[84204] Better error message when port is in use.
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core/plugin.properties b/plugins/org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core/plugin.properties
index e9453ac..29c09ac 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core/plugin.properties
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core/plugin.properties
@@ -38,37 +38,22 @@
 target50runtime=Tomcat v5.0 runtime
 target55runtime=Tomcat v5.5 runtime
-# --------------- Servers and Configurations ---------------
+# --------------- Servers ---------------
 tomcat32ServerType=Tomcat v3.2 Server
 tomcat32ServerDescription=Publishes and runs J2EE Web projects and server configurations to a local Tomcat server.
-tomcat32ConfigurationType=Tomcat v3.2 Server Configuration
-tomcat32ConfigurationDescription=A server configuration for Tomcat version 3.2.
 tomcat40ServerType=Tomcat v4.0 Server
 tomcat40ServerDescription=Publishes and runs J2EE Web projects and server configurations to a local Tomcat server.
-tomcat40ConfigurationType=Tomcat v4.0 Server Configuration
-tomcat40ConfigurationDescription=A server configuration for Tomcat version 4.0.
 tomcat41ServerType=Tomcat v4.1 Server
 tomcat41ServerDescription=Publishes and runs J2EE Web projects and server configurations to a local Tomcat server.
-tomcat41ConfigurationType=Tomcat v4.1 Server Configuration
-tomcat41ConfigurationDescription=A server configuration for Tomcat version 4.1.
 tomcat50ServerType=Tomcat v5.0 Server
 tomcat50ServerDescription=Publishes and runs J2EE Web projects and server configurations to a local Tomcat server.
-tomcat50ConfigurationType=Tomcat v5.0 Server Configuration
-tomcat50ConfigurationDescription=A server configuration for Tomcat version 5.0.
 tomcat55ServerType=Tomcat v5.5 Server
 tomcat55ServerDescription=Publishes and runs J2EE Web projects and server configurations to a local Tomcat server.
-tomcat55ConfigurationType=Tomcat v5.5 Server Configuration
-tomcat55ConfigurationDescription=A server configuration for Tomcat version 5.5.
 # --------------- Tasks (progress monitors) ---------------
@@ -111,11 +96,14 @@
 # --------------- General ---------------
 canAddModule=Web module can be added to the server.
 canModifyModules=Web modules can be modified.
+portServer=Tomcat admin port
+portUnknown=unknown port
 # --------------- Errors and Info ---------------
 errorInstallDir=The Tomcat installation directory is not correct. Edit the server and change the installation directory.
 errorJRE=The JRE could not be found. Edit the server and change the JRE location.
-errorPortInUse=Port {0} required by {1} is already in use.
+errorPortInUse=Port {0} required by {1} is already in use. The server may already be running in another process, or a system process may be using the port. \
+  To start this server you will need to stop the other process or change the port number(s).
 errorCouldNotLoadConfiguration=Could not find a valid Tomcat server configuration at the specified location.
 errorCouldNotSaveConfiguration=Could not save the Tomcat server configuration: {0}.
 errorPublishConfiguration=Could not publish server configuration: {0}.
@@ -125,11 +113,11 @@
 errorSpec32=Tomcat version 3.2 only supports J2EE 1.2 Web modules
 errorSpec40=Tomcat version 4.0 only supports J2EE 1.2 and 1.3 Web modules
 errorSpec41=Tomcat version 4.1 only supports J2EE 1.2 and 1.3 Web modules
-errorSpec50=Tomcat version 5.0 only supports J2EE 1.2 and 1.3 and 1.4 Web modules
-errorSpec55=Tomcat version 5.5 only supports J2EE 1.2 and 1.3 and 1.4 Web modules
+errorSpec50=Tomcat version 5.0 only supports J2EE 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 Web modules
+errorSpec55=Tomcat version 5.5 only supports J2EE 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 Web modules
 errorInstallDir=The Tomcat installation directory is not correct.
-warningJRE=Tomcat requires an SDK in order to compile JSP files. Ensure that the JRE preference settings point to an SDK install location.
+warningJRE=Tomcat requires a Java SDK in order to compile JSP files. Ensure that the JRE preference settings point to an SDK install location.
 # Actions (used in undo/redo menus)
 serverEditorActionSetSecure=set security