blob: 0130182b79a6c5d3cc92b8ace53005c078caabd5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 Zeligsoft (2009) Limited and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
package org.eclipse.papyrusrt.codegen.xtumlrt.trans
import org.eclipse.papyrus.C_Cpp.Include
import org.eclipse.papyrus.C_Cpp.Ptr
import org.eclipse.papyrusrt.xtumlrt.common.NamedElement
import org.eclipse.papyrusrt.xtumlrt.platformcppmodel.PlatformcppmodelFactory
import org.eclipse.papyrusrt.xtumlrt.platformmodel.PlatformElement
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList
import org.eclipse.papyrus.C_Cpp.C_CppPackage
import org.eclipse.papyrus.C_Cpp.NoCodeGen
import org.eclipse.papyrusrt.xtumlrt.platformcppmodel.CppInclude
import org.eclipse.papyrusrt.xtumlrt.platformcppmodel.CppPtr
import org.eclipse.papyrusrt.xtumlrt.platformcppmodel.GenerationProperties
* This class translates stereotypes from the Papyrus C++ profile into
* PlatformElements from xtumlrt.platform.cpp.model
* @author Ernesto Posse
class UML2xtumlrtCppProfileTranslator
static val INSTANCE = new UML2xtumlrtCppProfileTranslator
static def EList<PlatformElement> getPlatformElements( NamedElement element )
INSTANCE.getCachedPlatformElements( element )
* Given a UML2 NamedElement we translate each of its C++ stereotypes (from
* the Papyrus C++ profile) into corresponding {@link PlatformElement}s in the
* xtumlrt.platform.cpp.model.
* <p>We add a reference from each new {@link PlatformElement} to the
* (translated xtumlrt) {@link NamedElement}, more precisely the
* {@link NamedElement} is added to the {@link PlatformElement}'s list of
* {@code referredElements}.
* <p>We also add the newly created {@link PlatformElement} to the list of
* platform elements associated to the {@link NamedElement}. Since the
* {@link NamedElement} doesn't actually hold this list, we keep an internal
* cache with these associations. The list of platform elements of a given
* {@link NamedElement} can be accessed with the static
* {@link #getPlatformElements} method.
static def translateStereotypedElement
org.eclipse.uml2.uml.NamedElement element,
NamedElement newElement
if (element === null || newElement === null || element.applicableStereotypes === null)
for (stereotype : element.appliedStereotypes)
switch (
case "RTCppProperties":
translateRTCppProfileStereotype( element, newElement, stereotype )
case "C_Cpp":
translatePapyrusCppProfileStereotype( element, newElement, stereotype )
dispatch def create PlatformcppmodelFactory.eINSTANCE.createCppInclude
translateStereotype( Include include )
header = include.header
body = include.body
dispatch def create PlatformcppmodelFactory.eINSTANCE.createCppPtr
translateStereotype( Ptr ptr )
declaration = ptr.declaration
dispatch def create PlatformcppmodelFactory.eINSTANCE.createGenerationProperties
translateStereotype( NoCodeGen nocodegen )
generate = false
def EList<PlatformElement>
create new BasicEList<PlatformElement>
getCachedPlatformElements( NamedElement element )
static def translatePapyrusCppProfileStereotype
org.eclipse.uml2.uml.NamedElement element,
NamedElement newElement,
org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Stereotype stereotype
var PlatformElement platformElement = null
switch (stereotype.definition.classifierID)
case C_CppPackage.INCLUDE:
val include = element.getStereotypeApplication( stereotype ) as Include
if (include !== null)
platformElement = INSTANCE.translateStereotype( include )
case C_CppPackage.PTR:
val ptr = element.getStereotypeApplication( stereotype ) as Ptr
if (ptr !== null)
platformElement = INSTANCE.translateStereotype( ptr )
case C_CppPackage.NO_CODE_GEN:
val nocodegen = element.getStereotypeApplication( stereotype ) as NoCodeGen
if (nocodegen !== null)
platformElement = INSTANCE.translateStereotype( nocodegen )
if (platformElement !== null)
platformElement.referredElements.add( newElement )
INSTANCE.getCachedPlatformElements( newElement ).add( platformElement )
static def translateRTCppProfileStereotype
org.eclipse.uml2.uml.NamedElement element,
NamedElement newElement,
org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Stereotype stereotype
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("TODO: auto-generated method stub")
static def getCppInclude( NamedElement element )
val annotations = UML2xtumlrtCppProfileTranslator.getPlatformElements(element);
if( annotations == null || annotations.isEmpty() )
return null
annotations.findFirst[ it instanceof CppInclude ] as CppInclude
static def getCppPtr( NamedElement element )
val annotations = UML2xtumlrtCppProfileTranslator.getPlatformElements(element);
if( annotations == null || annotations.isEmpty() )
return null
annotations.findFirst[ it instanceof CppPtr ] as CppPtr
static def getGenerationProperties( NamedElement element )
val annotations = UML2xtumlrtCppProfileTranslator.getPlatformElements(element);
if( annotations == null || annotations.isEmpty() )
return null
annotations.findFirst[ it instanceof GenerationProperties ] as GenerationProperties