blob: 9c22510edf4c364c711de2c2005b7c8d52ecce29 [file] [log] [blame]
// umlrttimerprotocol.hh
* Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Zeligsoft (2009) Limited and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
#include "umlrtmessage.hh"
#include "umlrttimerid.hh"
#include "umlrttimespec.hh"
#include "umlrtobjectclass.hh"
#include "umlrtprotocol.hh"
struct UMLRTCommsPort;
// Protocol for timer ports.
// Timer protocol for the timer port
class UMLRTTimerProtocol
enum SignalId { signal_timeout };
class InSignals { };
class OutSignals {
// Generate a time-out from a clock-time.
// User must check the returned Id for 'isValid'.
// First variant for passing no user-defined data. Second and third variants allow a user-defined data-type.
const UMLRTTimerId informAt( const UMLRTCommsPort * srcPort, const UMLRTTimespec & clockTime, UMLRTSignalElement::Priority priority = UMLRTSignalElement::PRIORITY_NORMAL ) const;
const UMLRTTimerId informAt( const UMLRTCommsPort * srcPort, const UMLRTTimespec & clockTime, const void * userData, const UMLRTObject_class * type, UMLRTSignalElement::Priority priority = UMLRTSignalElement::PRIORITY_NORMAL ) const;
const UMLRTTimerId informAt( const UMLRTCommsPort * srcPort, const UMLRTTimespec & clockTime, const UMLRTTypedValue & typedValue, UMLRTSignalElement::Priority priority = UMLRTSignalElement::PRIORITY_NORMAL ) const;
// Generate a time-out from a relative-time.
// User must check the returned Id for 'isValid'.
const UMLRTTimerId informIn( const UMLRTCommsPort * srcPort, const UMLRTTimespec & relativeTime, UMLRTSignalElement::Priority priority = UMLRTSignalElement::PRIORITY_NORMAL ) const;
const UMLRTTimerId informIn( const UMLRTCommsPort * srcPort, const UMLRTTimespec & relativeTime, void * userData, const UMLRTObject_class * type, UMLRTSignalElement::Priority priority = UMLRTSignalElement::PRIORITY_NORMAL ) const;
const UMLRTTimerId informIn( const UMLRTCommsPort * srcPort, const UMLRTTimespec & relativeTime, const UMLRTTypedValue & typedValue, UMLRTSignalElement::Priority priority = UMLRTSignalElement::PRIORITY_NORMAL ) const;
// Generate an interval timer that delivers one timeout signal per interval.
// Only relative times are valid for interval timers.
// User must check the returned Id for 'isValid'.
const UMLRTTimerId informEvery( const UMLRTCommsPort * srcPort, const UMLRTTimespec & relativeTime, UMLRTSignalElement::Priority priority = UMLRTSignalElement::PRIORITY_NORMAL ) const;
const UMLRTTimerId informEvery( const UMLRTCommsPort * srcPort, const UMLRTTimespec & relativeTime, void * userData, const UMLRTObject_class * type, UMLRTSignalElement::Priority priority = UMLRTSignalElement::PRIORITY_NORMAL ) const;
const UMLRTTimerId informEvery( const UMLRTCommsPort * srcPort, const UMLRTTimespec & relativeTime, const UMLRTTypedValue & typedValue, UMLRTSignalElement::Priority priority = UMLRTSignalElement::PRIORITY_NORMAL ) const;
// Cancel a timer. Returns true of timer was cancelled before time-out.
bool cancelTimer( const UMLRTCommsPort * srcPort, const UMLRTTimerId id ) const;
// Clock adjustments must be made between calls to 'timeAdjustStart()' and 'timeAdjustComplete()'
// to ensure the timing service delivers clock-time-based timeouts correctly.
// The resulting change in the platform clock must be computed and passed to the timer service
// after the adjustment has been performed.
// Timing services are suspended between these two method calls.
void timeAdjustStart( const UMLRTCommsPort * srcPort ) const;
void timeAdjustComplete(const UMLRTCommsPort * srcPort, const UMLRTTimespec & delta ) const;
typedef OutSignals Base;
typedef InSignals Conjugate;
static UMLRTTimerId allocateTimer( const UMLRTCommsPort * srcPort, bool isRelative, bool isInterval, const UMLRTTimespec & due,
UMLRTSignalElement::Priority priority, const void * userData, const UMLRTObject_class * type );
class UMLRTTimerProtocol_baserole : protected UMLRTProtocol, private UMLRTTimerProtocol::Base
UMLRTTimerProtocol_baserole( const UMLRTCommsPort * srcPort ) : UMLRTProtocol( srcPort ) { }
// See UMLRTTimerProtocol.
const UMLRTTimerId informAt( const UMLRTTimespec & clockTime, UMLRTSignalElement::Priority priority = UMLRTSignalElement::PRIORITY_NORMAL ) const
return UMLRTTimerProtocol::Base::informAt( srcPort, clockTime, priority );
const UMLRTTimerId informAt( const UMLRTTimespec & clockTime, const void * userData, const UMLRTObject_class * type, UMLRTSignalElement::Priority priority = UMLRTSignalElement::PRIORITY_NORMAL) const
return UMLRTTimerProtocol::Base::informAt( srcPort, clockTime, userData, type, priority );
const UMLRTTimerId informAt( const UMLRTTimespec & clockTime, const UMLRTTypedValue typedValue, UMLRTSignalElement::Priority priority = UMLRTSignalElement::PRIORITY_NORMAL ) const
return UMLRTTimerProtocol::Base::informAt( srcPort, clockTime, typedValue, priority );
// See UMLRTTimerProtocol.
const UMLRTTimerId informIn( const UMLRTTimespec & relativeTime, UMLRTSignalElement::Priority priority = UMLRTSignalElement::PRIORITY_NORMAL ) const
return UMLRTTimerProtocol::Base::informIn( srcPort, relativeTime, priority );
const UMLRTTimerId informIn( const UMLRTTimespec & relativeTime, void * userData, const UMLRTObject_class * type, UMLRTSignalElement::Priority priority = UMLRTSignalElement::PRIORITY_NORMAL ) const
return UMLRTTimerProtocol::Base::informIn( srcPort, relativeTime, userData, type, priority );
const UMLRTTimerId informIn( const UMLRTTimespec & relativeTime, const UMLRTTypedValue typedValue, UMLRTSignalElement::Priority priority = UMLRTSignalElement::PRIORITY_NORMAL ) const
return UMLRTTimerProtocol::Base::informIn( srcPort, relativeTime, typedValue, priority );
// See UMLRTTimerProtocol.
const UMLRTTimerId informEvery( const UMLRTTimespec & relativeTime, UMLRTSignalElement::Priority priority = UMLRTSignalElement::PRIORITY_NORMAL ) const
return UMLRTTimerProtocol::Base::informEvery( srcPort, relativeTime, priority );
const UMLRTTimerId informEvery( const UMLRTTimespec & relativeTime, void * userData, const UMLRTObject_class * type, UMLRTSignalElement::Priority priority = UMLRTSignalElement::PRIORITY_NORMAL ) const
return UMLRTTimerProtocol::Base::informEvery( srcPort, relativeTime, userData, type, priority );
const UMLRTTimerId informEvery( const UMLRTTimespec & relativeTime, const UMLRTTypedValue typedValue, UMLRTSignalElement::Priority priority = UMLRTSignalElement::PRIORITY_NORMAL ) const
return UMLRTTimerProtocol::Base::informEvery( srcPort, relativeTime, typedValue, priority );
// See UMLRTTimerProtocol.
bool cancelTimer( const UMLRTTimerId id ) const
return UMLRTTimerProtocol::Base::cancelTimer( srcPort, id );
// See UMLRTTimerProtocol.
void timeAdjustStart( ) const
UMLRTTimerProtocol::Base::timeAdjustStart( srcPort );
void timeAdjustComplete( const UMLRTTimespec & delta ) const
UMLRTTimerProtocol::Base::timeAdjustComplete( srcPort, delta );