Update .gitignore and fixed rts plugin classpath

* We ignore generated files and folders:
  - bin
  - target
  - xtend-gen
  - ._trace
  - xtumlrt.*/src
  - .gitignore (we have only one global gitignore)
* The classpath for org.eclipse.papyrusrt.rts included the missing (and
unnecessary) src folder. We removed this entry.

Change-Id: I8a310946f8c0a99902c787b26f1f6059534c8fab
Signed-off-by: Ernesto Posse <eposse@gmail.com>
2 files changed
tree: b1c49e053d1fe089e82fbc35f8278fdb64f28857
  1. .gitignore
  2. codegen/
  3. epl-v10.html
  4. notice.html
  5. pom.xml
  6. rts/