blob: 54671828f634d948f14431c128960502a964cbd0 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of "Object Teams Development Tooling"-Software
* Copyright 2013 GK Software AG
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Please visit for updates and contact.
* Contributors:
* Stephan Herrmann - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.objectteams.internal.osgi.weaving;
import static org.eclipse.objectteams.otequinox.Activator.log;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.internal.osgi.weaving.AspectBindingRegistry.WaitingTeamRecord;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otequinox.ActivationKind;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otequinox.hook.ILogger;
import org.objectteams.ITeam;
import org.objectteams.Team;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
* This class triggers the actual loading/instantiation/activation of teams.
* <p>
* It implements a strategy of deferring those teams where instantiation/activation
* failed (NoClassDefFoundError), which assumably happens, if one required class
* cannot be loaded, because its loading is already in progress further down in
* our call stack.
* </p><p>
* Which teams participate in deferred instantiation is communicated via the list
* {@link #deferredTeams}.
* </p>
public class TeamLoader {
private List<WaitingTeamRecord> deferredTeams;
/** did we record the fact that a team needs deferring? */
boolean needDeferring;
public TeamLoader(List<WaitingTeamRecord> deferredTeams) {
this.deferredTeams = deferredTeams;
/** Team loading, 1st attempt (trying to do all three phases load/instantiate/activate). */
public boolean loadTeams(Bundle aspectBundle, AspectBinding aspectBinding, String className) {
Collection<String> teamsForBase = aspectBinding.getTeamsForBase(className);
if (teamsForBase == null) return true;
for (String teamForBase : teamsForBase) {
// Load:
Class<? extends ITeam> teamClass;
teamClass = findTeamClass(teamForBase, aspectBundle);
if (teamClass == null) {
log(new ClassNotFoundException("Not found: "+teamForBase), "Failed to load team "+teamForBase);
// Instantiate?
ActivationKind activationKind = aspectBinding.getActivation(teamForBase);
if (activationKind == ActivationKind.NONE)
ITeam teamInstance = instantiateTeam(aspectBinding, teamClass, teamForBase);
if (teamInstance == null)
// Activate?
activateTeam(aspectBinding, teamForBase, teamInstance, activationKind);
return !needDeferring; // TODO, need to figure out whether we're done with aspectBinding.
/** Team loading, subsequent attempts. */
public void instantiateWaitingTeam(WaitingTeamRecord record)
throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException
ITeam teamInstance = record.teamInstance;
String teamName = record.getTeamName();
if (teamInstance == null) {
// Instantiate (we only get here if activationKind != NONE)
teamInstance = instantiateTeam(record.aspectBinding, record.teamClass, teamName);
if (teamInstance == null)
// Activate?
ActivationKind activationKind = record.aspectBinding.getActivation(teamName);
activateTeam(record.aspectBinding, teamName, teamInstance, activationKind);
public static Pair<URL,String> findTeamClassResource(String className, Bundle bundle) {
for (String candidate : possibleTeamNames(className)) {
URL result = bundle.getResource(candidate.replace('.', '/')+".class");
if (result != null)
return new Pair<>(result, candidate);
return null;
public static Class<? extends ITeam> findTeamClass(String className, Bundle bundle) {
for (String candidate : possibleTeamNames(className)) {
try {
Class<?> result = bundle.loadClass(candidate);
if (result != null)
return (Class<? extends ITeam>) result;
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError|ClassNotFoundException e) {
// keep looking
return null;
* Starting from currentName compute a list of potential binary names of (nested) teams
* using "$__OT__" as the separator, to find class parts of nested teams.
public static List<String> possibleTeamNames(String currentName) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
char sep = '.'; // assume source name
if (currentName.indexOf('$') > -1)
// binary name
sep = '$';
int from = currentName.length()-1;
while (true) {
int pos = currentName.lastIndexOf(sep, from);
if (pos == -1)
String prefix = currentName.substring(0, pos);
String postfix = currentName.substring(pos+1);
if (sep=='$') {
if (!postfix.startsWith("__OT__"))
result.add(0, currentName = prefix+"$__OT__"+postfix);
} else {
// heuristic:
// only replace if parent element looks like a class (expected to start with uppercase)
int prevDot = prefix.lastIndexOf('.');
if (prevDot > -1 && Character.isUpperCase(prefix.charAt(prevDot+1)))
result.add(0, currentName = prefix+"$__OT__"+postfix);
from = pos-1;
return result;
private @Nullable ITeam instantiateTeam(AspectBinding aspectBinding, Class<? extends ITeam> teamClass, String teamName) {
try {
ITeam instance = teamClass.newInstance();
log(ILogger.INFO, "Instantiated team "+teamName);
return instance;
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError ncdfe) {
needDeferring = true;
synchronized(deferredTeams) {
deferredTeams.add(new WaitingTeamRecord(teamClass, aspectBinding, ncdfe.getMessage().replace('/','.')));
} catch (Throwable e) {
// application error during constructor execution?
log(e, "Failed to instantiate team "+teamName);
return null;
private void activateTeam(AspectBinding aspectBinding, String teamName, ITeam teamInstance, ActivationKind activationKind)
// don't try to activate before all base classes successfully load.
ClassLoader loader = teamInstance.getClass().getClassLoader();
for (String baseclass : aspectBinding.basesPerTeam.get(teamName)) {
try {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
synchronized (deferredTeams) {
deferredTeams.add(new WaitingTeamRecord(teamInstance, aspectBinding, baseclass)); // TODO(SH): synchronization, deadlock?
// good to go, so go:
try {
switch (activationKind) {
case THREAD:
} catch (Throwable t) {
// application errors during activation
log(t, "Failed to activate team "+teamName);