blob: ecf031257dff17055ebc0ae8181398a071151c34 [file] [log] [blame]
// umlrtsignalelement.hh
* Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Zeligsoft (2009) Limited and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
#include <stdint.h>
#include "umlrtcommsport.hh"
#include "umlrtmutex.hh"
#include "umlrtobjectclass.hh"
#include "umlrtqueueelement.hh"
struct UMLRTCommsPort;
// Default-sized payload buffers are created when the signal is first
// used. Thereafter, the default-size payload buffer remains for future use
// (is never deallocated.)
// If the application requires more space than the default size, a temporary
// payload buffer is allocated from the heap. In this case, when the signal
// is 'freed', the temporary buffer is returned to the heap and the default
// payload buffer is restored.
class UMLRTSignalElement : public UMLRTQueueElement
// Message priorities.
// The code assumes 0 is lowest, and MAX-1 is largest legal value.
enum Priorities
typedef uint8_t Priority;
typedef int Id;
// Initialize the signal element and make sure the payload is large enough.
void initialize( Id id, const UMLRTCommsPort * srcPort, size_t payloadSize, Priority priority = PRIORITY_NORMAL );
// Basic initialization - no srcPort or signal id.
void initialize( size_t payloadSize, Priority priority = PRIORITY_NORMAL );
// Initialize the signal element with just and id and src port. Used for in-signals.
void initialize( Id id, const UMLRTCommsPort * srcPort );
// Deallocate a signal element.
static void dealloc( UMLRTSignalElement * element );
// Signal source - used to get destination port during sends.
const UMLRTCommsPort * getSrcPort() const { return srcPort; }
// Get the payload buffer.
uint8_t *getPayload() const { return payload; }
// Size - what the user thinks is the size and what the actual buffer size is (Max).
size_t getPayloadSize() const { return appPayloadSize; }
size_t getMaxPayloadSize() const { return maxPayloadSize; }
// Reference counting
void incrementRefCount() const;
void decrementRefCount() const;
int getId() const { return id; }
Priority getPriority() const { return priority; }
void setPriority( Priority priority_) { priority = priority_; }
// See documentation in UMLRTSignal.
void encode( const UMLRTObject_class * desc, const void * data, int arraySize = 1 );
void encode( const UMLRTObject_class * desc, int ptrIndirection, const void * data, int arraySize = 1 );
// See documentation in UMLRTSignal.
void decode( void * * decodeInfo, const UMLRTObject_class * desc, void * data, int arraySize = 1 );
void decode( void * * decodeInfo, const UMLRTObject_class * desc, int ptrIndirection, void * data, int arraySize = 1 );
// Pool allocation sanity check.
void setAllocated( bool allocated_ );
// This signal's ID.
uint32_t id;
// The src port for this signal.
const UMLRTCommsPort * srcPort;
// Keep a copy of the default-sized payload buffer.
uint8_t * defaultPayload;
// User-data is serialized into payload buffer.
// This buffer may be temporarily replaced with a larger buffer obtained
// from the heap.
uint8_t * payload;
Priority priority;
size_t appPayloadSize; // What user declared was the payload size.
size_t maxPayloadSize; // Actual buffer size.
// Set this true when a buffer larger than the default-size is allocated
// for a signal and must be deallocated when the signal is returned to the
// pool.
bool nonDefaultPayload;
// Set true when the signal is allocated (obtained) from the free-pool.
// Set false when the signal is returned to the free-pool.
// Used for sanity checks to detect access to uninitialized data.
bool allocated;
// Number of UMLRTSignal's referring to this element.
mutable int refCount;
// Mutex for reference counting.
mutable UMLRTMutex refCountMutex;
// Encoding information can be maintained internally (here) since there is always one encoder.
// Decoding information must be maintained within the decoding code. See UMLRTSignal #decode documentation.
void * encodeInfo;