| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <project name="OTDT Doc Isv Build" default="all" basedir="." > |
| |
| <target name="init"> |
| <available file="${basedir}/index" property="index.present"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="all" depends="init" unless="index.present"> |
| <antcall target="convertSchemaToHtml" /> |
| <!--antcall target="generateJavadoc" /--> |
| <!--antcall target="build.index" /--> |
| <!--antcall target="createDocZip" /--> |
| </target> |
| |
| |
| <target name="build.index" description="Builds search index for the plug-in: org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.ui.help" if="eclipse.running"> |
| <help.buildHelpIndex manifest="${basedir}/plugin.xml" destination="${basedir}"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="convertSchemaToHtml" if="eclipse.running"> |
| <mkdir dir="reference"/> |
| <property name="dest" value="reference/extension-points" /> |
| <record name="${basedir}/otdtconvert.txt" action="start"/> |
| <echo message="recording schema conversion ... in ${basedir}/otdtconvert.txt"/> |
| |
| <pde.convertSchemaToHTML |
| manifest="../org.eclipse.objectteams.otequinox/plugin.xml" |
| destination="${dest}"/> |
| <!--cssURL="file:../../css/schema.css" broken see https://bugs.eclipse.org/300826 --> |
| |
| <echo message="done recording schema conversion in ${basedir}/otdtconvert.txt"/> |
| |
| <record name="${basedir}/otdtconvert.txt" action="stop"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="getJavadocPath"> |
| <available file="${java.home}/../bin/javadoc.exe" property="javadoc" value="${java.home}/../bin/javadoc.exe"/> |
| <available file="${java.home}/../bin/javadoc" property="javadoc" value="${java.home}/../bin/javadoc" /> |
| </target> |
| |
| |
| <target name="generateJavadoc" depends="getJavadocPath" if="javadoc"> |
| |
| <!--HACK to ensure the platform doc is built before JDT - call to this script should be moved to build.jars target--> |
| <available file="../org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv/index" property="platform.index.present"/> |
| <antcall target="buildPlatformDoc" /> |
| |
| <property name="optionsFile" value="jdtOptions.tmp.txt" /> |
| <copy file="jdtOptions.txt" tofile="${optionsFile}" overwrite="true" /> |
| |
| <condition property="argsListDelimiter" value=":"> |
| <os family="unix" /> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="argsListDelimiter" value=";"> |
| <os family="windows" /> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <replaceregexp file="${basedir}/${optionsFile}" flags="g" match="(\r\n?|\n);" replace="${argsListDelimiter}" /> |
| <replace file="${basedir}/${optionsFile}" token="@rt@" value="${bootclasspath}" /> |
| <replace file="${basedir}/${optionsFile}" token="@baseLocation@" value="${baseLocation}" /> |
| |
| |
| <!--scrub isv plugin directories of any preexisting api doc content--> |
| <delete dir="reference/api"/> |
| <mkdir dir="reference/api"/> |
| |
| <exec dir="." executable="${javadoc}" output="doc.bin.log"> |
| <arg line="@${basedir}/${optionsFile} -J-Xmx500M" /> |
| </exec> |
| <antcall target="generateJdtAptJavadoc" /> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="generateJdtAptJavadoc"> |
| <property name="javadoc15" value="${javadoc}" /> |
| |
| <property name="jdtaptoptionsFile" value="jdtaptOptions.tmp.txt" /> |
| <copy file="jdtaptOptions.txt" tofile="${jdtaptoptionsFile}" overwrite="true" /> |
| |
| <condition property="argsListDelimiter" value=":"> |
| <os family="unix" /> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="argsListDelimiter" value=";"> |
| <os family="windows" /> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <replaceregexp file="${basedir}/${jdtaptoptionsFile}" flags="g" match="(\r\n?|\n);" replace="${argsListDelimiter}" /> |
| <replace file="${basedir}/${jdtaptoptionsFile}" token="@rt@" value="${bootclasspath}" /> |
| |
| <!--scrub isv plugin directories of any preexisting api doc content--> |
| <delete dir="reference/apt" /> |
| <mkdir dir="reference/apt" /> |
| |
| <exec dir="." executable="${javadoc15}" output="jdtapt.doc.bin.log"> |
| <arg line="@${basedir}/${jdtaptoptionsFile} -J-Xmx500M" /> |
| </exec> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="buildPlatformDoc" unless="platform.index.present"> |
| <ant antfile="buildDoc.xml" dir="../org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv" /> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="createDocZip"> |
| <zip zipfile="${basedir}/doc.zip" |
| basedir="${basedir}" |
| includes="book.css, cpy.png, notices.html, about.html, no_help_exists.htm, concepts/**, gettingStarted/**, images/**, reference/**, tasks/**,samples/**,guide/**,questions/**" |
| /> |
| </target> |
| |
| </project> |