How to build

Components in this project are built using Maven and its Tycho plugins for the build of Eclipse artifacts. To build locally, simply execute the command line in the releng directory:

mvn clean install

By default the build will be done using the latest Papyrus and Eclipse release target platform

Other Options


Use the following command to run the build on the nightly target platform :

mvn clean install -Pneon-papyrusnightly


Use the following command to run the build on the Latest Milestone target platform:

mvn clean install -Pneon-papyrusmilestone


To run codegen go into releng/codegen and launch

For the release:

mvn clean install -PusePapyrusReleases

For the Nightlies:

mvn clean install  -PusePapyrusNightlies

For the Milestones:

mvn clean install -PusePapyrusMilestones