blob: 4d48b13145a3896385c0972a89f09e0f6eda6b66 [file] [log] [blame]
// umlrtlogprotocol.hh
* Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Zeligsoft (2009) Limited and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
#include "umlrtmutex.hh"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
struct UMLRTObject_class;
struct UMLRTTypedValue;
// Protocol for log ports.
class UMLRTLogProtocol_baserole
UMLRTLogProtocol_baserole ( ) : ostream(stderr), isOpenFile(false) { }
// Output data with the new-line appended.
int log ( const char * fmt, ... ) const;
int log ( char c ) const;
int log ( short s ) const;
int log ( int i ) const;
int log ( long l ) const;
int log ( long long ll ) const;
int log ( unsigned char uc ) const;
int log ( unsigned short us ) const;
int log ( unsigned int ui ) const;
int log ( unsigned long ul ) const;
int log ( unsigned long long ull ) const;
int log ( float f ) const;
int log ( double d ) const;
int log ( const void * userData, const UMLRTObject_class * type ) const;
int log ( const UMLRTTypedValue & value ) const;
// Output data with NO new-line appended.
int show ( const char * fmt, ... ) const;
int show ( char c ) const;
int show ( short s ) const;
int show ( int i ) const;
int show ( long l ) const;
int show ( long long ll ) const;
int show ( unsigned char uc ) const;
int show ( unsigned short us ) const;
int show ( unsigned int ui ) const;
int show ( unsigned long ul ) const;
int show ( unsigned long long ull ) const;
int show ( float f ) const;
int show ( double d ) const;
int show ( const void * userData, const UMLRTObject_class * type ) const;
int show ( const UMLRTTypedValue & value ) const;
// Output newline(s).
int cr ( int numCr = 1 ) const;
// Output one newline followed by TAB characters.
int crtab ( int numTab = 1 ) const;
// Output a number of space characters.
int space ( int numSpace = 1 ) const;
// Output a number of TAB characters.
int tab ( int numTab = 1 ) const;
// Flush the output buffer.
int commit ( ) const;
// Redirect logging output. The application that uses this variant of #redirect is responsible
// for opening and closing the stream.
bool redirect ( FILE * ostream ) const;
// Redirect to a file by name. The RTS library is responsible for opening and closing the stream
// associated with the file. (The current version of the library will open the file when this
// method is called and only close the file when output is redirected to a different destination.
bool redirect ( const char * fname ) const;
// stdout and stderr are protected by a mutex to avoid individual log calls from clobbering
// each other during output. The application is expected to handle mutual exclusion for streams
// other than stdout and stderr.
UMLRTMutex * takeMutex ( ) const;
void giveMutex ( UMLRTMutex * mutex ) const;
// Output streams to direct log output.
mutable FILE * ostream;
// True if ostream is a file and needs to be closed if output is re-directed.
mutable bool isOpenFile;
// We avoid concurrent writes from multiple threads to stdout and stderr and the application
// must handle mutual exclusion for writes to other streams.
static UMLRTMutex stdoutMutex;
static UMLRTMutex stderrMutex;