| <?xml version="1.0"?> |
| <!-- |
| Copyright (c) 2010 Stephan Herrmann and others. |
| All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| |
| Contributors: |
| Stephan Herrmann - initial API and implementation |
| --> |
| <project name="Main Object Teams Build and Test Automation" default="INFO"> |
| |
| <target name="showGivenProperties" |
| description="Show values of all properties that should be passed from our caller."> |
| <echo>Properties passed into this script: |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| path of eclipse SDK: |
| eclipse-app.tgz = ${eclipse-app.tgz} |
| eclipse SDK build qualifier: |
| eclipse.sdk.qualifier = ${eclipse.sdk.qualifier} |
| path of eclipse test framework: |
| eclipse.tests.zip= ${eclipse.tests.zip} |
| path of published updates: |
| published.updates= ${published.updates} |
| should sources be built (true|false)? |
| do.build.all = ${do.build.all} |
| should test be run (true|false)? |
| do.run.tests = ${do.run.tests} |
| directory for tempory files during testing: |
| test.tmpDir = ${test.tmpDir} |
| git working area |
| fetchCacheLocation = ${fetchCacheLocation} |
| path to map file (with substitutions): |
| map.file.path = ${map.file.path} |
| |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| </echo> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="setupProperties" depends="showGivenProperties"> |
| |
| <dirname property="_toplevelDir" file="${ant.file}"/> |
| |
| <!-- main configuration file (version dependent names etc.): --> |
| <loadproperties srcfile="${_toplevelDir}/run.properties" /> |
| |
| <!-- ======== Directories (indentation shows structure): ======== --> |
| <!-- build scripts: --> |
| <property name="OTScriptDir" value="${_toplevelDir}" /> |
| <property name="buildfile" value="${OTScriptDir}/build.xml" /> |
| <property name="builder-otcompiler" value="${OTScriptDir}/OT-Compiler" /> |
| <property name="builder-otdt" value="${OTScriptDir}/OTDT-Build" /> |
| |
| <!-- directories for the build: --> |
| <property name="build.root.dir" value="${user.dir}/build-root" /> |
| <!-- These names are hard coded in pde-build: --> |
| <property name="buildDirectory" value="${build.root.dir}/src" /> |
| <property name="baseLocation" value="${build.root.dir}/eclipse" /> |
| |
| <!-- directories for testing: --> |
| <property name="test.root.dir" value="${user.dir}/test-root" /> |
| <!-- This name is used in individual test.xml of test plugins: --> |
| <property name="test.eclipseDir" value="${test.root.dir}/eclipse" /> |
| |
| <!-- directories for update sites: --> |
| <property name="compilerUpdatesDir" value="${user.dir}/updateSiteCompiler"/> |
| <property name="otdtUpdatesDir" value="${user.dir}/updateSite"/> |
| <property name="testsUpdatesDirBase" value="${user.dir}/updateSiteTests"/> |
| <!-- will have sub directories "eclipse" and "otdt" --> |
| |
| <!-- ======== Insert SDK build qualifier into our configuration files: ======== --> |
| <copy file="${map.file.path}.in" tofile="${map.file.path}"> |
| <filterset> |
| <filter token="SDK_QUALIFIER" value="${eclipse.sdk.qualifier}"/> |
| </filterset> |
| </copy> |
| <!-- Insert SDK build qualifier into our configuration file: --> |
| <copy file="${OTScriptDir}/test.properties.in" tofile="${OTScriptDir}/test.properties" overwrite="true"> |
| <filterset> |
| <filter token="SDK_QUALIFIER" value="${eclipse.sdk.qualifier}"/> |
| </filterset> |
| </copy> |
| |
| <!-- versions of test plugins: --> |
| <loadproperties srcfile="${OTScriptDir}/test.properties" /> |
| |
| <!-- ======== More Configuration Details: ======== --> |
| <!-- maybe obsolete: file prefix to distinguish output files. --> |
| <property name="file-id" value="XXX" /> |
| |
| <!-- Configure Java for STAGE 1 and STAGE 2 building: --> |
| <property name="vm" value="java" /> |
| <property name="vm.args" value="-Xmx912m" /> |
| |
| <property name="installmode" value="clean" /> |
| |
| <property name="saxon.jar.name" value="saxon8.jar" /> |
| <property name="saxon.jar.path" value="${user.home}/.ant/lib/${saxon.jar.name}" /> |
| <available file="${saxon.jar.path}" property="_hasSaxon.jar" /> <!-- on HIPP this is set to true by the caller --> |
| |
| <!-- ant's os.arch is slightly different than osgi's arch --> |
| <condition property="arch" value="x86_64"> <!-- HACK: hard coding 64-bit architecture --> |
| <os arch="i386" /> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="arch" value="ppc64"> <!-- HACK: hard coding 64-bit architecture --> |
| <os arch="ppc" /> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="arch" value="x86_64"> <!-- Map ant's arch to OSGi arch --> |
| <os arch="amd64" /> |
| </condition> |
| <!-- if not set above, set it to os.arch --> |
| <property name="arch" value="${os.arch}" /> |
| |
| </target> |
| |
| |
| <target name="INFO"> |
| <echo>Usage: |
| ant -f run.xml ot-junit-all -> runs OTDT Build and Testprocess |
| ant -f run.xml ot-junit-otdt -> runs OTDT Build and Testprocess excluding jdt tests |
| ant -f run.xml ot-junit-build -> runs just OTDT Buildprocess |
| ant -f run.xml ot-compiler-build -> just build the compiler |
| ant -f run.xml ot-junit-run -> runs just OTDT Tests w/o TestSetup |
| </echo> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="ot-junit-all" depends="setupProperties,checkOS" description="Build all and run all tests."> |
| <echo message="Starting BuildProcess and Testrun in ${build.root.dir}"/> |
| <antcall target="verifyAntInstall"/> |
| <antcall target="setupTests" /> |
| <antcall target="runAllTests"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="ot-junit-otdt" depends="setupProperties,checkOS" description="Build all and run otdt tests."> |
| <echo message="Starting BuildProcess and Testrun in ${build.root.dir}"/> |
| <antcall target="verifyAntInstall"/> |
| <antcall target="setupTests" /> |
| <antcall target="runOTDTTests"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="ot-junit-build" depends="setupProperties,checkOS" description="build everything without running tests"> |
| <echo message="Starting BuildProcess in ${build.root.dir}"/> |
| <antcall target="verifyAntInstall"/> |
| <antcall target="createOTDTEclipse"/> |
| <antcall target="setupTests" /> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="ot-compiler-build" depends="setupProperties,checkOS" description="build only the compiler (for debugging the build)"> |
| <echo message="Starting BuildProcess in ${build.root.dir}"/> |
| <antcall target="verifyAntInstall"/> |
| <antcall target="createOTCompilerEclipse"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="ot-junit-run" depends="setupProperties,checkOS" description="Run tests without building"> |
| <echo message="Starting Testrun ${test.root.dir}"/> |
| <antcall target="runAllTests" /> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="ot-junit-run-ot" depends="setupProperties,checkOS" description="Run OT tests without building"> |
| <echo message="Starting Testrun ${test.root.dir}"/> |
| <antcall target="runOTDTTests" /> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- =================== END Public Targets ==================== --> |
| |
| <!-- === Setup Targets: === --> |
| |
| <target name="verifyAntInstall" unless="_hasSaxon.jar"> |
| <copy failonerror="true" overwrite="false" file="${OTScriptDir}/${saxon.jar.name}" tofile="${saxon.jar.path}"></copy> |
| <echo message="Needed to copy saxon8.jar to ${saxon.jar.path}. Please restart the build." /> |
| <echo message="For an explanation, see http://ant.apache.org/faq.html#delegating-classloader-1.6" /> |
| <fail message="See above. Please restart the build."/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- checks on which os ant is run, set ${os} and ${ws} accordingly --> |
| <target name="determineOS"> |
| <condition property="os.isWindows"> |
| <os family="windows"/> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <condition property="os.isLinux"> |
| <os name="Linux" /> |
| </condition> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="checkOS" depends="determineOS,windows,linux"/> |
| |
| <target name="windows" if="os.isWindows"> |
| <echo message="OS is Windows"/> |
| <property name="os" value="win32" /> |
| <property name="ws" value="win32" /> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="linux" unless="os.isWindows" > |
| <echo message="OS is Linux"/> |
| <!-- eclipse-app.tgz is already passed from the calling script --> |
| <property name="os" value="linux" /> |
| <property name="ws" value="gtk" /> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="setupForCompile" depends="checkOS" unless="_hasCreatedOTDTEclipse"> |
| <antcall target="UnzipEclipse"/> |
| <antcall target="AddPluginsToEclipse"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="UnzipEclipse"> |
| <echo message="Extracting Eclipse (${eclipse-app.tgz}) in ${build.root.dir}..."/> |
| <mkdir dir="${build.root.dir}"/> |
| <untar compression="gzip" src="${eclipse-app.tgz}" dest="${build.root.dir}"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="AddPluginsToEclipse" description="Add git.pde.build plugins to the base Eclipse"> |
| <mkdir dir="${baseLocation}/dropins/plugins"/> |
| <copy file="${OTScriptDir}/lib/${git.pde.build}" todir="${baseLocation}/dropins/plugins" /> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- ==== BUILDING AND RUNNING: ==== --> |
| |
| <!-- ==== BUILD STAGE 1: ==== --> |
| <!-- setting an empty inputstring is a workaround for http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=34461 --> |
| <target name="createOTCompilerEclipse" depends="setupForCompile" description="create the bootstrapping Eclipse with OT/J compiler"> |
| <echo message="Invoke pdebuild for creating the OT-Compiler"/> |
| <java |
| inputstring="" |
| dir="${baseLocation}" |
| fork="true" |
| classname="org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main" |
| classpath="${baseLocation}/plugins/${org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_jar}"> |
| <arg value="-Dosgi.ws=${ws}"/> |
| <arg value="-Dosgi.os=${os}"/> |
| <arg value="-Dosgi.arch=${arch}"/> |
| <arg value="-application"/> |
| <arg value="org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner"/> |
| <arg value="-buildfile"/> |
| <arg value="${buildfile}"/> |
| <arg value="-Dbuild.root.dir=${build.root.dir}"/> |
| <arg value="-DbaseLocation=${baseLocation}"/> |
| <arg value="-DOTScriptDir=${OTScriptDir}"/> |
| <arg value="-Drun.eclipseScriptDir=${run.eclipseScriptDir}"/> |
| <arg value="-Dbuilder=${builder-otcompiler}"/> |
| <arg value="-D${installmode}=true"/> <!-- <- obsolete? --> |
| <arg value="-Dcomponent.short=OT-Compiler"/> |
| <arg value="-DotdtUpdatesDir=${compilerUpdatesDir}"/> |
| <arg value="-Dconfigs=*,*,*"/> |
| <arg value="-Dbaseos=${os}"/> |
| <arg value="-Dbasews=${ws}"/> |
| <arg value="-Dbasearch=${arch}"/> |
| <arg value="-Dtest.root.dir=${test.root.dir}"/> |
| <arg value="-Dtest.eclipseDir=${test.eclipseDir}"/> |
| <arg value="-DmapVersionTag=${mapVersionTag}"/> |
| <arg value="-Dmap.file.path=${map.file.path}"/> |
| <arg value="-DfetchCacheLocation=${fetchCacheLocation}"/> |
| <arg value="-Declipse-app.tgz=${eclipse-app.tgz}"/> |
| <arg value="-Declipse.tests.zip=${eclipse.tests.zip}"/> |
| <arg value="-Declipse.sdk.qualifier=${eclipse.sdk.qualifier}"/> |
| <!--arg value="-verbose" /--> |
| <jvmarg value="${vm.args}"/> |
| </java> |
| <!-- Now we should have an update site with the patch feature, time to install it into base: --> |
| <ant antfile="${OTScriptDir}/p2helper.xml" target="installFeature" dir="${baseLocation}"> |
| <property name="feature" value="org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.patch.feature.group"/> |
| <property name="sourceUpdatesDir" value="${compilerUpdatesDir}"/> |
| <property name="targetEclipseDir" value="${baseLocation}"/> |
| </ant> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- ==== BUILD STAGE 2: ==== --> |
| <!-- setting an empty inputstring is a workaround for http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=34461 --> |
| <target name="createOTDTEclipse" depends="createOTCompilerEclipse" unless="_hasCreatedOTDTEclipse"> |
| |
| <!-- Make org.eclipse.test.performance available while compiling test projects: --> |
| <echo message="Pre-installing Eclipse Test Framework into OTCompilerEclipse..."/> |
| <mkdir dir="${testsUpdatesDirBase}/eclipse"/> |
| <unzip dest="${testsUpdatesDirBase}/eclipse" src="${eclipse.tests.zip}"/> |
| <ant antfile="${OTScriptDir}/p2helper.xml" target="installFeature" dir="${baseLocation}"> |
| <property name="feature" value="org.eclipse.test.feature.group"/> |
| <property name="sourceUpdatesDir" value="${testsUpdatesDirBase}/eclipse"/> |
| <property name="targetEclipseDir" value="${baseLocation}"/> |
| </ant> |
| |
| <!-- pre-load updateSite with published releases: --> |
| <mkdir dir="${otdtUpdatesDir}/plugins"/> |
| <mkdir dir="${otdtUpdatesDir}/features"/> |
| <!-- don't use previous artifacts during the transition to OTDRE: |
| <exec executable="/bin/sh"> |
| <arg value="-c"/> |
| <arg value="ln -s ${published.updates}/features/* ${otdtUpdatesDir}/features/"/> |
| </exec> |
| <exec executable="/bin/sh"> |
| <arg value="-c"/> |
| <arg value="ln -s ${published.updates}/plugins/* ${otdtUpdatesDir}/plugins/"/> |
| </exec> |
| --> |
| <!-- pre-load category-less metadata: --> |
| <!-- |
| <copy failonerror="false" flatten="true" toDir="${otdtUpdatesDir}"> |
| <fileset dir="${user.dir}/metadata"> |
| <include name="*.xml"/> |
| </fileset> |
| </copy> |
| --> |
| |
| <echo message="Invoke pdebuild for creating a full OTDT"/> |
| <java |
| inputstring="" |
| dir="${baseLocation}" |
| fork="true" |
| classname="org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main" |
| classpath="${baseLocation}/plugins/${org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_jar}"> |
| <arg value="-clean"/> |
| <arg value="-Dosgi.ws=${ws}"/> |
| <arg value="-Dosgi.os=${os}"/> |
| <arg value="-Dosgi.arch=${arch}"/> |
| <arg value="-application"/> |
| <arg value="org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner"/> |
| <arg value="-buildfile"/> |
| <arg value="${buildfile}"/> |
| <arg value="-Dbuild.root.dir=${build.root.dir}"/> |
| <arg value="-DbaseLocation=${baseLocation}"/> |
| <arg value="-Drun.eclipseScriptDir=${run.eclipseScriptDir}"/> |
| <arg value="-DOTScriptDir=${OTScriptDir}"/> |
| <arg value="-Dbuilder=${builder-otdt}"/> |
| <arg value="-D${installmode}=true"/> |
| <arg value="-Dcomponent.short=OTDT-Build"/> |
| <arg value="-DotdtUpdatesDir=${otdtUpdatesDir}"/> |
| <arg value="-DtestsUpdatesDirBase=${testsUpdatesDirBase}"/> |
| <arg value="-Dbaseos=${os}"/> |
| <arg value="-Dbasews=${ws}"/> |
| <arg value="-Dbasearch=${arch}"/> |
| <arg value="-Dtest.root.dir=${test.root.dir}"/> |
| <arg value="-Dtest.eclipseDir=${test.eclipseDir}"/> |
| <arg value="-DmapVersionTag=${mapVersionTag}"/> |
| <arg value="-Dmap.file.path=${map.file.path}"/> |
| <arg value="-DfetchCacheLocation=${fetchCacheLocation}"/> |
| <arg value="-Ddo.run.tests=${do.run.tests}"/> |
| <arg value="-Ddo.build.all=${do.build.all}"/> |
| <arg value="-Declipse-app.tgz=${eclipse-app.tgz}"/> |
| <arg value="-Declipse.tests.zip=${eclipse.tests.zip}"/> |
| <arg value="-Declipse.sdk.qualifier=${eclipse.sdk.qualifier}"/> |
| <!--arg value="-verbose" /--> |
| <jvmarg value="${vm.args}"/> |
| <!-- arg value="${verboseAnt}"/ --> |
| <!-- arg value="-debug" / --> |
| </java> |
| <!-- At this point a local update site exists, thanks to p2gathering=true --> |
| |
| <ant antfile="${OTScriptDir}/p2helper.xml" target="patchMetadata" dir="${otdtUpdatesDir}"/> |
| |
| <property name="_hasCreatedOTDTEclipse" value="true" /> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- TESTING at STAGE 3: --> |
| <target name="setupTests" depends="createOTDTEclipse" description="Install the tests into an fresh OTDT"> |
| <available file="${buildDirectory}/label.properties" property="label.properties.exists" /> |
| <ant antfile="${OTScriptDir}/test.xml" target="setupTests" dir="${build.root.dir}"> |
| <property name="os" value="${os}" /> |
| <property name="ws" value="${ws}" /> |
| <property name="arch" value="${arch}" /> |
| <property name="baseos" value="${os}" /> |
| <property name="basews" value="${ws}" /> |
| <property name="basearch" value="${arch}" /> |
| <property name="eclipse-app.tgz" value="${eclipse-app.tgz}" /> |
| <property file="${buildDirectory}/label.properties" /> |
| <property name="otdtUpdatesDir" value="${otdtUpdatesDir}" /> |
| <property name="testsUpdatesDirBase" value="${testsUpdatesDirBase}" /> |
| </ant> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="runAllTests" description="Delegate to the next level script to perform the actual testing."> |
| <ant antfile="${OTScriptDir}/test.xml" target="all" dir="${build.root.dir}"> |
| <property name="os" value="${os}" /> |
| <property name="ws" value="${ws}" /> |
| <property name="arch" value="${arch}" /> |
| <property name="baseos" value="${os}" /> |
| <property name="basews" value="${ws}" /> |
| <property name="basearch" value="${arch}" /> |
| <property name="otdtUpdatesDir" value="${otdtUpdatesDir}" /> |
| <property name="testsUpdatesDirBase" value="${testsUpdatesDirBase}" /> |
| <property name="test.tmpDir" value="${test.tmpDir}"/> |
| <property name="vmargs" value="${vmargs}" /> |
| </ant> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="runOTDTTests" description="Delegate to the next level script to perform the actual testing."> |
| <ant antfile="${OTScriptDir}/test.xml" target="otdt-tests" dir="${build.root.dir}"> |
| <property name="os" value="${os}" /> |
| <property name="ws" value="${ws}" /> |
| <property name="arch" value="${arch}" /> |
| <property name="baseos" value="${os}" /> |
| <property name="basews" value="${ws}" /> |
| <property name="basearch" value="${arch}" /> |
| <property name="otdtUpdatesDir" value="${otdtUpdatesDir}" /> |
| <property name="testsUpdatesDirBase" value="${testsUpdatesDirBase}" /> |
| <property name="test.tmpDir" value="${test.tmpDir}"/> |
| <property name="vmargs" value="${vmargs}" /> |
| </ant> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- currently unused target name="collectResults"> |
| <ant target="collect" antfile="${test.root.dir}/library.xml" dir="${otresults}"> |
| <property name="includes" value="org.*.xml"/> |
| <property name="output-file" value="AllTestSuites.xml"/> |
| </ant> |
| </target --> |
| |
| </project> |