blob: bbb16057909e9224dd0e3fa16c0f22025cdb256c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 Rushan R. Gilmullin and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Rushan R. Gilmullin - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.osbp.vaaclipse.widgets.common;
* @author rushan
public class Vector {
private double x;
private double y;
public static Vector ortX = new Vector(1, 0);
public static Vector ortY = new Vector(0, 1);
public static Vector ZERO = new Vector(0, 0);
public static Vector vectorX(double x) {
return new Vector(x, 0);
public static Vector vectorY(double y) {
return new Vector(0, y);
* shortcut for vectorX
public static Vector vX(double x) {
return vectorX(x);
* shortcut for vectorY
public static Vector vY(double y) {
return vectorY(y);
public Vector(double x, double y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public static Vector valueOf(double x, double y) {
return new Vector(x, y);
public double getX() {
return x;
public void setX(double x) {
this.x = x;
public double getY() {
return y;
public void setY(double y) {
this.y = y;
public void setXY(double x, double y) {
public Vector getXProectionVector() {
return Vector.vectorX(this.x);
public Vector getYProectionVector() {
return Vector.vectorY(this.y);
public double getLength() {
return Math.sqrt(getX() * getX() + getY() * getY());
public Vector opposite() {
return new Vector(-this.getX(), -this.getY());
public Vector normalize() {
double len = getLength();
return new Vector(getX() / len, getY() / len);
public boolean isNull() {
return getX() == 0.0 && getY() == 0.0;
public Vector scale(double n) {
return new Vector(this.getX() * n, this.getY() * n);
public Vector div(double n) {
return scale(1 / n);
public Vector scaleX(double n) {
return new Vector(this.getX() * n, this.getY());
public Vector scaleY(double n) {
return new Vector(this.getX(), this.getY() * n);
public Vector plus(Vector v) {
return new Vector(this.getX() + v.getX(), this.getY() + v.getY());
public Vector minus(Vector v) {
return new Vector(this.getX() - v.getX(), this.getY() - v.getY());
public static double dotProduct(Vector v1, Vector v2) {
return v1.getX() * v2.getX() + v1.getY() * v2.getY();
public static double getAngle(Vector v1, Vector v2) {
// косинус угла между векторами
double cos = dotProduct(v1, v2) / (v1.getLength() * v2.getLength());
return Math.acos(cos);
public static Vector[] getOrtogonalOrts(Vector v) {
double len = v.getLength();
Vector ort1 = new Vector(v.getY() / len, -v.getX() / len);
Vector ort2 = new Vector(-v.getY() / len, v.getX() / len);
return new Vector[] { ort1, ort2 };
public String toString() {
return "(" + this.getX() + ", " + this.getY() + ")";
private static boolean sameSign(double val1, double val2) {
if (val1 == 0 && val2 == 0)
return true;
if (val1 == 0 && val2 != 0 || val2 == 0 && val1 != 0)
return false;
return (val1 > 0 && val2 > 0) || (val1 < 0 && val2 < 0);
public static boolean isEqual(Vector v1, Vector v2, double E) {
return Math.abs(v1.getX() - v2.getX()) < E
&& Math.abs(v1.getY() - v2.getY()) < E;
public static boolean isEqual(Vector v1, Vector v2) {
return v1.getX() == v2.getX() && v1.getY() == v2.getY();
public static boolean isSameDirection(Vector v1, Vector v2, double E) {
if (v1.isNull() || v2.isNull())
return false;
double s = v2.getX() != 0 ? v1.getX() / v2.getX() : v1.getY()
/ v2.getY();
Vector test2 = v2.scale(s);
if (isEqual(v1, test2, E)) {
// Проверка, что вектора направлены в одну и ту же сторону
return sameSign(v1.getX(), v2.getX())
&& sameSign(v1.getY(), v2.getY());
} else
return false;
public static boolean nonStrictCompare(Vector v1, Vector v2, double E) {
if (Math.abs(v1.getX() - v2.getX()) < E)
if (Math.abs(v1.getY() - v2.getY()) < E)
return true;
return false;
public static Vector maximum(Vector v1, Vector v2) {
return v1.getLength() > v2.getLength() ? v1.getCopy() : v2.getCopy();
public Vector getCopy() {
return new Vector(getX(), getY());