| ############################################################################### |
| # Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 IBM Corporation and others. |
| # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation |
| ############################################################################### |
| |
| runtimeTypeTitle=Generic J2EE Runtime |
| runtimeTypeDescription=Define a generic J2EE runtime. Specify a directory containing jar files to compile against. |
| runtimeTypeName=Na&me: |
| runtimeTypeLocation=&Location: |
| browse=B&rowse... |
| runtimeTypeSelectLocation=Select the location of the runtime. |
| runtimeTypeJRE=&JRE: |
| runtimeTypeDefaultJRE=Workbench default JRE |
| runtimeTypeInstalledJREs=In&stalled JREs... |
| |
| classpathContainer=Server Library |
| classpathContainerDescription=Select a server runtime to add to the classpath |
| classpathContainerRuntimeList=Select a &runtime to add to the classpath: |
| |
| errorInternalCactus=Internal error while attempting to launch Cactus |
| |
| LaunchTestAction_message_selectConfiguration=Select a Test Configuration |
| LaunchTestAction_message_selectDebugConfiguration=Select JUnit configuration to debug |
| LaunchTestAction_message_selectRunConfiguration=Select JUnit configuration to run |
| |
| NewServletTestCaseWizard_WindowTitle=New Cactus Test Case |
| NewServletTestCaseWizard_ErrorMessageTitleMissingLibrary=Missing library |
| NewServletTestCaseWizard_ErrorMessageMissingLibrary=You are missing cactus dependencies in your web project. Would you like to install them? |
| NewServletTestCaseWizard_ErrorTitleNew=New |
| NewServletTestCaseWizard_ErrorTitleCreateOfElementFailed=Creation of element failed. |
| NewServletTestCaseWizard_ErrorMessageSeeErrorLog=See error log for more details. |
| NewServletTestCaseWizard_WarningMessageSelectAWebProject=Warning: Cactus libraries can only be installed in a web project. Please select a web project. |
| NewServletTestCaseWizard_WarningTitleWebProjectRequired=Web project required. |
| NewServletTestCaseWizard_WarningMessageSuperclassIsEmpty=Superclass is empty. |
| NewServletTestCaseWizard_WarningMessageSuperclassDoesNotExist=Superclass does not exist. |
| NewServletTestCaseWizard_WarningMessageSuperclassIsInterface=Superclass is interface. |
| NewServletTestCaseWizard_WarningMessageSuperclassNotServletTestCase=Superclass does not extends org.apache.cactus.ServletTestCase. |
| CactusAddLibrariesProposal_ErrorMessageCouldntInstallLibraries=Couldn't install libraries |
| CactusAddLibrariesProposal_ErrorMessageCactusBundleNotFound=Cactus bundle could not be found. |
| CactusAddLibrariesProposal_ErrorMessageDestDirNotFound=Destination folder did not exist. |
| CactusAddLibrariesProposal_ErrorMessageInstallationOfLibsFailed=Installation of libraries failed. |
| CactusAddLibrariesProposal_ErrorMessageInstallDirNotFound=Cactus install directory could not be found |
| CactusAddLibrariesProposal_AdditionalInfoAddCactusLibraries=Add the Cactus libraries to do the WEB-INF/lib directory |
| CactusAddLibrariesProposal_DisplayStringAddCactusLibs=Add Cactus Libraries |