blob: d4f5ac43ef47040248816eaa11b7166b3b64eba3 [file] [log] [blame]
// basedebug.hh - Base Debug (BD) run-time debugging.
* Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Zeligsoft (2009) Limited and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
#include "basedebugtype.hh"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// BASE Debug - BD - debug message output.
// BDEBUG is a macro for printing debug messages.
// The first parameter is the bdtype - BD_xxxx.
// Individual BD types can be enabled for output by setting the associated
// bit in the rdEnableMessageType (see below).
// By default, all types are disabled. For debugging specific components
// of the library or application, individual BD types can be enabled.
// Debug message - see BD.
#define BDEBUG(bdtype, FMT... ) \
do { \
if ((bdtype > 0) && (bdtype < BD_MAXPLUS1) && (base::debugGetEnabledTypes() & (1 << bdtype))) \
{ \
base::debugPrintf( bdtype, __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, FMT ); \
} \
} while( 0 )
// General software error.
#define SWERR( FMT... ) \
do { ::base::swerr( __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, FMT ); } \
while( 0 )
// Error when errno holds error.
#define SWERR_ERRNO( API ) \
do { ::base::swerrErrno( __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, errno, API ); } \
while( 0 )
namespace base
// Called from BDEBUG macro to output a debug log message.
void debugPrintf ( int bdtype, const char * file, int line, const char * method, const char * fmt, ...);
// Get the enabled types (as a mask)
long int debugGetEnabledTypes ( );
// Enable the overall debug log output feature.
void debugEnableSet ( bool enabled );
// Enable the terminal color escape sequences.
void debugEnableColorSet ( bool enabled );
// Enable/disable a single mask-type by name.
bool debugEnableTypeMaskNameSet( const char * name, bool enable );
// Specify a string list of types to enable/disable.
bool debugEnableTypeMaskSpecSet ( char * typeMaskSpec, bool enable );
// Enable or disable the type-name part of a debug log output.
void debugEnableTypeNameDisplaySet ( bool enabled );
// Enable or disable the timestamp part of a debug log output.
void debugEnableTimeDisplaySet ( bool enabled );
// Enable or disable the thread-id part of a debug log output.
void debugEnableThreadDisplaySet ( bool enabled );
// Enable or disable the file-name part of a debug log output.
void debugEnableFilenameDisplaySet ( bool enabled );
// Enable or disable the file line-number part of a debug log output.
void debugEnableLineNumberDisplaySet ( bool enabled );
// Enable or disable the method-name part of a debug log output.
void debugEnableMethodDisplaySet ( bool enabled );
// Enable or disable the user-message part of a debug log output.
void debugEnableUserMsgDisplaySet ( bool enabled );
// Return TRUE if type enabled.
bool debugTypeEnabled( long int type );
// Return TRUE if type enabled.
void debugLogData( long int type, uint8_t * data, size_t size );
// Output a summary of debug settings to standard output.
void debugOptionSummary ( );
// Output a summary of debug types to standard output.
void debugTypeSummary ( );
// Set a colour of output.
void debugColourDimBlue();
void debugColourBrightBlue();
void debugColourBrightRed();
// Reset the colour.
void debugColourReset();
// Print a error message to error log.
void swerr( const char * file, int line, const char * method, const char * fmt, ...);
// Print an error message to error log when you have an 'errno'.
void swerrErrno( const char * file, int line, const char * method, int errno_, const char * api);
#endif // BASEDEBUG_HH