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<cheatsheet title="Simple Object Teams Program">
Welcome to the Object Teams tutorial.
It will help you build a small Object Teams program.
You will create an <b>Object Teams project</b>, a <b>Base class</b>,
a <b>Team class</b> and a <b>Role class</b> which contains two
kinds of bindings: a <b>callout binding</b> and a <b>callin binding</b>.
Let's get started!
title="Open the Object Teams Perspective">
Select <b>Window-&gt;Open Perspective-&gt;Object Teams</b> in the menubar at
the top of the workbench. This step changes the perspective to
set up the Eclipse workbench for Object Teams development. You can
click the "Click to Perform" button to have the "Object Teams"
perspective opened automatically.
title="Create an Object Teams Project"
The first thing you will need is an Object Teams project. If you
already have an Object Teams project in your workspace that you
would like to use, you may skip this step by clicking the
&quot;Click to Skip&quot; button. If not, select <b>File-&gt;New-&gt;</b>
and choose <b>Object Teams Project</b> in the list. Complete the subsequent
pages as required. The &quot;New Object Teams Project&quot; wizard will be automatically
displayed when you click the &quot;Click to Perform&quot; button.
After creating the project, it will appear in the <b>Package Explorer</b>
view. Select the project by clicking it with the mouse, so that the next actions
will know that they apply to this project.
title="Create a Base class"
You should now have an Object Teams project in your workspace. The
next step in building your Object Teams application is to first
create a normal (Base) class. You may do this by either clicking
the "Click to Perform" button below to launch the "New Java Class"
wizard, or you may use the Eclipse tools to do it, by using the
<b>File-&gt;New-&gt;Class</b> action. Name your class for example
"<b>MyBase</b>". If you do not use the "Click to Perform" button below,
click the "Click to Skip" button to advance to the next step in
building your Object Teams application.
title="Add two methods to your Base class">
Now that you have your MyBase class, add, e.g., the following two
<br/><b>public void hello() { System.out.println("Hello"); }</b><br/>
<br/><b>public String getWorld() { return "World"; }</b><br/>
and save your changes. The first method will be used in a callin binding,
the other in a callout binding. These bindings will be members of a
Role class which you are going to create in a minute. Click the
"Click to Complete" button below when finished.
title="Create a Team class"
The next step in building your Object Teams application is to create a
Team class, which is going to be the enclosing context for the Role class.
You may do this by either clicking the "Click to Perform" button
below to launch the "New Team Class wizard", or you may use the Eclipse
tools to do it, by using the <b>File-&gt;New-&gt;Team</b> action.
Name your class, e.g. "<b>MyTeam</b>". If you do not use the "Click to Perform"
button below, click the "Click to Skip" button to advance to the next
step in building your Object Teams application.
title="Create a Role class"
The next step in building your Object Teams application is to create a
Role class for the previously created Team class.
You may do this by either clicking the "Click to Perform" button
below to launch the New Role Class wizard, or you may use the Eclipse
tools to do it, by using the <b>File-&gt;New-&gt;Role</b> action.
Name your class, e.g. "<b>MyRole</b>". Enter the name of the enclosing Team
you have created before, in this case "MyTeam". Now bind the Role class to
your previously created Base class, either by typing in its name ("MyBase")
into the designated input field, or by choosing the Base class after clicking
the "Browse..." button next to the input field. If you do not use the "Click
to Perform" button below, click the "Click to Skip" button to advance to the
next step.
title="Add two methods and two different bindings to your Role class">
Now that you have your "MyRole" class, add, e.g., the following two
<br/><b>public abstract String getAddressee();</b><br/>
<br/><b>public void greet() { System.out.println(getAddressee()); }</b><br/>
These are the Role methods that will be bound in a callout and callin
binding respectively. Let's add a callout binding:
<br/><b>getAddressee -&gt; getWorld;</b><br/>
and a callin binding:
<br/><b>greet &lt;- after hello;</b><br/>
and save your changes. Click the "Click to Complete" button below when finished.
title="Add a main method.">
In order to complete your application, add a main method to your Team class:
<br/><b>public static void main(String[] args) {</b>
<br/><b>MyTeam myTeam = new MyTeam();</b>
<br/><b>new MyBase().hello();</b>
Click the "Click to Complete" button below when finished.
title="Tutorial finished!">
Congratulations! You have built your first Object Teams program. Now let&apos;s run it!
On "MyTeam" (either in the package explorer or in the editor) select from the context menu:
<b>Run As-&gt;Java Application</b>.
Watch the <b>Console</b> view appear, showing the application&apos;s output!
You can later inspect and modify the run configuration by choosing in the menubar
<b>Run-&gt;Run-Configurations...</b> and searching the configuration for "MyTeam"
under "Java Application". An essential detail you will find in the "JRE" tab of
the run configuration dialog: Under the heading <b>Object Teams Runtime</b> there
is a checkbox <b>enable OTRE</b> which has to be checked for running OT/J programs
(default in Object Teams projects).
That&apos;s it, you are now ready for Object Teams development!