1. 0717d57 update jdt.core tests to v_A45 by Stephan Herrmann · 15 years ago
  2. ed07f3b preparations for upcoming otjld-tests. by Stephan Herrmann · 15 years ago
  3. e504c97 account for new IProblem NotVisibleRoleConstructor by Stephan Herrmann · 15 years ago
  4. 26da885 completing the update to helios M6 (version numbers of original changesets in old svn): by Stephan Herrmann · 15 years ago
  5. 13a070b update jdt.core tests to v_A39 using patch from the corresponding update in old svn (for 1.4.0) by Stephan Herrmann · 15 years ago
  6. 5ed21e4 initial commit in accordance with CQ 3784 by Stephan Herrmann · 15 years ago