blob: d83f37a4f13f9818e2f879d2ba761198adf5ae4a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015, 2016 Google, Inc and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Stefan Xenos (Google) - Initial implementation
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.INdVisitor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.Nd;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.db.IString;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.field.FieldByte;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.field.FieldLong;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.field.FieldManyToOne;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.field.FieldOneToMany;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.field.FieldString;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.field.StructDef;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.util.CharArrayUtils;
public class NdType extends NdBinding {
public static final FieldManyToOne<NdResourceFile> FILE;
public static final FieldManyToOne<NdTypeId> TYPENAME;
public static final FieldManyToOne<NdTypeSignature> SUPERCLASS;
public static final FieldOneToMany<NdTypeInterface> INTERFACES;
public static final FieldManyToOne<NdTypeId> DECLARING_TYPE;
public static final FieldManyToOne<NdMethodId> DECLARING_METHOD;
public static final FieldOneToMany<NdMethod> METHODS;
public static final FieldOneToMany<NdTypeAnnotationInType> TYPE_ANNOTATIONS;
public static final FieldOneToMany<NdAnnotationInType> ANNOTATIONS;
public static final FieldString MISSING_TYPE_NAMES;
public static final FieldString SOURCE_FILE_NAME;
public static final FieldString INNER_CLASS_SOURCE_NAME;
public static final FieldByte FLAGS;
public static final FieldLong TAG_BITS;
* Binary name that was recorded in the .class file if different from the binary
* name that was determined by the .class's name and location. This is only set for
* .class files that have been moved to the wrong folder.
public static final FieldString FIELD_DESCRIPTOR_FROM_CLASS;
public static final StructDef<NdType> type;
static {
type = StructDef.create(NdType.class, NdBinding.type);
FILE = FieldManyToOne.createOwner(type, NdResourceFile.TYPES);
TYPENAME = FieldManyToOne.create(type, NdTypeId.TYPES);
DECLARING_TYPE = FieldManyToOne.create(type, NdTypeId.DECLARED_TYPES);
INTERFACES = FieldOneToMany.create(type, NdTypeInterface.APPLIES_TO);
SUPERCLASS = FieldManyToOne.create(type, NdTypeSignature.SUBCLASSES);
DECLARING_METHOD = FieldManyToOne.create(type, NdMethodId.DECLARED_TYPES);
METHODS = FieldOneToMany.create(type, NdMethod.PARENT, 6);
TYPE_ANNOTATIONS = FieldOneToMany.create(type, NdTypeAnnotationInType.OWNER);
ANNOTATIONS = FieldOneToMany.create(type, NdAnnotationInType.OWNER);
MISSING_TYPE_NAMES = type.addString();
SOURCE_FILE_NAME = type.addString();
INNER_CLASS_SOURCE_NAME = type.addString();
FLAGS = type.addByte();
TAG_BITS = type.addLong();
public static final byte FLG_TYPE_ANONYMOUS = 0x0001;
public static final byte FLG_TYPE_LOCAL = 0x0002;
public static final byte FLG_TYPE_MEMBER = 0x0004;
public static final byte FLG_GENERIC_SIGNATURE_PRESENT = 0x0008;
public NdType(Nd nd, long address) {
super(nd, address);
public NdType(Nd nd, NdResourceFile resource) {
FILE.put(nd, this.address, resource);
* Called to populate the cache for the bindings in the class scope.
public void acceptUncached(INdVisitor visitor) throws CoreException {
public NdTypeId getTypeId() {
return TYPENAME.get(getNd(), this.address);
public void setTypeId(NdTypeId typeId) {
TYPENAME.put(getNd(), this.address, typeId);
public void setFile(NdResourceFile file) {
FILE.put(getNd(), this.address, file);
public NdResourceFile getFile() {
return FILE.get(getNd(), this.address);
* Sets the source name for this type.
public void setSourceNameOverride(char[] sourceName) {
char[] oldSourceName = getSourceName();
if (!CharArrayUtils.equals(oldSourceName, sourceName)) {
INNER_CLASS_SOURCE_NAME.put(getNd(), this.address, sourceName);
public IString getSourceNameOverride() {
return INNER_CLASS_SOURCE_NAME.get(getNd(), this.address);
public long getResourceAddress() {
return FILE.getAddress(getNd(), this.address);
public void setSuperclass(NdTypeSignature superclassTypeName) {
SUPERCLASS.put(getNd(), this.address, superclassTypeName);
public NdTypeSignature getSuperclass() {
return SUPERCLASS.get(getNd(), this.address);
public List<NdTypeInterface> getInterfaces() {
return INTERFACES.asList(getNd(), this.address);
public NdResourceFile getResourceFile() {
return FILE.get(getNd(), this.address);
public void setDeclaringMethod(NdMethodId createMethodId) {
DECLARING_METHOD.put(getNd(), this.address, createMethodId);
* @param createTypeIdFromBinaryName
public void setDeclaringType(NdTypeId createTypeIdFromBinaryName) {
DECLARING_TYPE.put(getNd(), this.address, createTypeIdFromBinaryName);
public NdTypeId getDeclaringType() {
return DECLARING_TYPE.get(getNd(), this.address);
* Sets the missing type names (if any) for this class. The names are encoded in a comma-separated list.
public void setMissingTypeNames(char[] contents) {
MISSING_TYPE_NAMES.put(getNd(), this.address, contents);
* Returns the missing type names as a comma-separated list
public IString getMissingTypeNames() {
return MISSING_TYPE_NAMES.get(getNd(), this.address);
public void setSourceFileName(char[] sourceFileName) {
SOURCE_FILE_NAME.put(getNd(), this.address, sourceFileName);
public IString getSourceFileName() {
return SOURCE_FILE_NAME.get(getNd(), this.address);
public void setAnonymous(boolean anonymous) {
setFlag(FLG_TYPE_ANONYMOUS, anonymous);
public void setIsLocal(boolean local) {
setFlag(FLG_TYPE_LOCAL, local);
public void setIsMember(boolean member) {
setFlag(FLG_TYPE_MEMBER, member);
public boolean isAnonymous() {
return getFlag(FLG_TYPE_ANONYMOUS);
public boolean isLocal() {
return getFlag(FLG_TYPE_LOCAL);
public boolean isMember() {
return getFlag(FLG_TYPE_MEMBER);
public void setFlag(byte flagConstant, boolean value) {
int oldFlags = FLAGS.get(getNd(), this.address);
int newFlags = ((oldFlags & ~flagConstant) | (value ? flagConstant : 0));
FLAGS.put(getNd(), this.address, (byte)newFlags);
public boolean getFlag(byte flagConstant) {
return (FLAGS.get(getNd(), this.address) & flagConstant) != 0;
public char[] getSourceName() {
IString sourceName = getSourceNameOverride();
if (sourceName.length() != 0) {
return sourceName.getChars();
char[] simpleName = getTypeId().getSimpleNameCharArray();
return JavaNames.simpleNameToSourceName(simpleName);
public NdMethodId getDeclaringMethod() {
return DECLARING_METHOD.get(getNd(), this.address);
public List<NdTypeParameter> getTypeParameters() {
return TYPE_PARAMETERS.asList(getNd(), this.address);
public List<NdTypeAnnotationInType> getTypeAnnotations() {
return TYPE_ANNOTATIONS.asList(getNd(), this.address);
public List<NdAnnotationInType> getAnnotations() {
return ANNOTATIONS.asList(getNd(), this.address);
public List<NdMethod> getMethods() {
return METHODS.asList(getNd(), this.address);
public String toString() {
try {
return "class " + new String(getSourceName()); //$NON-NLS-1$
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
return super.toString();
public void setTagBits(long tagBits) {
TAG_BITS.put(getNd(), this.address, tagBits);
public long getTagBits() {
return TAG_BITS.get(getNd(), this.address);
public void setFieldDescriptorFromClass(char[] fieldDescriptorFromClass) {
FIELD_DESCRIPTOR_FROM_CLASS.put(getNd(), this.address, fieldDescriptorFromClass);
* Returns the field descriptor for this type, based on the binary type information stored in the
* .class file itself. Note that this may differ from the field descriptor of this type's typeId in
* the event that the .class file has been moved.
public IString getFieldDescriptor() {
IString descriptorFromClass = FIELD_DESCRIPTOR_FROM_CLASS.get(getNd(), this.address);
if (descriptorFromClass.length() == 0) {
return getTypeId().getFieldDescriptor();
return descriptorFromClass;