {0} is not a valid server or server configuration. |
| errorVersionLevel=The selected server does not support version {1} of the {0} specification. |
| |
| # Info messages |
| infoNoRuntimesFound=No server runtimes were found. |
| |
| # Default server creation names |
| # {0} will be replaced by a number if the given name is already being used |
| defaultServerProjectName=Servers{0} |
| |
| serverStartError=Error received while starting the server |
| |
| # Used when a name can't be found |
| elementUnknownName=<unknown> |
| |
| columnName=Name |
| columnType=Type |
| |
| add=Add... |
| edit=Edit... |
| remove=Remove |
| search=Search... |
| |
| |
| # --------------- Editor support --------------- |
| |
| serverEditorOverviewPage=Overview |
| serverEditorOverviewPageTitle=Server Overview |
| serverEditorOverviewSection=General |
| serverEditorOverviewDescription=Specify the host name and other settings. |
| serverEditorOverviewServerName=Server name: |
| serverEditorOverviewServerNameCommand=set server name |
| serverEditorOverviewServerNameDescription=Set the server name |
| serverEditorOverviewServerConfigurationPath=Server configuration path: |
| serverEditorOverviewServerHostname=Host name: |
| serverEditorOverviewServerHostnameCommand=set host name |
| serverEditorOverviewServerHostnameDescription=Set the host name |
| serverEditorOverviewRuntime=Runtime: |
| serverEditorOverviewRuntimeCommand=set runtime |
| serverEditorOverviewRuntimeDescription=Set the runtime |
| serverEditorOverviewAutoPublishDefault=Use default auto-publish settings |
| serverEditorOverviewAutoPublishOverride=Auto-publish every: |
| serverEditorOverviewAutoPublishCommand=modify auto-publish settings |
| serverEditorOverviewAutoPublishDescription=Modify auto-publish settings |
| |
| # Menu items. {0} will be replaced by one of the xxxEditorActionXxx fields |
| # from below. @Ctrl+Z is the menu mnemonic |
| editorUndoEnabled=Undo {0}@Ctrl+Z |
| editorUndoDisabled=Undo@Ctrl+Z |
| editorRedoEnabled=Redo {0}@Ctrl+Y |
| editorRedoDisabled=Redo@Ctrl+Y |
| |
| editorSaveErrorDialog=Save Problems |
| editorSaveErrorMessage=Error while saving. {0} |
| |
| editorReadOnly=Read Only |
| editorWritable=Writable |
| editorReadOnlyFiles=Read Only files: {0} |
| |
| editorServerEditor=Server Editor |
| editorPromptIrreversible=This operation cannot be undone. Do you want to proceed? |
| |
| # message if a dirty resource is deleted |
| editorResourceDeleteTitle=Server Resource Deleted |
| editorResourceDeleteServerMessage=The server {0} has been deleted from the file system. Do you want to save your changes or close the editor without saving? |
| editorResourceDeleteServerConfigurationMessage=The server configuration {0} has been deleted from the file system. Do you want to save your changes or close the editor without saving? |
| editorResourceDeleteSave=Save |
| |
| editorResourceModifiedTitle=File Changed |
| editorServerModifiedMessage=The server has been changed on the file system. Do you want to load the changes? |
| editorServerConfigurationModifiedMessage=The server configuration has been changed on the file system. Do you want to load the changes? |
| |
| editorValidateEditFailureMessage=The server resource cannot be edited. |
| editorReadOnlyMessage=File(s) being edited have become read-only. The editor will become read-only and changes will be lost. |
| |
| editorResourceWarnTitle=Server Modification Warning |
| editorResourceWarnMessage=The resource you are modifying is read-only. All changes will be lost because the resource cannot be saved. |