blob: 0413e508e892ffeea280ba9ea426e45e5e6db1a3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2016 GK Software AG, and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# Stephan Herrmann - initial API and implementation
SampleWizard_title=Sample Wizard
SampleWizard_overwrite=Project "{0}" already exists. Do you want to replace it?
ShowSampleAction_title=Object Teams Samples
SelectionPage_desc=Select the sample to create from the provided list.
ProjectNamesPage_projectName=Project name:
ProjectNamesPage_multiProjectName=Project name #&{0}:
ProjectNamesPage_title=Project names
ProjectNamesPage_desc=Select project names or accept the defaults.
ProjectNamesPage_noSampleFound=No sample has been selected.
ProjectNamesPage_duplicateNames=Duplicate project names.
ProjectNamesPage_emptyName=Project name cannot be empty.
ReviewPage_desc=Review the selected sample.
ReviewPage_descContent = <p>You have selected the following sample:</p>\
<p>If the selection is correct, press <b>Finish</b> to create the sample.</p>
ReviewPage_content = <p>You have selected the following sample:</p>\
<p>If the selection is correct, press <b>Finish</b> to create the sample.</p>
ReviewPage_noSampleFound=No sample has been selected.
<p><b>What you can do with the sample</b></p>\
<li>Browse the source code in the workspace.</li>\
<li>When ready, <a href="run">run the sample</a> and follow instructions in the <img href="help"/><a href="help">help document.</a></li>\
<li>Later on, you can re-run the sample by pressing the <img href="run"/><b>Run</b> icon on the tool bar.</li>\
<li>If you place breakpoints in the code, you can <a href="debug">debug it.</a></li>\
<li>Later on, you can debug the sample by pressing the <img href="debug"/><b>Debug</b> icon on the tool bar.</li>\
SampleOperation_creating=Creating projects...
<p><b>What you can do with the sample</b></p>\
<li><a href="browse">Browse the source code</a> in the workspace.</li>\
<li>When ready, <a href="run">run the sample</a> and follow instructions in the <img href="help"/><a href="help">help document.</a></li>\
<li>Later on, you can re-run the sample by pressing the <img href="run"/><b>Run</b> icon on the tool bar.</li>\
<li>If you place breakpoints in the code, you can <a href="debug">debug it.</a></li>\
<li>Later on, you can debug the sample by pressing the <img href="debug"/><b>Debug</b> icon on the tool bar.</li>\